Chapter Four (Edited)

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Hwanwoong woke the next morning, his guard, Leedo, sitting on his little wooden stool just outside the open door. It was nothing new seeing the guard outside, the door, on days he stood watch in place of Ravn. But what the young prince could never get over was the fact that every morning, the light peeking through pastel pink and navy curtains would wake him. It was always this way, on days that the other was gone, the sun seemed like a wakening blimp reminding the prince that his favorite guard was off duty. It was nothing like the days the older would watch over the prince and wake him for breakfast.

"Leedo, how early is it?" He called out knowing full well that the other had the hearing of a hawk.

The guard barely glanced over his shoulder, into the room as he answered the prince who had sat up in bed. "Breakfast is being made as we speak, your parents have yet to rise and neither has your elder sister though Seoho has been awake with me."

Seoho, the personal guard of Hwanwoong's second elder brother, Keonhee.

"Have either one of you slept?" The prince asked in concern, knowing things ran differently when Ravn was gone. When Ravn was around, he would never stand guard outside the living quarters but always inside. There were nights he would stand guard out on the balcony on hot nights where the prince wished for the doors to remain open. Or he would be sitting in a chair across from the prince's bed, reading or napping when he could. Hwanwoong always assumed it was the same way with Seoho and his brother, though it be risqué for a personal guard to stay in the same living quarters as a prince. If anyone were to ever walk in to either prince's room, they'd never hear the end of it and that's not to say what would happen to their guard.

"Hm, we have." Leedo answered him with a curt nod. "Traded off with each other during the night so we could, it's nothing to worry about."

The small prince nodded to himself as he stood from bed, stretching out his body like a cat. "I'm still in yesterday's clothing."

"Ravn brought you to bed, you had fallen asleep in the study last night." Leedo answered as the boy walked around the room, the prince smiling softly at the thought of his favorite guard carrying off to bed.

"Oh," Hwanwoong sighed in content, moving to stand in the doorway a moment so that he could look the other over. "Remind me to thank him later."

"No need, it's part of his job." The guard answered, looking up at the shorter before standing from his stool to fidget around and stretch himself.

"You still have a lot to learn about me, don't you?" The boy bounced off to the door, grinning at the expressionless guard. "I like being friends with my personal guards, my sister is the same way. Because of that Ravn became and is now one of my best friends. I'd also like to be friends with you too, and besides friends give thanks all the time. So, why wouldn't I thank Ravn?" The boy pouted slightly as he looked up at the unamused guard. "I try to thank you, too, but you won't let me."

Leedo shook his head. "Just get dressed, Prince Hwanwoong."

"No fun, but alright." The prince continued his pout. "Um...can you call one of the maids up to run my bath please."

"She left not too long ago." The guard answered as the prince pulled from the doorway, walking back into the room but paused at the comment.

"H... how did you know I'd be up this early?" He was shocked knowing that someone else seemed to pick up on his sleeping schedule, he thought he tried keeping it hidden when Ravn was away.

"You usually are up early on days Ravn isn't here." And just on queue Leedo revealed just what the younger was thinking.


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