Chapter Twenty Three

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"It's been a few days now, has Apollyon agreed to have a sit down with us?" Leedo asked walking into the room leisurely plopping down in one of the chairs at the war table, his eyes cast over toward the bored looking king who sat in his throne with an immortal prince in his arms reading.

Xion sat set to Leedo, his own book in hand reading with his feet propped up against the table while Seoho and Keonhee flicked a figure, representing Seraphic on the mapped war table, back and forth.

"They have in fact preparations are being made now." Ravn stated.

"When do we leave?" The guard asked looking toward the king.

"We don't, they're actually coming to us." The demon king explained moving to slide to let the prince slide slowly into the throne while he stood stretching out his arms before moving down to the war table.

"How many demons will that make in here?" Leedo questioned.

"Most likely a grand total or twenty-five." Ravn stated with a heavy sigh. "Apollyon is a large enough kingdom to house three to four kings granted there is a king that sit higher than those few. At least three of the four lower kings will be here as well as the king that resides over them all, leaving one of their kings to look after their kingdom. With that said the kings that will be here will have personal guards and other personnel they need while here."

"And we're hosting what exactly?" Seoho piped up.

"A banquet and maybe a small stupid ball if they're the type." Ravn answered.

Hwanwoong vaguely listening to the conversation, set his book to the side and looked over at the table. "So, when will they be here? And do we have to worry about anything once they're here?"

"They'll be trickling in some time after dinner." Ravn looked over his shoulder at his beautiful lover, smiling softly at his beauty before continuing. "And we are all immortal, there is no longer a need to worry about the trivial things of an attack."

Leedo chuckled lowly casting a look over at the king as Xion absentmindedly brought his legs up to prop them on his own lover's lap, Leedo resting his hand on the younger's knee in affection as he spoke. "Your ego is swelling I suggest you dial it back some before it gets us in trouble."

Ravn sighed heavily leaning forward to rest his hands on the table before him. "Sorry it's just for once I feel like I don't have this immense weight on my shoulders. I've always learned to be ten steps ahead of the enemy instead of only few steps ahead. Of course, always in the fear of losing someone, I feel as if I can relax a bit more knowing you're all immortal. It helps ease my mind a bit knowing it's nearly impossible for any of us to be killed."

Hwanwoong slipped from the throne leaving his book in the seat before gliding down the stair and up behind his lover who he wrapped his arms around once he reached the king. His face pressed against the taller's back as he mumbled out a soft whispered. "We handle this together, there is no need to put so much pressure on yourself."

Ravn pulled from the table turning around in the younger's arms only to rest his head atop of Hwanwoong's. "I know but it's hard, for the longest time I've had to worry about everyone else. Worried about keeping Leedo safe when he and I went into battle together before we split ways. About Xion when I found him starving. I worried about you as Hwan and you now. I've even worried about Seoho and Keonhee any time your father talked of war. I've done so much worrying that I don't think I know how to stop."

It was silent a moment before it was suddenly broken my a giggling Xion, he was no longer reading his book, the leather-bound object lay forgotten in his lap. He was holding his side and tears nearly brimmed his eyes as he continued laughing. "Oh, you should have seen how worried he was when I told him how I planned to be become a demon just like him and Leedo."

Head still resting on Hwanwoong's, Ravn turned to glare at his son. "You were barley an adult and were already making that decision. I sure as hell know I didn't waste my time raising your ass just to have you turn around and tell me that you wanted to become a demon, something that only has a fifty-fifty chance of it working."

Xion smiled mischievously at his father. "It all worked out."

"If I wasn't immortal, I swear you would have killed me by now just worrying about you."

Hwanwoong chuckled softly moving to look up at Ravn, pulling his face back toward his, the king melting into the younger's touch closing his eyes as he took in the feel of the younger's touch. "You're off topic love, what need to be done before the kings all arrive? Is there anything you need help with?"

"Yes," Ravn opened his eyes pulled away back in his stressed mood. "Keonhee can you check with the kitchen staff and make sure that they're doing everything right?"

"Sure." The oldest prince moved to stand.

"Seoho can you accompany Leedo to the guard tower to make sure they all know their orders and that said orders get all around." The king asked, Seoho and Leedo both standing.

"Sounds easy enough." Seoho laughed.

Leedo scoffed. "Wait till you see how dense some of those pea brained idiots are."

"Great." Seoho mumbled.

"Xion, go check on the maid staff and make sure we have enough room and accommodations for the arrival.

Xion nodded, all men splitting off and going to do as asked, Hwanwoong the only one not moving along with the others as he turned looked at the king through innocent eyes. "And what of me?"

" have a very special task." Ravn smiled down at the younger.

"Oh," Hwanwoong asked cocking his head to the side.

"Yes, I hear the king here is very stressed out about this meeting and needs a bit of a distraction."

The younger laughed giggling, standing on his tip toes to brush a kiss against the king's lips. "Hmm, I think I can do just that." Just as Ravn went in for another kiss, though the boy pulled away with another giggle. Skipping off, he yelled out. "You'll have to catch me first!! And no using your demon powers to cheat."

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