Chapter Ten (Edited)

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Hwanwoong found himself standing before his father for the first time since his argument a few days prior. Ravn was in front of him, hiding him slightly as the two kings talked to one another.

"What do I owe the pleasure of seeing you twice in one week?" Valter asked staring the two down, mostly at the Demon king trying his best to ignore his youngest son.

"Hwanwoong knows the truth about his past life and that I am the Demon King of Daemonium." That first thing that Ravn said toward the other king, Valter's face twisting at the news.

"Of course, he knows." Valter barked out a bitter laugh.

"I'm also here to tell you I'm stealing him away for a month or more, I have business with the Apollyon kingdom." Ravn watched as a muscle in Valter's jaw jumped and a fist tightened against his throne.

"And before you argue with me you know my stance on leaving him here with anyone other than Leedo or myself. I'm not asking you permission more than I am telling you that this is what I plan on doing." Ravn stood tall; Hwanwoong amazed at how much confidence rolled off the man protecting him. "I will be away and with that someone needs to run my kingdom while I'm gone. Leedo is that choice, so he won't be around here to even so much as watch Hwanwoong for an hour. Hwanwoong is coming with me."

The king scoffed at the demon. "What gives you the right?"

Ravn stepped forward with a wicked glint in his eyes. "Remember I'm the one who kept this kingdom from crumbling to the ground three hundred years ago. Remember what happened when Gorm gained rule after Jerrick died. We both know who was truly king instead of him. And remember I'm the one who's keeping hordes of demons from raining hell upon your world even after what Gorm did to my family."

Hwanwoong stepped up placing his hand against Ravn's arm, his body facing him and almost pressed against his side. His eyes looking at the angered demon as he tugged on him until the man looked down to meet his gaze.

"Let me..." Ravn went to open his mouth to say something or to protest but closed it soon after the prince shook his head at him. The guard stepping aside to let the younger have the floor.

"As the reincarnation of Hwan, the Crowned Prince of Seraphic...a man who would have been rightful king to the throne you're sitting upon and as your son, I'd recommend you not cause a seen. As your son I've see who you favor more as your child and though I may not be complaining, I would like you to give me the decency of being able to control my life.

"You've withheld so much from me, and I may not have known Hwan's life and history until last night, but it was enough for me to remember own past. With that said you're just like his father which isn't a good thing. It wasn't for his children nor was it good for the kingdom."

Hwanwoong saw the look of anger cross his father's face but that didn't stop him from continuing on. "That man cared for nothing more than winning a war that cost him his son, the crowned prince's life. And have you seen Hwan's grave anywhere, because there isn't one! What kind of king does that make him if he can't even set a place for his own god damn son?!"

Another flash of anger. "Besides at this point Ravn has more say in my life than you ever will, he's the one who's been protecting me and has told me everything. What have you done other than point the blame at him for causing Hwan's death?"

The king pushed himself to his feet, eyes blazing as he moved toward his ungrateful son. There was a hard glare of the demon king behind the prince, and it stopped the king in his tracks. "You ungrateful little shit!"

Ravn took a step forward, pushing Hwanwoong behind him as the king tried moving once more.

"And you're a heartless bastard who is nothing more than a son of a bitch who deserved to be dethroned." A voice interrupted them, Keonhee walking into the room with Seoho and Leedo flanking him, eyes trained on his father.

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