Chapter Eighteen (Edited)

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"How are the both of you holding up?" Ravn asked his two children that littered around the room. Dongmyeong stood leaning against the nearest wardrobe, sharpening one of his knives. The king was very well aware of his son's anxious tick. As for his other son, the man was sitting across from their father on the other side of the bed.

"I...I'm not really sure to be honest, I just feel so numb." Xion answered softly, light grey eyes looking toward his other father. "I know Dongmyeong and I just met him a little while ago and that we don't have the same strength relationship we have with you but...he's my father too and it hurts. It hurts knowing he's like this and I can't stop myself from thinking that I'm losing a parent. Especially him...I wanted to get to know him more, have a real relationship with him. We only just got him can't go away that fast."

"I'm with Xion on this one, we may not have known him long, but we've just gotten our family back and I don't want to lose it." Dongmyeong answered as he finally put his knife down. "I don't like feeling like a scared little girl, it's why I joined Leedo and Yonghoon in training our troops. But right now, I'm scared."

"Come here." Ravn held open his arms, Dongmyeong walking over to crawl into his lap, something he hadn't done since he was a little.

"Why hasn't he woken up yet?" Dongmyeong whispered softly pulling from his elder father. "It's been nearly two weeks now."

Ravn sighed heavily, tightening his arms around his son. "I'm not sure. According to your grandmother, his water should have turned by now."

"Is she hopeful it will?" Xion asked, watching his brother.

"No," The king breathed out. "But she's sticking to it until I give up on him. I'm not going to give up that easily."

"Neither am I." Xion smiled sadly sitting back in his seat staring at the unmoving man that lay in the bed. "I just hope he wakes up soon."

"Me too." Dongmyeong mumbled into his father.

A soft silence settled over trio as they waited for the human to wake. No matter how long it took they would wait for him.


It was the soft buzzing of voices, the two voices that he felt his heart yearned to hear daily. And then he heard a soft voice he hadn't recognized, call out to him.

"Hwanwoong, wake up." It was like she was whispering in his ear.

He blinked his eyes open, blinking up at the bed canopy and cringing at the pain from the sunlight that shown through the curtains blowing in the wind. Hwanwoong squeezed his eyes shut with a soft groan leaving his lips, the soft voices of his husband and son ringing in his ear as they spoke again.

"Leedo, Keonhee is that one of you at the door?" Ravn groaned out, yet no response came as he moved to stand, Dongmyeong's body sliding off his lap and into his now empty seat. Walking toward the door, he swung it open to find the hallway completely empty.

Shrugging, he closed the door just as Xion spoke. "He's glowing...why is he glowing?"

At the words he turned back to walk over to see what his son was talking about but stopped dead in his tracks. His body was frozen as he laid eyes on Hwanwoong struggling to sit up in the bed...a very much alive Hwanwoong.

He was alive!

"H...Hwanwoong?" The king gaped at the younger.

"Can you help me up?" The newly woken king fell back against the sheet with a groan. "I feel like I've been trampled by a horse."

Ravn's mind was on autopilot as he moved to help his lover sit up, no words leaving his lips concerning the younger and their child.

"Ravn?" His lover whispered. "Are you okay?"

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