| Chapter 14 |

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"Hey, Irish." His voice sparked countless memories and seeing him again made Rebecca remember each and every one.

She tried to form any sentence she could, but there were too many questions clouding her mind.

He stood across from her and she took in the familiarity of his raven black hair wrapped tightly in a bun. She noticed his new beard stubble as well as his taller and definitely more muscular figure.

His lips formed into a smile and it brought a familiar feeling of joy in Rebecca, "Walk with me."

She nodded, completely forgetting about Nicholas, and followed Joseph without hesitation.

"Hungry? I think I want some breakfast." Joe asked while walking towards the cafe.

As they walked in together and sat at a booth, facing each other, Rebecca remained silent, still trying to comprehend what was going on.

"Ask away Becks. Knowing you, you already have at least a hundred questions." Joseph sent her a warm smile as he interlocked his fingers and placed them on the table in front of them.

Rebecca sat there for a few moments, her mouth opening and closing, struggling to find a place to start. "You came back?"

She made sure to try and start off slow to ensure that both she and Joseph didn't become overwhelmed.

"I did." Joseph nodded but before he could continue, a waitress stopped at their table to take their order. After Joseph finished ordering his meal, he looked over at Rebecca, waiting for her to order.

"Joe, I can't. I don't have any money." Rebecca fidgeted with her fingers, "It's fine, don't worry."

"Come on Irish, what kind of friend would I be if I let you starve?" He smiled at her when she looked up at him and he noticed her getting ready to protest, "You're as skinny as a toothpick. It's nothing, I'll cover it."

Reluctantly, Rebecca accepted his offer and ordered her food, and after some silence between the two, the waitress returned quicker than expected and brought them their coffee.

Rebecca cupped the mug in between both of her hands, letting the warmth spread through her grasp. She took a long sip and looked over at Joseph, waiting for him to begin explaining.

When he saw the overly curious look in her eyes he laughed, "Sorry to disappoint, but it really isn't that great of a story.

She just stared at him waiting for him to continue and he looked into his coffee mug as he proceeded. "Things just didn't work out where we moved, so mom wanted to leave, and we did. Which is why I'm back here."

Rebecca nodded, knowing it couldn't be the full truth, but she let it go. Eventually, the two fell into a natural conversation and it was as if they hadn't missed a beat.

They eventually got their meals and the conversation continued, "So how have you been?"

Rebecca smiled, trying to cover up the sadness in her eyes, "Good," she nodded, "Really good."

Joseph looked at her unconvinced and shook his head, "Don't do that. You know I know you better than that."

She hesitated before talking, "Things are the same way they were when you left." Rebecca's smile faded into a bleak expression, and she stared down at her plate.

"You know I'm here for you." Joseph put his fork down and put his hand over hers resting them on the table.

Rebecca looked up at him with sorrow in her eyes, "The last time you told me that, you left me."

"I know," He nodded, "But you know that leaving wasn't my decision. I'm here now, and I don't plan on leaving anytime soon."

Rebecca let out a small smile and squeezed his hand before returning hers to her lap, "I know it wasn't your choice, it didn't make it any harder though. But I'm fine, don't worry about me."

The two returned to eating and catching up with small talk. After some time, they finished their meals and the waitress brought them the receipt.

Rebecca didn't look at the amount of money her food cost, but she fidgeted with her fork in anticipation, "I'll pay you back later, I promise."

"Don't sweat it, it's not like you ordered caviar." Joseph gazed down at the price, "I'm pretty sure I can cover the whopping thirteen dollars that your meal cost."

She playfully rolled her eyes as he chuckled, "Thank you."

After paying and leaving, Rebecca decided she should probably get back home, so Joseph offered to walk with her.

They laughed and shared stories, filled each other in on some things that the other had missed, and it was genuinely the first time in a long time where Rebecca felt like she didn't have to force a smile.

The two had been friends since they were children, and when Joseph's mother decided to spontaneously move, Rebecca was left alone and in shambles. It had taken her a while before she actually wanted to talk to new people, and eventually, she convinced herself that she was okay.

Although, no matter what, a part of her was always missing him, wanting to fill him in on her day, ask for advice, anything. He was the first person that she considered a real friend. But at the time, neither of them had phones, so keeping in contact wasn't even an option.

As they arrived at Rebecca's street they decided it was a good point to part ways. "I'm glad you're back, I missed you."

Joesph smiled, "I missed you too." He opened his arms and she quickly nuzzled into his chest, giving him a tight hug as he wrapped his arms around her.

After a while, she broke the silence, "I don't want to let go."

He let out a small laugh, "Why?"

She closed her eyes, still speaking in a whisper, "I'm scared you're gonna leave me again."

He hugged her tighter and smiled, "I promise you, I'm not going anywhere."

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