| Chapter 18 |

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As the night continued on, more drinks were consumed and more self-control was lost.

It was the first time Rebecca had ever felt so out of control and didn't have an issue with it. If everyone wasn't either extremely wasted or high, they wouldn't have recognized her.

She and Ashley had been dancing around and drinking for a while, in what looked like the living room. After they had gotten too tired, the two flopped down on the couch that sat in the same room.

Although the feeling of being tired had caught up to them, the negative feelings that came with drinking definitely hadn't, and the tiny voice in the back of Rebecca's head that was telling her to stop had quickly disappeared.

Suddenly a large group of people came into the room and started filling up the couches and sitting on the floor.

"Truth or dare time!" Alexis yelled as she walked into the room with some of her cheerleading clique.

"What is it with you and playing elementary school games at parties?" A males voice responded with a chuckle.

"Oh come on, it'll be fun!" She answered with a grin.

After the majority of people agreed and started settling in, the game began.

Tons of questions were thrown around and multiple dares were given.

Rebecca's focus was obviously not what it would usually be, but she made sure to try and concentrate harder when it came to people she knew.

She watched Pamela stumble into the living room and eventually make her way over to Rebecca, sitting on the floor next to the couch Rebecca was on. Pamela wasn't one to drink too often—for the main reason of liking to follow rules—but she definitely wasn't holding back.

The game started off with dares and truths that were easy enough to do and answer without any worries. Then they became playful and a little more out there. However, it didn't take long for things to get crazy.

Some people had to divulge their deepest secrets and there were others who had to jump in the freezing cold lake that was behind the enormous house.

When they made it to Jonathan, Rebecca noticed him immediately shoot the idea down and adamantly refuse to join in as he took another sip of his beer.

Alexis rolled her eyes and stood up from the couch, speaking up, "Okay okay, enough of the easy stuff. We need to take it up a notch."

Her comment had somehow led both the truths and dares to become more extreme.

Still not fully paying attention to the game, Rebecca looked around and noticed Mercedes in the corner of the room with an unusual cloud of smoke surrounding her. Everyone knew that Mercedes did the dealing, but Rebecca hadn't seen her smoke the stuff before.

Although Pamela was already way too wasted, she ended up taking part in the game and chose a dare. Apparently, she didn't seem drunk enough to others, because she was handed a huge beer mug and had to chug it in a matter of seconds. When she consumed all of the liquor she threw her head back against Rebecca's thigh with a dazed smile.

Mercedes was high out of her mind which led her to accept the offer as well. However her dare was definitely worse than Pamela's, and whoever gave it to her was definitely a druggie. A white strip of what Rebecca assumed was cocaine was laid out on the table, and Mercedes accepted the dare of snorting it.

If Rebecca wasn't so drunk she would've dragged Mercedes out of there and protested the entire thing while reprimanding her, but her current state led her to sit there and watch it all happen.

As the game continued, Rebecca saw Colby walk into the room with a beer in hand. She watched as he sat on the couch, draping his free arm over the back of it.

She took another swig of her beer, trying to actually focus on what was happening. Ashley had done her fair share of truths and dares throughout the entirety of the game—mainly because she volunteered on multiple occasions—so when someone had tried to ask her again, the only thing they were met with were incoherent mumbles and it was pretty much decided that Ashley was finished for the night.

When watching everything happen, Rebecca wanted to shake her head and roll her eyes at the stupidity that was occurring, but she couldn't help but chuckle a bit at the entire scene. It was probably due to the amount of alcohol in her system, but she was definitely having a better time than she expected.

Although Rebecca was out of it, while watching how everything played out, she still had enough common sense to see how Alexis was orchestrating the entire game.

She watched Alexis whisper something to one of her friends and they both smiled.

"Okay okay, I'm asking next!" The girl exclaimed, "Lexi, truth or dare?"

Alexis put her finger on her chin and acted as if it was a hard choice, "Hmm... I choose, dare."

The girl slightly smiled, "Okay, I dare you to kiss Colby."

Alexis pretended to be shocked, but the smirk led Rebecca to believe this was all part of a plan.

All eyes fell on Colby as they waited for a reaction. He simply shrugged and let out a sly smirk as the people that surrounded him were either cheering him on or discouraging him.

Alexis then walked over to him as seductively as possible and sat beside him, leaning in. When her lips almost met his, at the last second he turned his head, causing her lips to meet his cheek.

Laughter broke out all around the room, leading Rebecca to join in, and embarrassment flashed across the face of Alexis.

Alexis suddenly turned to Rebecca after recognizing her laughs and she slightly smiled, "Becky, truth or dare?

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