| Chapter 29 |

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To say that Colby was surprised when Rebecca willingly went with him to the detention room was an understatement.

He didn't exactly know where he stood with her, but he was determined to do everything he could to make sure where he did stand was somewhat good.

Colby helped sit her down in one of the chairs before opening a cabinet in the room that held medical supplies. He walked back over to Rebecca and tried to help her bandage some of her knuckles which had spilt, but when he went to touch her hands, she pulled them away slightly.

"I'm fine," She looked everywhere but into his eyes, "They'll heal by themselves."

Colby didn't want to push her but he didn't want her to sit in pain, "Is it so bad to help them out?"

She looked at him with an expression he couldn't read, "They're used to doing things by themselves."

The words resonated with Colby, and he had a feeling that she wasn't necessarily talking about her knuckles anymore.

After some more gentle nudging, Rebecca finally allowed Colby to help her, claiming it was only so that he could "rest well pretending to be a knight in shining armour."

He had smiled at her comment and wrapped a few bandages on her knuckles, as well as on any other scratches that he found on her hands.

Rebecca had been quiet after her comment and looked conflicted. Minutes had gone by without a single word being said, and it wasn't until a teacher came into the room to give them a job that the two had made a sound.

Rebecca groaned when she found out that the two would have to clean out a storage room and in return to her obvious state of annoyance, Colby laughed.

The two made their way to the specified room and froze when they saw the condition of it. Dust and cobwebs filled the room, covering the shelves, cabinets, and counters. Stacks of paper and boxes took up most of the floor and counter space, and there was barely any room for one person to move around, let alone two.

They managed to cram themselves in the room and began cleaning everything out. Rebecca quickly grew bored, and the small shocks of pain that the cuts on her hands were causing, led her to become irritated again.

Small talk ensued, and it was more enjoyable than Rebecca expected. However, she went quiet when she found a box with outdated student and teacher profiles.

She dropped whatever she was sorting at the time and grabbed the box, placing it onto the counter in front of her. She then jumped up and sat on the counter, letting her legs hang over the edge.

She flipped through the pages that unveiled school history and information and skimmed through it.

"Daniel," Rebecca read, with a small laugh, "Colby Daniel Lopez."

Colby stood, still facing away from her confused, "How do you-"

"Strong stature, brown eyes, dark hair, athletically gifted-" Rebecca continued. 

Colby turned around and saw her reading off of his file, "What are you doing?"

Rebecca laughed, "Ouch, low-grade average."

He quickly moved towards her, standing in between her dangling legs, and reached for the folder that she quickly snatched away.

"Not fair," He jokingly huffed, "I wanna see. It's about me."

"Awe," Rebecca fake pouted before laughing, "Too bad."

He placed his hands on both of her thighs and leaned closer, "Please."

"You're cute when you beg." She joked before staring at him with a smirk.

Colby rolled his eyes playfully, before slightly leaning in closer and looking into her eyes, "It's only fair."

"You should know by now that I don't like playing fair, or by the rules for that matter." She copied his actions and moved forward in the slightest.

He moved his hand from her thigh, and pushed a stray strand of hair behind her ear, before whispering, "You sure played by the rules, when it came to truth or dare."

She moved forward even more, to the point where their noses almost touched, as she copied his whispering tone, "I do what I want, and I wanted to do the dare, so I did."

Before he could retort she smiled deviously, tapping his nose with her finger quickly, before moving away from him, further onto the counter.

He shook his head with a grin, before turning back around and continuing with what he was sorting.

"Altercation due to being tickled." Rebecca first spoke with confusion in her words but quickly burst into laughter before hopping off of the counter.

"It was a natural reflex!" He immediately spun around and rushed to grab the file that she hid behind her back, "And plus that was like when I was in like third grade. How far back does that thing go?"

Rebecca continued laughing and slowly moved towards Colby, after placing his file on the counter behind her.

"You hit somebody because you were tickled?" She spoke between her laughs.

"I gave him a warning." He threw his hands up in the air, and Rebecca just laughed.

"So let's speak hypothetically," Rebecca shuffled closer to the wall Colby was by, "If I were to tickle you, what would happen?"

"No." Colby immediately shook his head where he realized this conversation was going, he moved backwards until he felt the cold touch of the wall behind him.

She smirked evilly and stopped when she was in front of him, "I was speaking hypothetically, remember?"

He shook his head slowly, and without warning, she pounced. Colby's laughter filled the room as Rebecca tickled his ribs.

He began flailing around and grabbed her wrists with his hands. The two went back and forth for dominance, laughing the entire time. 

However, somewhere along the line, Colby accidentally tripped one of the boxes, falling down with Rebecca tangled up in the mess with him.

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