| Chapter 33 |

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The game quickly began and the kissing commenced.

Alexis took the opportunity to go first, and the look of disgust on her face when she landed on some random person made Rebecca laugh. She refused, annoyed because another one of her attempts to kiss Colby failed.

Alexis's friends spun one after another, all disappointed with their spins as well.

At some point, Ashley spun and the look on her face was priceless when she realized her spin didn't land on Joseph but on one of her old boy toys.

Rebecca was picked to go next by Ashley, and with a roll of her eyes, she spun the bottle and watched it continuously spin around the table.

She watched it go around each person over and over again before seeing it slow down a few people before her. As she watched it pass Colby she let out a sigh of relief but quickly ran her hand over her face when she saw it land on herself.

Jonathan quickly leaned over and whispered in her ear, "You don't actually have to do it."

She looked at him with a debating glare, and it came to a point where he realized that she didn't want to back down.

"Fine, you can either refuse or kiss Colby." He stared at her, "I mean, that's what everyone already knows is about to happen."

Rebecca stared at him and shook her head, "No, they don't."

She looked around, noticing back and forth glances between her and Colby, and Jonathan laughed quietly, realizing how much she hated the thought of being predictable.

"Okay, then make a different move, play a different hand." Jonathan shrugged, "Kiss me."

Rebecca stared at him with wide eyes, "Jon, I don't want to bring you into this."

"So then kiss Joe." He shrugged again.

Rebecca laughed, "No. That's crazy."

Jonathan looked around the circle of people, "One of the girls? I mean hey, if you swing that way, more power to ya."

"Jon!" Rebecca stifled her laugh, "I don't want to do that to you."

"Hey, that's what friends are for right?" He questioned and Rebecca looked at him in evident uncertainty.

Everyone else participating sat in confusion at the entire whispered exchange and Jonathan knew Rebecca would continue to feel guilt, eventually refusing to make him do it, so he took control.

He nodded slightly and inched closer to her as he watched her follow through and slowly lean in, pressing their lips together. Gasps and silent stares of shock filled the entire circle of people.

Colby shook his head, slightly laughing, knowing Rebecca was trying to keep him at a distance, even though he was determined to prevent it from happening.

Whereas Ashley, Pamela, and Mercedes, were all freaking out, to say the least.

Joseph just laughed and put his head down, imagining how crazy it must've been driving Colby.

Both Rebecca and Jonathan would be lying if they said they didn't enjoy it, and the way they clicked in conversation seemed to follow with the way they kissed. Provoking Jonathan to run his hand through her hair before keeping it pressed onto one side of her head, as Rebecca rested her hands on his jaw.

After they slowly separated, the two stared into each other's eyes for a few seconds before Rebecca broke the silence, "Thank you. I owe you times two."

Jonathan shook his head and placed his arm around her waist, as she leaned her head on his shoulder.

The game continued for a while, and when he saw nobody make a move to go next, Colby snatched the bottle and spun it vigorously. At this rate, Rebecca didn't know what upper power was at work, but somehow Colby had managed to perfectly land on her.

A smirk instantly appeared on Colby's face, and Rebecca immediately looked down, picking at her fingernails while slightly shaking her head.

Colby slowly made his way towards Rebecca, and each girl tried to catch his attention in any way possible as he walked past them.

Rebecca didn't even have to look up to know his eyes were on her, and a shadow quickly overtook the light in front of her as she looked up.

When she saw Colby, she didn't bother looking towards Jonathan, she didn't want to drag him into any more of her mess. She took a deep breath and stood up in front of Colby, staring at him through her eyelashes.

He cupped her cheeks softly with a smirk, "Where's your escape plan now?"

She listened to his whispered words and laughed quietly, "I've got to keep you on your toes somehow right?"

He leaned in slowly and Rebecca hesitantly met his lips. The kiss felt different, it was tender and more vulnerable. Rebecca kept her hands in her pockets in hopes of keeping a clear state of mind, feeling her closed eyes sting as tears tried to escape. Guilt rushed through her when she couldn't stop her hands from grasping onto his hair, as he gripped onto her hips.

She didn't want to lead him on, she didn't want him to give her the time of day, she didn't want to feel the way she did.

She couldn't process the emotions that she felt and she didn't want to, she just wanted to get as far away as possible.

When their lips separated so they could both catch their breath, Colby whispered, "Am I only gonna get to kiss you under these circumstances?"

He felt her breath as she silently laughed on his neck, causing shivers to run down his spine, and instead of answering, she simply connected their lips again for a short amount of time.

"I don't like to play by the rules, remember?" She whispered in his ear and he smiled.

Rebecca then quickly walked away and went inside for a breather, shaking her head when she heard Alexis angrily call off the rest of the game out of obvious jealousy.

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