| Chapter 31 |

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After a long game, with ten seconds left, their school's team had managed to score the final touchdown and win the game.

Once the timer had run out and the buzzer rang, the people on the bleachers, including the students from their school, jumped up and broke into cheers.

People began flooding the field to go congratulate the team, and it wasn't long before Joseph waved the girls over.

Mercedes had joined back up with them right before the three went to go see the boy's and something still seemed off to Rebecca.

"Where've you been?" Ashley asked Mercedes as she grabbed her things.

Mercedes glared at Ashley, immediately getting defensive, "I told you I was going to the washroom."

"It sure took you a while," Pamela interjected in a joking tone, "Like almost half of the game."

Mercedes turned towards Pamela with a sigh, "Fine, I went to the washroom and then had to do some deals."

"See what was so hard about that?" Pamela laughed, "Crazy lady."

The four laughed before making their way onto the field, and Rebecca had joined in even though she found it weird that now all of a sudden Mercedes was being secretive about her deals.

Rebecca smirked as she watched the entire cheerleading squad huddle around Colby, as they laughed at whatever he said and subtly tried to use it as an opportunity to playfully shove him just so that they go to touch his muscles. She watched him smirk as one of them whispered something in his ear, and she saw Alexis make her way behind him, flirtatiously massaging his shoulders while speaking to him.

Colby looked up and his eyes connected with Rebecca's, he shrugged off the rest of the girls as if they had disappeared, immediately standing up and walking to Joseph and Jonathan, where he realized the girls were clearly headed. Rebecca couldn't help but laugh when she saw how upset the girls were and how desperate they looked.

When they reached the guys Pamela was quick to make a scene, "Congratulations!"

"Ah thanks, it's not that big of a deal," Joseph responded with a bright smile.

As Rebecca lurked at the back of the group and was walking behind Colby to stand beside Joseph, she gently tickled Colby's midsection with a quiet laugh, hiding her actions from the others.

"Stop that!" He whisper-yelled with a large grin, trying to conceal his squirming motions, as Rebecca walked past as if nothing had happened.

The girls started creating some small talk with the three guys for a few moments, while they packed up their bags and got ready to go.

Jonathan then walked over and slung his arm over Rebecca's shoulders, "You coming lucky charms?"

She shook her head at the nickname with a smile, when she heard the girls laugh, "Where?"

"Celebratory party." He squeezed her shoulder when he responded.

"No," She immediately shook her head adamantly, "No way in hell."

"Oh come on," Jonathan laughed, "Don't shoot down the idea right away."

"I don't know," Rebecca looked down at the torn-up grass before looking at Colby for a split second, "Last time I was at a party, things didn't go well."

"I disagree with that statement heavily." Colby quickly responded, causing Ashley to laugh.

"We know you do," Mercedes added in, making Pamela giggle.

Rebecca stared off into the distance, the sting of admitting her stupidity out loud still bothered her, and the reminder of the way she lost control was constantly a nagging thought in the back of her mind.

"Come on Red, what's the worst that can happen?" Colby looked at her and shrugged.

Ashley suddenly broke out into hysterics, "Yeah Becks, what's the worst that can happen?"

Rebecca knew where she had heard that line last, and she was aware that nothing good came from taking that challenge on.

"No, no, no. You and I both know damn well what happened last time you said that." Rebecca looked at Ashley and shook her head with a small laugh.

There was a slight pause from Rebecca before she shook her head again, "I really don't think it's the best idea guys, I'm no fun anyways."

Colby smirked before commenting, "Once again, I very much disagree with that statement."

Everybody rolled their eyes at his comment and began laughing. They all walked off of the field and went to their vehicles. Ashley, Pamela, and Mercedes decided to drive in Ashley's car, and the boys walked towards Colby's truck.

Rebecca continued walking on, deciding it was for the best. She only stopped when she heard Joseph calling for her.

"Come here, Irish." He waved her over from the backseat of Colby's truck.

She knew her strong will came up short when dealing with Joseph, and it was evident that he knew it as well, because he was definitely trying to use it to his advantage.

She walked over to the window that was opened and placed her hands on the door, "Yes?"

"Don't play dumb." He shook his head with a chuckle, "I'm not gonna force you, but I just wanted to give you another chance to change your mind before we head out."

Rebecca rolled her eyes, "Stop it, Joe, you and I both know what you're doing. Stop trying to guilt me into it or use reverse psychology or whatever it is you're doing."

He sat there with a fake look of shock on his face that quickly turned into a pretend look of innocence, "I would never."

Rebecca sighed and stared into the truck unimpressed, noticing all the guys staring at her, waiting for an answer.

"Fine." She threw the door open as she watched the look of happiness spread on all three of their faces as if it were some contagious disease.

Rebecca just shook her head as she sat in her seat, "I'm gonna regret this."

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