| Chapter 19 |

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Not phased by the glare in Alexis's eyes or tone in her voice, Rebecca simply laughed again, refusing to back down.

She deviously smiled, and even while intoxicated, her pride was still as evident as ever, and she wasn't going to let some highschool movie, queen bee, wannabe try to control and intimidate her.

She looked at Alexis confidently and answered with no hesitation, "Dare."

"I dare you..." Alexis scanned the room with her eyes before returning them to Rebecca, "To kiss Colby."

Alexis crossed her arms and laughed when everyone stared at Rebecca, whispering.

Rebecca tried to hide the instant regret of accepting the dare, as she kept her grin steady on her face, knowing that this was a battle she was not going to lose.

She looked at Colby for a split second, noticing how his body language remained the same. She came to the quick conclusion that either he was extremely good at hiding his discomfort or he didn't care about the proposed dare. She quickly reconnected her eyes with Alexis's, staring at her intensely.

The music that was turned down a while ago suddenly seemed much quieter as the whispers grew louder and louder.

There were whispers underlined with question, not knowing if she'd go through with it. Some whispers were filled with doubt, thinking the chances were low but not fully denying them. Others were filled with absolute dismissal, not having an ounce of belief that she would do it.

Alexis looked back at her friends with a look of victory written all over her face, causing the group to start giggling. It was apparent that they had a preconceived notion that there was no way Rebecca was going to do it, and even if she tried Colby would reject her.

She took another swig of her beer before putting it down on the table in front of her. She then gently moved Pamela's head off of her thigh, placing it on the couch.

From the corner of her eye, she saw the disbelief written on Ashley's face when she realized what Rebecca was actually about to do, which surprised Rebecca to an extent due to the fact that she just assumed Ashley would be too wasted to understand what was going on.

She couldn't see the expressions on Mercedes and Pamela's faces, mainly for the fact that she didn't want to seem like she was hesitating or coming up with an excuse to back out of it. But her best bet was to just assume that there was definitely no way they would be sober enough to remember anything the next morning, whether it was true or not.

Rebecca then stood up, towering over Alexis, and relishing in the way she looked intimidated, before making her way towards Colby and letting the liquid courage control her.

She couldn't see everyone's reactions, but just based on Ashley's reaction alone, she assumed there were a lot of shocked faces, and although she couldn't see them, she could feel the stares piercing into her.

There were two ways Rebecca saw this going, either they kiss and she successfully completes the dare, shoving her victory in Alexis's face. Or he rejects her similar to the way he did with Alexis and she has to face crippling embarrassment.

While she was walking towards Colby, she noticed him sitting in the same position, minus the beer that was in his hand. She wanted to stop, she wanted to back out and leave, but she didn't have the will to plant her feet and break her alcohol-influenced state.

When she stood in front of him, everyone waited with wide eyes, not knowing what to expect.

She slowly made her way onto his lap, straddling him, with her knees pressed down into the couch cushions. Once she found her balance, she moved her hands from the back of the couch to her thighs. She waited for a moment, moving her hair out of her way slowly, taking the time to stare at his lips as he slowly licked them with a smirk.

The kiss was meant to be quick. It was supposed to prove a point and fulfill a dare. However, when Rebecca finally grabbed both sides of Colby's face and crashed her lips onto his, the strong impulse to continue and not pull away was taking over.

She expected him to refuse, to reject her offer and make a rude remark before leaving her in the room to face the embarrassment that would follow. But to her surprise, he didn't.

She felt his hands grab onto her waist, as he dug his fingers into her hips, and aggressively continued the kiss. She tasted the alcohol on his lips and moved her hands to grab onto his hair, which was previously in a neatly tied low bun.

She heard some gasps and small whispers before everyone erupted in cheers, and she listened as Alexis stormed off to her group of friends and started complaining loudly.

Suddenly, Rebecca gained some common sense and pulled away in the slightest, leaving her forehead pressed against his, and their lips separated. When she went to make a move to get up and leave, she felt his sturdy hands keep her in place.

He then quickly pressed their lips back onto one another and it was Rebecca's turn to smirk. After giving in for a few more seconds, she slowly pulled away with his bottom lip slightly trapped in between her teeth, gently releasing it as she eased off of his lap and stood back up.

Rebecca stared deeply into his eyes as she slowly wiped her bottom lip with her thumb, making sure her dark burgundy lipstick hadn't smudged as well as savouring the moment and her victory.

She looked at the expression on his face and let her smirk grow, shooting him a playful wink, before exiting the living room.

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