| Chapter 25 |

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The girls spoke with Joseph for a while, each one happy to get to learn more about Rebecca's past.

In the meantime, Colby and Jonathan had moved to a table across from the girls.

Jonathan watched his friend stare at the other group for what seemed like hours. "You look hella weird man."

Colby looked over at him confused, "What?"

"Dude," Jonathan shook his head, "What is so fascinating about them?"

Colby completely disregarded his question, "What was all of that with you and Rebecca?"

Jonathan laughed at the intrigue coating his words, "Polinsky was being a jerk, so I helped her out."

Colby slowly nodded and went back to staring at the other group. However, when Rebecca stood up from her seat and walked over to the vending machine, Jonathan watched Colby's eyes follow her, and he quickly figured out that he wasn't staring at the whole group.

"I think the tables have turned," Jonathan crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back in his chair with a smirk.

Colby moved his hands from his jacket pockets and placed them onto the table, "What are you talking about?"

Jonathan rolled his eyes, "Normally, you leave the girls wanting more, but it looks like somehow she managed to get you wrapped around her finger."

"I don't know what you're talking about," He rolled his eyes and shrugged, "It was just a dare."

"Sure it was," Jonathan's smirk grew, but he let the situation go when he saw Joseph walking over to them.

"Hey," When Joseph sat down, both sets of eyes were immediately on him.

Jonathan already knew that Colby was going to ask Joseph about Rebecca when he watched his mouth slightly open, so he decided to spare him his pride, "I'm guessing you and Rebecca are close?"

Joseph smiled before slipping his bag off of his shoulder, "Yeah, we've been friends since we were little."

Jonathan nodded and turned to see Colby listening to Joseph talk about a bit of their childhood attentively.

With the group of girls, Rebecca listened as they gushed over Joseph and eventually she heard the topic of conversation get switched over to the party. She heard them rant and rave about the entire thing, talking about how great it was and how it was the most fun they've had in forever.

Trying to tune them out, Rebecca looked around the cafeteria. When she studied the room, trying to see where Joseph had ventured to, she glanced at the table where he went to sit.

When her eyes reached it, she noticed Colby staring at her, not even seeming phased when she noticed him. She quickly looked away and took a swig of water from the bottle she had gotten at the vending machine.

She looked back around the cafeteria, quickly skimming over their table subtly to find his eyes still staring at her. She stared down at the table in front of her and looked back at the girls, who were still excitedly talking about their nights. Rebecca decided it was now or never, and she needed to know what happened during the parts of the night that were fuzzy.

The other three girls on the other hand noticed Rebecca's uneasy look and restless fidgeting. They couldn't recall ever seeing Rebecca like this before and were confused seeing as she was happy a few minutes before.

"Everything okay Becca?" Pamela gently placed her hand over Rebecca's.

Rebecca shrugged and looked down at the table, "I don't remember what happened last night."

"What?!" Mercedes laughed, "You seriously don't remember-"

Ashley quickly shot Mercedes a dirty look, and Pamela quickly shook her head in hopes that Mercedes wouldn't go any further.

Rebecca's head shot up towards them, just in time to see their actions, "No, I want to know."

"How much?" Ashley looked at her hesitantly, as she watched Rebecca sigh and lean back in her seat. 

"All of it," She nodded, "I need to know all of it."

"Well," Ashley started, "There was obviously a lot of drinking and dancing. Then we played truth or dare, and to everyone's surprise, you joined in."

Rebecca nodded, urging her to continue and she saw Ashley begin to fidget around with a strand of hair, "You accepted a dare from Alexis, did the dare, and walked out of the room, leaving Alexis in shock."

"She wasn't the only one you shocked." Mercedes laughed.

Rebecca looked between the two, waiting for clarification, and Mercedes quickly delivered, not beating around the bush. "Your dare was to kiss Colby."

Rebecca immediately tensed up, and her eyes began darting between the three girls frantically. She tried to comprehend what they were saying but she just couldn't wrap her head around it. She immediately pieced the entire night together, as her memories played out for her, her mind projecting the scene as if it were a movie.

"No," She smiled hoping it was some sick joke, "Impossible." 

She shook her head, repeating the words over and over again when she saw the serious look on all three of their faces. She looked for any indication of a lie, hoping they were just messing with her, but the uneasy feeling in her stomach told her otherwise.

"On the bright side, you made a powerful statement." Pamela let out a sympathetic look, "You were definitely the highlight of everyone's night."

"Especially Colby's," Mercedes broke into laughter and rolled her eyes when no one else joined in.

Rebecca sat in silence, rubbing her temples, speechless as to how the three girls remembered everything considering how wasted—and high in Mercedes's case—they were, and upset at herself for what she did.

She rested her head in her hands and placed her elbows on the table as she stared down at it blankly. Now knowing that the one time she didn't listen to her gut and trust her judgement it bit her right in the ass.

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