| Chapter 35 |

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After coming in from outside, Colby looked around the living room for something better to do than lean on the wall and do nothing, yet he made no move to implement himself back into the party scene.

He already had his fill of socializing and although it seemed impossible to others, being harassed by girls at every corner he turned, all of the time, wasn't something he necessarily enjoyed. Especially when the girl that he wanted to have bother him, would barely glance in his direction if she didn't have to.

He knew that he enjoyed the attention, popularity status, as well as the confidence boosts, and his old self was definitely addicted to all of those aspects. But now, it just seemed like he had other things on his mind rather than being the topic of every girl's conversation. He only needed to be important to one.

Throughout the party, Colby had done his fair share of talking and partaking in party activities, so he decided at the moment he was keener on watching others have fun while he took a break. So, he looked around enjoying the pause from all of the craziness.

However, his gaze immediately came to a halt when he noticed Rebecca getting carried upstairs by Brock with Nicholas closely following behind.

He instantly knew something was off and stood up straight. He remembered what her view on Nicholas was, especially because he witnessed her beat him up first hand, and although he didn't know about how she felt when it came to Brock, he knew Brock just typically meant bad business.

He quickly placed his beer down and went straight for the stairs, pushing past and slipping in between anyone that got in his way, hating the gut-clenching feeling that was rising in him.

Colby heard multiple voices calling him over, inviting him to play whatever game they were taking part in, or hoping he'd just come over to chat, and as much as he would've liked to catch up with some people, he knew he couldn't risk it.

He hated the thoughts that were running through his mind and how he was automatically assuming the worst, but he couldn't help it, things just weren't adding up.

Joseph and Jonathan stood near the kitchen, talking to each other by one of the many tables. Joseph quickly got distracted from his conversation with Jonathan when he caught Colby walking towards the stairs with an unclear expression on his face, from the corner of his eye. Jonathan stopped talking when he noticed Joseph's gaze was focused somewhere else and he turned around to see what was going on.

The two watched Colby walk up the stairs, with a pace that was steadily increasing. They usually wouldn't have given it a second thought, but something really didn't seem right. Joseph then quickly looked over to where Rebecca had been standing minutes before and noticed she had disappeared.

When Colby made it to the top of the stairs he froze as he looked down the long corridor filled with countless doors on both sides of the walls.

He quickly began looking through room after room, as his heart raced with an unsettling feeling continuously washing over him. Colby frantically opened each door as he got closer and closer to the end of the hallway, cursing the number of rooms in the house.

Meanwhile, Brock and Nicholas both stood tall over Rebecca's sedated state, with grins plastered on their faces. They left her dishevelled on the bed after Brock had thrown her on it. Her hair was spread out everywhere and her lifeless body was left limp.

Brock was the first to make a move, while Nicholas walked to the side of the room and leaned on a nearby dresser. He grabbed her by the jaw and lifted her top half up so she was in a sitting position.

"How you gonna stop me now?" Brock moved his hand down to hold her by the neck before grabbing a fistful of her hair, yanking on it with force, causing her head to jerk backwards. "You don't get to walk away this time."

Brock looked to the side and grinned towards Nicholas, gesturing for him to come forward and do what he pleased.

Nicholas nodded with a smirk and stepped beside Brock before punching her right across her face, "Bitch."

The two hovered over her body, as Brock released her and let her fall back onto the bed. Nicholas's grin overtook his face when he watched Brock make a move to remove her shirt. He pushed her shirt up over her chest and removed her arms from the sleeves. Brock slowly moved the rumpled cloth, leaving it by her neck, causing her top half to only be covered by her bra.

Brock decided to savour his power as he tightened her shirt around her neck aggressively, laughing as her face slowly turned different shades purple and her ragged breathing got louder with every inhale she took. He relished in the way he got to control every little thing that happened to Rebecca and there was absolutely nothing that she could do about it.

The two looked at each other for a split second before letting a sickening smirk overtake both of their faces before turning their gazes back to Rebecca.

Brock slowly nodded, and Nicholas swiftly moved towards the edge of the bed and began undoing the belt and zipper on Rebecca's pants slowly with a disgusting laugh.

Lost in the Game {Brollins}Where stories live. Discover now