| Chapter 22 |

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Rebecca looked over to her left, peering into the truck.

She saw Colby in the driver's seat, draping his arm over the wheel looking at her attentively, leading her to assume he had asked the question. She also saw Jonathan looking down at his phone in the passenger's seat with his elbow leaning on the side of the truck. Eventually, when she glanced over at the back seat she noticed Joseph sitting there with a warm and friendly smile on his face, which actually almost convinced her to get into the truck.

Rebecca didn't really feel like conversing with anyone at the moment, especially not Colby, seeing as she still didn't fully remember what happened during the party, and she had a feeling he played a big role in it. However, instead of being her normal short-fused self, she tried to be polite seeing as he just seemed like he was trying to be nice.

She shook her head and pressed her lips together, forcing the slightest smile, "No, I'm okay."

"You sure?" He smirked, "Riding with me is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

She immediately rolled her eyes, trying to bite her tongue, but every ounce of politeness she was trying to muster up quickly vanished and she no longer felt like trying.

"Yeah I'm sure," She turned to start walking, cursing his overinflated ego, before responding to him one last time, "I'd rather set my face on fire and try to put it out with a fork."

With that she walked away, raising her hand high in the air and flipping him off in the process.

Jonathan and Joseph watched the scene play out and broke out into laughter as Colby sat there shocked.

Jonathan had to take a deep breath before being able to speak, although he was quickly consumed with laughter shortly after, "I like her."

"She's a feisty one," Joseph interjected between laughs before whispering to himself with a smile, "Always has been."

Once their antics died down, they looked over at Colby, not being able to read the expression on his face. After some silence on his part, Jonathan could've sworn he saw a slight smile creep onto the corner of his lips as he started driving again.

Meanwhile, Rebecca saw the school in the distance and looked at her phone, now knowing she'd definitely be late. When she finally made it into the school, the halls were eerily quiet and when she finally made it to the door of her regular first-period class, she noticed it was a whole different set of students.

She stood out there confused and went to the office when she realized classes must have been switched for some reason. She was greeted by the receptionist and stated her question, receiving the answer she already came up with herself.

Classes had been switched due to a schedule conflict which led to an overall change, so most people were moved around. Seeing as they weren't that far into the year, it didn't seem like that big of a deal, as they barely got started anyways. Rebecca then received her schedule and quickly made her way to her new class. 

"You've got to be kidding me." She mumbled to herself when she looked through the classroom door and saw that out of all of the teachers in the school Mr. Polinsky had been chosen to be hers. She rolled her eyes, already not in the mood, and when she opened the door all eyes fell on her, causing Mr. Polinsky to create an unneeded scene, as per usual.

"Well, look who finally decided to show up," He motioned around the room, "Miss. Quin, what a pleasure."

She stood in front of the class staring at him with a mix of boiling anger and disgust, hearing the sarcasm coat his words with snide intentions. She clenched her jaw, shoving her hands in her pockets, digging her fingernails into her shut fist, in hopes of not lashing out.

"May I ask what caused you to be late?" His lips curled, forming a smile that made her want to vomit. "Perhaps you were busy fixing your hair and doing your makeup?"

Rebecca rolled her eyes very obviously at his sexist comment and started making her way to the empty desk in the far corner.

"No actually," She smirked deviously as she pulled out her chair, "I was busy doing your dad."

A single laugh was heard, and Rebecca looked over to see Jonathan sitting in the other far corner with a smile on his face while shaking his head. His laugh caused everyone else to break out into hysterics as Rebecca sat down and leaned back in her chair, throwing her feet on top of the desk.

Rebecca watched Mr. Polinsky try to say something but his words were quickly drowned out by the state of the class.

"Miss. Quin," Mr. Polinsky finally yelled through the noise, "Say hello to the principal for me while you're down there explaining why you're in trouble yet again."

He pointed towards the door aggressively and Rebecca looked at him, rolling her eyes. She walked out with her head held high in pride, showing no remorse for her actions.

She despised Mr. Polinsky and being stuck in a class with him would be so much worse than being trapped in the office. She would much rather be stuck in an office getting reprimanded, instead of sitting in that class, wanting to stab herself with her pen every two seconds.

When she made it there, she sat on the bench in the main office area, crossing her arms and staring at the wall in front of her. The receptionist called her up and she stood at the desk explaining that she needed to speak to the principal, however before she walked into his office, she was interrupted.

The door swung open, causing everyone to pause, "Actually there has been a change of plans."

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