| Chapter 45 |

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Joseph felt Rebecca immediately tense up, causing his eyebrows to furrow, before he inevitably let her go.

She backed away from Joseph, staring at his chest blankly as if it would calm her brewing anger. The dark shade of blue reminded her of a wave that catches you off guard and unsuspectedly crashes down on you, pulling you into the current until you're lost at sea.

She walked around the corner and stood at the end of the hall with the most stoic expression the guys had ever seen.

The glare in her eyes made Mercedes wince and she tried to cover up her nervousness with a friendly smile.

Colby watched the two girls silently walk into a random room, before hearing the door shut more forcefully than normal. He then heard yelling, and it sounded like it was coming from Rebecca. However, it was obvious that it was being dialled down out of respect for the guys, and he almost winced at the thought of what she sounded like when she didn't have to worry about others being around.

Though, if the conversation was supposed to be an argument, it sounded pretty one-sided, seeing as the guys could only hear Rebecca whisper-yelling.

Meanwhile, Rebecca was pulling a strip off Mercedes, while running her hands through her hair. "You've got a lot of nerve coming here. You expect me to forgive you?! After you lied to me?!"

Mercedes just stood there, like a little child being reprimanded, while Rebecca continued. "You are so lucky they're out there."

"Listen Becks, I am so sorry." Mercedes spoke, her words were evidently full of regret.

"How the hell did you know I'd be here?" Rebecca interjected, completely disregarding her plead for forgiveness.

"I texted Jonathan." Mercedes shrugged, "I figured since you're spending more and more time with them, the chances of you being with them were high."

Rebecca clenched her jaw, reminding herself that it want Jonathan's fault, seeing as she didn't tell anyone about what had happened.

Mercedes took the short opportunity of silence to try and speak, "Becks-"

"Cut the bullshit." Rebecca turned to her, and if looks could kill, Mercedes knew she would've been dead on the spot, "Why are you here?"

Tears filled Mercedes's eyes, and she quickly wiped away one that fell down her cheek, "I want to stop. I want you to help me stop. Please"

Rebecca stared at her silently for a few seconds, knowing at Mercedes must have been serious. She knew that Mercedes was like her in that respect, and that's why the two had such a strong bond. Neither wanted to ask for help but they both knew if they needed it they could ask each other. It was almost as if it was some unwritten rule in their friendship, and Rebecca knew in that exact instant that she couldn't give up on Mercedes.

"You have to stop dealing," Rebecca stated firmly as she leaned on the edge of a nearby dresser.

Mercedes immediately nodded, "I will."

"That means no quick trades, no more long-time buyers, no more drug empire. It's over." Rebecca stated firmly, "If I catch you dealing, even once, this friendship is over with."

Mercedes just nodded as Rebecca continued, absorbing all of Rebecca's words like a sponge.

"And you have to stop using." Rebecca sighed, "No quick puff, no line of coke, I don't even think I want to see you smoke a cigarette ever again."

Rebecca knew that just the simple act of smoking could pull someone back in, and get them re-addicted, and that's exactly what she knew needed to be prevented.

Mercedes instantly responded, "I promise I won't, I swear."

"One more thing," Rebecca paused, before fully deciding that this type of situation called for extra caution. "I want you to take a drug test every morning at school, so I know you aren't playing any games behind my back."

Rebecca ran a hand through her hair, "I know you have money from the deals, so you can pay for the tests with that. Throw out any actual drugs you have left."

Rebecca left Mercedes with one more thing to think about to really drive her perspective on the entire situation home, making sure that Mercedes understood where she was coming from. "Mercedes, I can't be friends with someone who is going to wind up killing themselves, knowing that they could've prevented it."

Mercedes stared at Rebecca and nodded, as tears welled up in her eyes. She walked over to Rebecca quickly, and without warning, hugged her like her life depended on it. "Thank you. For giving me a second chance. For everything."

Rebecca hugged her back blankly and half-heartedly while nodding before Mercedes decided to head home and let Rebecca hang out with the guys.

After whatever went down, the three guys all noticed how wired up Rebecca was, and they all knew they needed to help in any way they could and take her mind off of things. Hours passed, and they managed to get Rebecca to settle back down, ordering some pizza as they put on some tv to pass the time.

Rebecca stared at the screen emptily, she could see the flashing colours and lights, but she found herself focusing on her thoughts before she zoned out.

She only snapped out of it when she heard her phone ring and felt its vibrations. When she saw Ashley's name on the screen, she quickly answered.

"Hey Becks," Ashley spoke the second Rebecca picked up, before pausing and sniffling. "I need your help."

"Yeah, of course. What's wrong?" Rebecca began pacing around the room, knowing that something was wrong as she grew extremely uneasy, causing all three guys to stop their small talk, and watch Rebecca intensely.

"I need you to come to my house." Ashley hesitated, making Rebecca's heart race, "And on the way, I need you to pick up a pregnancy test."

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