| Chapter 66 |

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Rebecca continued to struggle as time went on, and as much as she hated it, she was quickly becoming a shell of her old self.

When she wasn't in her own head, she was perfectly fine, in fact, everything was. But the second she began to doubt anything or think about her impending fate when it came to Colby, it all went to hell and she had to spend days re-building herself back up.

She was still spending more time worrying about everyone else's problems, rather than her own, but she couldn't bring herself to leave them hanging.

A week after the incident with Joseph, she grew more closed off, to everyone. She knew the fight was one-sided, and she probably blew it out of proportion, but everything just seemed so overwhelming.

When it came to Colby, her thoughts and feelings towards him weren't familiar, and she didn't want to deal with any of it.

She never knew what love felt like, she knew about friendship type of love, but other than that she had no real idea. She didn't know what it truly felt like to be in love or to be loved, and she didn't even know if she was capable of showing or feeling it.

She just knew she felt differently when it came to him, and she couldn't figure out for the life of her why. She was mentally fighting herself, recognizing that she should do what she wanted, but at the same time knowing she didn't want to be let down by yet another person or let anyone get too close to her. She was good at pretending in front of others because that was all she knew, but when she was alone these thoughts were eating at her.

The group had decided to spend the day with Jonathan on his birthday, and since snowfall was earlier than normal this year, they found themselves enjoying the outdoors. They all met up and were next to the local park, having a full-blown snowball fight on the fresh snow-filled field.

Snow was flying, screams and laughs of happiness could've been heard through the entire town, as the group was running, ducking, and scrambling around.

After lobbing a snowball at Ashley, and taking down Pamela, Rebecca set her sights on her next nearest victim, Colby. She slowly and quietly walked up to him as his back was turned to her, and just before she released the snow in her hand, he spun around ready to throw.

"Truce!" She began laughing, placing her hand in front of her face, in case he launched his snowball.

He looked at her with a smirk, and dropped the snow from his hands, walking over to her. "Truce."

He stopped mere inches in front of her as she kept her hands behind her back, and she slowly felt him move his hands to her hips, trying to coax her towards him.

"Woah, woah." She laughed, "Truce does not mean we're going from enemies to lovers."

"Really?" He tilted his head, "I coulda sworn that was the definition."

He left his hands at her hips and she quickly smiled while shaking her head, removing one of her hands from behind her back and smearing a snowball straight onto Colby's head.

His head immediately jerked back as his jaw dropped in shock and a half-smile overtook his face. She laughed as he took one hand and wiped his hair clean before he quickly grabbed onto her after she tried to run away. The two wrestled around for dominance as their laughter filled the air.

Jonathan and Joseph slowly stopped rolling each other around in the snow, and the girls lowered their snowball-filled hands when they all heard the sudden roar of laughter.

Mercedes raised her hand filled with snow, ready to intervene, but Pamela quickly lowered it. "Let them have this."

After the group grew tired, they all called the game off and circled together. Ashley brought her large luxury thermas and doled out some hot chocolate for everyone to enjoy.

The group continued talking on some benches and Colby took the opportunity to pull Joseph and walk around with him and talk for a bit.

After making sure he was out of ear-shot from the others, he shoved his hands into his pockets, "Listen, man, I know about you and Rebecca."

Joseph looked immediately flustered and began stumbling on his words. "I- uh, listen man-"

When Joseph froze, Colby looked at him strangely. "The phone call? I was there when you guys fought."

"Oh, yeah that." He nodded clearing his throat. "I think it was a misunderstanding. Sometimes I can be overbearing."

Colby nodded, waiting for him to continue. "She's just, definitely going through some stuff, but is too stubborn to say anything about it. I guess she thinks she's sparing us."

"Hey." Rebecca slowly walked up to them, "Am I interrupting?"

The two shook their heads, before she continued, "Can I, uh, talk to you, Joe?"

"Of course." He looked over at Colby, who nodded and headed off to the rest of the group. The two slowly walked around in silence and Rebecca took a deep breath.

Joseph looked over at her, "Becks, about my call."

"Listen, I was immature, and reacted idiotically." She shook her head. "Sometimes I just think that I'm so comfortable with you that I can take all of my frustrations out on you and it won't matter."

He looked over at her, "Becks, it's okay-"

"No, it was wrong." Her voice cracked and she froze, "I'm so sorry Joe."

She broke down in silent tears and he immediately wrapped his arms around her, resting his head on hers. "You're not some verbal human punching bag. I shouldn't have treated you like one."

"Neither are you." He slowly rubbed her back, "You deserve happiness. Don't be the one to get in your own way."

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