| Chapter 62 |

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"I just can't get over the fact that that's what the 'P' stood for." Colby shook his head, "I always thought that it stood for Principal."

"Wait." Rebecca froze and laughed, "You thought our principal's name was Mr. Principal?!"

"Better than him thinking it was Mr. Pornstar." Joseph shrugged and Rebecca playfully punched him in the arm.

"Oh my god!" Pamela laughed, covering her mouth with her hand.

"I woulda preferred Mr. Pisshead." Jonathan added quickly.

"Really? This is what you guys are most surprised over? Not the fact that I just outsmarted them both and stopped myself from getting expelled?" Rebecca threw her hands up in mock defeat, "You guys are something else."

"Please," Joseph rolled his eyes before ruffling her hair, "You already know we're impressed."

"We've got a whole Sherlock Holmes on our hands." Jonathan smiled, throwing his arm over Rebecca's shoulders.

"She's definitely the best of the best." Pamela gleamed and a part of Rebecca's heart warmed. "I'm gonna head to class, it's on third floor so I don't wanna be late."

Rebecca nodded and Pamela quickly headed off once she said her goodbyes. Joseph took the opportunity and looked over at Rebecca suddenly, "Alright, now you know we gotta ask..."

"Did you do it?" Colby questioned eagerly.

Rebecca just let out a devious smile and shrugged, "I guess you'll never know."

"Awe man, boo!" Jonathan laughed, "She totally did it."

Rebecca just shrugged again, letting them assume what they wanted to. The bell quickly ran shortly after and Joseph and Jonathan separated from the two.

Rebecca sat down in Chemistry class, with Colby, just before class began. She leaned back in her chair, staring blankly at the wall, ignoring the lesson going on.

She peered over at Colby, who was mindlessly scribbling over his notes. Until she saw some movement outside of the door and watched with wide eyes as she saw a group of guys talking outside. The talking itself wouldn't have bothered Rebecca normally, but it was the people themselves.

She saw both Brock and Nicholas, hanging around like nothing ever happened and they hadn't been suspended for the past few weeks. She knew they'd be back eventually, but the sight of them both made her begin to fidget anxiously.

Colby noticed Rebecca moving around and looked over at her, he didn't expect something to be wrong but when he saw the look on her face he had second thoughts. "You okay?"

Rebecca's eyes shot over to him, and she emphatically nodded as she pressed her lips tightly in a large smile.

Over the next few days, she managed to carve out a chunk of time to hang out with all of the girls during lunch.

"Oh yeah, and who the hell gave Colby my number?" She stated at each of them unimpressed.

Pamela's eyes widened, "Well, uh, actually-"

"None of us!" Mercedes cut her off, "Maybe it was one of the guys."

"Mhm, yeah sure." Rebecca rolled her eyes, knowing Pamela's nervous ticks were showing.

Meanwhile, both Joseph and Jonathan were walking through the halls talking about basketball tryouts that were quickly approaching. That was until they both laid their eyes on Brock and Nicholas.

The two thought they had time to cool down, but it didn't seem like enough. They didn't even have to say anything to each other before they were both charging over to them.

Joseph wasn't worried about Nicholas, and he knew Jonathan could take him, so he instantly went for Brock, grabbing him by his shirt and slamming him against some lockers.

"You've got some balls showing back up here." He spewed, holding Brock in place.

"You've made a big mistake." Jonathan rolled his shoulders, "Colby may have done what he wanted to the two of you, but we haven't."

Time passed slowly as Rebecca waited for school to end, home was no better but right now she was struggling to find somewhere in between where she could just be at peace.

When she made it home she noticed her mother looking at her tablet by the kitchen counter. She walked by in silence before her mother muttered, "Such a lost cause."

"Such a bitch." She responded with ease as she continued to walk by. Once she put her things in her room she went back upstairs for something to eat.

Her mother was quick to put an end to her plans when she decided to start yet another issue with Rebecca. "I better not get one more call saying you aren't in class or paying attention, you complete idiot."

"Well if I wasn't so busy dealing with your bullshit maybe I'd go." Rebecca rolled her eyes, slipping on Colby's hoodie, which she had quickly deemed her new favourite.

She went for the door, knowing she'd rather be mauled by a pack of wolves than deal with her mother. Her mother, on the other hand, went on a full tirade as Rebecca slipped on her shoes and quickly grabbed her keys, ignoring her.

Rebecca grabbed her phone, noticing her father coming down the stairs and moving towards her, in an obviously drunk state, "Rebecca-"

"Nope." She just stared at him, backing away, wanting nothing to do with him.

She opened the door and left without another thought, quickly blinking back the tears welling in her eyes. As she made her way down the road it began to rain, so she swiftly threw her hoodie on.

By the time she made it to the only place where she knew she probably wouldn't be an obstacle, she was soaked and shivering.

She knocked on the door a few times before taking a step back, and when he opened the doors she couldn't help but let out a small smile.

"Red? What are you doing out here?" Colby questioned, opening the door wider.

She choked back more of her tears and shoved her hands in her pockets, "I didn't want you to be lonely."

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