| Chapter 42 |

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Colby and Rebecca exchanged confused glances, before standing up and following the principal down the halls.

When they sat down in the office, the principal stared at them intensely, "I assume you both understand why you're here?"

"No," Rebecca answered annoyed, tired of hearing the same old starting speech every time she was in the office.

"Don't get smart with me Rebecca. You of all people should know how to talk to me respectfully, seeing as you've been here more times than anyone could count." He folded his hands on the table.

She rolled her eyes, leaning back in her chair, trying to hide her cringe at the use of her name and the tone that went hand in hand with it.

"Well, seeing as you both want to play dumb, I guess I'll have to spell it out for you." He spoke, looking between the two. "Colby, under Rebecca's instructions, you deliberately attacked two of our school's most valued students."

Colby sat there with furrowed eyebrows, and Rebecca immediately interjected. "What?! No, he didn't! He was protecting me!"

The principal looked at her inquisitively, "From what may I ask?"

"You certainly may," Rebecca spewed back, "He only attacked your so-called 'prized students' because they were trying to rape me!"

He rolled his eyes, "Enough with the nonsense! Colby, both you and Rebecca are being expelled."

"That's bullshit!" Rebecca stood up, "Colby did absolutely nothing wrong! They spiked my drink, and tried to rape me! He stopped them!"

"The same goes for Rebecca, she did nothing wrong. She's a victim." Colby interjected, anger overtaking him as the prior events replayed in his head.

"Where's your evidence?" The principal leaned back in his chair, with a look of victory on his face.

"Right here!" Rebecca pointed to her bruised face, "And if that's not good enough try this!"

She snatched the medical documents from her backpack, before slamming them down on the table and sitting back down furiously.

The principal skimmed over the documents way too quickly, before coming to a conclusion. "There's nothing I can do for you. For all I know, you have makeup on your face and these documents are forged."

"You've got to be kidding me!" Rebecca yelled before throwing her hands up in the air. "Then hell, you have no proof the two of them aren't lying either."

"Fine, if it'll get you both to shut up, I'll start a case report and everyone can give their information to a teacher of my choice. However, I can't say that the results will be any different and it won't just be a complete waste of your time." He picked up the phone, dialled it, and asked for someone to come to his office.

Rebecca's leg angrily bounced up and down, and Colby quickly became irritated, interrupting the silence and deadly glares, "Who is going to be talking to us?"

"I am," Rebecca heard the voice and instantly clenched her jaw in frustration.

Colby watched Mr. Polinsky walk in, and saw Rebecca immediately tense up. He swiftly moved his hand over to hers, entwining their fingers with a small squeeze, hoping to be some form of reassurance.

Rebecca and Colby were told they had to stay after school for separate and combined interviews, and after that, they stormed out, making their way back to the cafeteria.

"What was that about?" Joseph saw the range of emotions on their faces when they returned.

Rebecca shook her head, "We're both gonna be expelled."

"What?!" Both Joseph and Jonathan exclaimed, utterly confused.

Colby nodded, "Most likely, but we managed to get a case review after school, so you guys may wanna come back us up."

"There's no point. Polinsky is taking the report, he hates me and I hate him. Hell, he's watched Brock assault multiple girls with his own eyes and has never said a damn thing." Rebecca interjected, purposely leaving out the fact that she had dealt with Brock's antics before.

"What would he do?" Joseph questioned.

"Whatever he could," Rebecca shook her head, "It was about time he finally got what he deserved."

The bell rang, and the four reluctantly began dispersing. However, before Colby could get out of arms reach, Rebecca grabbed his wrist, "I'm sorry. You wouldn't have had to deal with any of this if it wasn't for me."

"If it means I get to pretend to be your knight in shining armour for a third time, I don't mind." He smiled, before lifting her lowered head with his hand, "There's nobody I'd rather get expelled with, and there sure as hell isn't a better reason."

Rebecca slightly smiled and felt her heart flutter for a split second, before pulling her gaze away from Colby's. She took a deep breath before they separated, and on her way to class, Rebecca came across a relieved-looking, Pamela.

"Becca I'm so sorry I didn't find you earlier, I was looking everywhere." She hugged her.

Rebecca smiled, "It's all good."

"What happened to your face?!" Pamela quickly began to freak out.

"Pam, it's fine, just another jerk trying to rip off Mercedes in a deal." Rebecca lied easily, "But more importantly how are you doing?"

Pamela shrugged, "I'm okay. But every time I'm close to putting that video behind me Alexis just brings it back up. You know her, she doesn't shut up."

Rebecca nodded, "Don't put up with that crap, she's jealous of you. You ever need help, you let me know, and I'm there."

The two chatted for a few more seconds before rushing to class. Rebecca looked at her phone for any missed messages, not surprised when she didn't see any from Ashley. As it wasn't unlike her to stay home and treat herself to a spa day without giving anyone else any notice.

While walking through the halls she met Mr. Polinsky's gaze and rolled her eyes, before muttering to herself, "This week just started, and I already need it to end."

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