| Chapter 34 |

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Time passed, and most of the party had migrated inside, leaving only a few people still hanging around in the cool temperatures.

Rebecca stood at the breakfast bar, tracing the lines on the counter with her finger, trying to find a way out of the party.

She couldn't set her emotions or thoughts straight, and as much as she hated to admit it, she was finding comfort in forgetting her thoughts with help from alcohol. She definitely wasn't as wasted as last time, but she wasn't as sober as she wanted to be.

She looked around and at that moment she really noticed how many people were at this party. The party at Colby's house seemed tiny compared to the number of people she saw while she continued scanning the room. Countless people were practically shoulder to shoulder, and there was little room to move around.

She listened to the thumping music and heard two familiar voices singing, when she turned to the source of the noise, she laughed as she watched Pamela and Mercedes dance around and sing on the karaoke machine together.

While she was watching the two have fun, from the corner of her eye, Rebecca noticed Ashley making out with another one of her random guys. Rebecca just furrowed her eyebrows, not understanding what Ashley's motives were or why she felt the need to constantly have her lips attached to someone else's, especially when it was a different person every time.

It was only when she noticed Brock walk somewhere behind her and saw Nicholas walking in front of her, that she was on high alert.

She grinned to herself as she watched Nicholas walk around with a bandaged nose and bruised face, taking an extra moment to appreciate the black eye she had given him.

Her observations were quickly interrupted however when Ashley stumbled towards her, "Hey bestie, sister wife, partner in crime."

Rebecca chuckled at her friend's drunken state, and when Ashley started rambling about something incoherent, Rebecca's attention went back around the room as she nodded periodically in order to lead Ashley into thinking that she was actually listening.

When Ashley eventually left her, she turned back towards the counter and took a sip of her beer. Only then realizing that the only way she would be able to leave would be if she managed to convince one of the guys to drive her home, seeing as she had no idea where she was or even whose party she was at. Even she knew that walking alone at this time of night aimlessly, probably wasn't one of her best ideas.

She wandered around the house looking for any signs of the guys but they were nowhere to be found. After a few more minutes, Rebecca found herself walking through a quiet hall when suddenly a wave of dizziness washed over her. She tried to grab onto a nearby side table to steady herself, but instead, she ended up knocking off whatever small decorations and items were placed on it.

She made her way through the halls, leaning against the wall heavily as she walked, trying to grasp onto whatever she could for support. After travelling through countless hallways and turning at every corner, Rebecca finally found someone that she knew. She saw Colby standing by the wall in the living room and she immediately tried to make her way to him as quickly as she could.

Her mind became a haze as her vision began to blur and she shuffled slowly as the room around her began to spin. She quickly detoured from her path to Colby and rushed to the washroom, which was closer, accidentally knocking into some people and counters on her way there.

When she found her way into the washroom and managed to open the door, she threw cold water on her face, which seemed to help her mind refocus in the slightest. Rebecca then took a few seconds to try and relax her tense self and take a deep breath, as she clutched onto the corners of the sink tightly.

When she made her way back out, the loud music, as well as the flashing lights, didn't help the sudden pain in her head at all, and her unwell state went back to square one, leading the washroom break to be all for nothing. 

She leaned up against the nearby counter as she took a few more deep breaths, uncertain as to why she was suddenly feeling this way. She knew she had a lot to drink, but she also realized that at the other party, she definitely drank more, yet somehow felt better than she did now.

Once the room stopped spinning for a minute, Rebecca tried to jump on the opportunity and walk over to Colby again, however, she quickly lost her balance and began to fall to the floor.

Rebecca tried to brace herself for impact, knowing her head was about to be in much more pain than it already was. But before she managed to hit the floor, she felt herself get caught, and whoever it was lifted her up and helped prevent her from falling on her face.

She tried to get a look at who was holding her, but her blurred vision and the spinning room prevented her from focusing. The last thing she recognized was the ceiling and bright flashing colourful lights before she let her heavy eyelids close.

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