| Chapter 60 |

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When school rolled around the next day, to say Rebecca had been conjuring up stories in her mind the night prior was an understatement.

She had spent the night lying awake, thinking of how this narrative could be spun around, and why the principal was so adamant that it was her.

Nobody was in there, there's no physical evidence against her, and nobody witnessed it.

She strolled through the halls on her way to class, noticing that the girl's change room was caution taped off, with a sign saying nobody was allowed in. When she got to class, she was in there for all of thirty seconds before she was hauled out and called back in the office.

They were all forced to re-tell their stories to the officer so he could come to a fair verdict. Since the janitors had cleaned Alexis's broken perfume bottle spill before this whole situation unfolded, there was no physical evidence anyone could use against the other.

Most of the time Rebecca just zoned out trying to figure out why the principal was pegging this on her and being so adamant about it. Sure, she knew she wasn't the best when it came to her track record, but he almost seemed too confident.

The girls were let out for lunch, and while the group was being filled in again and they walked past the blocked-off change room, Rebecca finally came up with something.

"I need your help," She looked at all of them, hovering over Colby for a split second longer, as they all came to a stop. "I need you all to block the entrance to the change room while I sneak in. And if someone tries to go in while I'm in there I need you to stop them."

"Why?" Pamela looked at her wearily.

"You just- you gotta trust me." Rebecca sighed while tying up her hair, "Anyone got something to write with?"

"Will a permanent marker do the job?" Joseph rummaged around in his backpack pocket.

"It'll be perfect." He handed her the marker and she smiled.

"Here we go." She spoke as they walked towards the entrance.

They all looked around to make sure it was clear to go, and since locks on the change room doors are forbidden for safety reasons, she knew she'd have no trouble getting in.

She slipped in, making sure no one was in there, taking a while to look around, "Okay, now what's my canvas..."

Rebecca trailed off as she scanned the room, looking at the white wall staring right back at her. "You'll work."

After a few minutes of writing and filing in block letters, she finished and took a step back, admiring the bold black letters inscribed on the wall.

'Our principal is a pervert.'

She smirked before taking a second to pull out her phone and snap a picture of her work so she could show the others what she was doing.

She walked back out and simply held out her phone for the group to see, trying to contain her grin. Mercedes immediately raised her eyebrows in shock, "Are you saying-"

"Just testing a theory." Rebecca shrugged, "I'm already in the deep end so what's going a little further?"

"You're crazy." Joseph chuckled with a shake of his head.

"Yeah, crazy smart." Jonathan spoke up, ruffling Rebecca's hair, giving her a quick squeeze.

Rebecca peered over Ashley's shoulder and saw both their principal and the police officer taking the case, looking over files and discussing things.

The principal must've felt the staring because he looked up and directly at Rebecca, seconds before the bell rang. She simply let her smirk grow, before making her way back to the office with Pamela, as they were instructed to do before they left for lunch.

"Ready to admit to it?"  The principal questioned as the girls sat down.

"Admit to what?" She smiled, crossing her arms.

He sighed before his phone chimed and the second he read the text, he looked at Rebecca with a strange look, before immediately turning to his computer. The screen was turned away from them, so she wasn't sure what he was doing, but when Mr. Polinsky swiftly entered and walked behind the desk to look at the screen with the principal, she figured it out quickly.

The police officer was standing to the side, and began growing suspicious, "Are we okay to continue, or is there a matter more important you two need to attend to?"

Mr. Polinsky cleared his throat before standing up straight, and the principal fixed his tie, "Uh, yes we're good to continue. My apologies."

He took a deep breath in, seemingly trying to compose himself before he continued, "Miss Quin is a pathological liar, she has a stained record, and nobody in this school would put such an act past her."

Alexis just nodded excitedly, liking the treatment Rebecca was receiving before Pamela spoke up. "You can't pin this on Rebecca just because of past incidents. That's not fair."

"I'm sorry? You actually have a voice?" He spat, sweat evidently forming on his forehead, "I'll be damned."

"Don't you dare speak to her like that." Rebecca stood up furiously and Pamela quickly grabbed her hand, coaxing her to sit back down.

"Alright, everyone take it down a notch!" The police officer spoke up.

"Enough of this! You did it and I'm certain of it!" He boomed, squeezing his fists so hard his joints began to whiten, "Rebecca Quin you are expelled from this school."

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