| Chapter 63 |

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When Rebecca got inside and settled, she and Colby fell into a conversation that felt as easy as breathing.

"Your house is really nice." She looked around as they moved from the kitchen to the living room.

"You've been here before." He laughed.

She nodded as they sat down, "Yeah but those times were different, and most things I don't remember."

"Well, obviously you must remember that this is the infamous couch." He let a small grin overtake his face as she rolled her eyes.

"Is that what we're calling it?" She laughed and shook her head.

His familiar smirk never wavered, "Absolutely."

"How could I forget?" She replied with a hint of sarcasm in her words, as she rolled her eyes again.

"This is where..." She slowly sat up, moving over to him and gently putting herself on top of his legs. Straddling him like the night they shared the dare while staring into his eyes the entire time. "I had to kiss you."

"Had?" Colby took the bait and leaned in slightly, "You make it sound like such a chore."

She felt his arms snake around her back, gently pulling her closer to him as she placed hers on the back of the couch. "It's a little foggy, but-"

"I can clear it up for you." He moved his hands to the bottom of her thighs, gripping onto them while pulling her even closer.

She felt her knees hit the back of the couch, and when he brought his hands to her waist and she smiled. "Is that so?"

"It is." He smiled deviously while leaning in before she gently placed her finger against his lips.

"Not so fast, hotshot." She smirked while moving her hands into her lap, "We don't need a repeat of that night."

"I would love a repeat." He stared at her intensely, before standing up with her in his arms.

"What are you doing?!" Rebecca laughed as he spun around, placing her back against the couch lengthwise, hovering above her with his hands placed on the couch by each of her sides.

"How long are you gonna keep trying to escape this?" He kept his voice low, whispering by her ear, and she could feel his breath on her skin.

"As long as it takes for you to get it through your thick skull." She whispered back, her lips brushing against his ear before she moved back slightly with a quiet laugh.

"You're going to be waiting an awfully long time then." He stared into her eyes before moving his head back by her neck and placing his lips against her skin. "And I'm going to make it as difficult as possible."

The words vibrated onto her neck, before she felt him gently kiss her from there down to her collarbone, her eyes involuntarily shutting. Her heart was racing as temptation began to build, and she knew that was part of his plan. But although he was damn good at what he was trying to do, she knew her mind would get in the way anyways.

Her hands moved towards the back of his head, before she gently cupped his jaw, moving his head back so she could see his eyes.

She just shot him a forced unimpressed look and he sat up normally, "Damn, you really are good at faking it."

"Faking what?" She laughed as she began sitting up.

"Your emotions." He threw his arm over the back of the couch.

"For you? Please, it's easy. I don't have any." She rolled her eyes as she laughed.

He just shook his head with an all-knowing smile, "Liar."

"Prove it." She raised her eyebrow with a smirk.

"Okay." Colby nodded, "Well, seeing as you'll only kiss me under 'challenge' circumstances, what if, hypothetically, I dared you?"

"Hypothetically? You mean the way I hypothetically tickled you in detention?" She chuckled, "Please, you just want to use this as an excuse to get kissed."

"Maybe, but I'm also smart enough to know that you never want to back down from a challenge." The look of victory spread through his face, "I mean, isn't that what got you into this mess in the first place?"

Rebecca rolled her eyes, as she pushed her hair out of her face. "No."

He leaned back, resting his head on the armrest of the couch, smirking and she sighed, knowing he was right. "Fine."

She crawled over to where he sat, smiling suspiciously, as she leaned in and placed a gentle, short kiss on his cheek, before beginning to lean back.

Colby quickly dug his fingers into her hips and her eyes shot over to his, "That doesn't count, cheater."

Before she could respond she felt herself being pulled onto him, and suddenly their lips were on one another's. His hands were desperately keeping her as close to him as he could, scaling up and down her back before going back to her hips. The emotions and feelings swirling between the two of them were indescribable, and Rebecca clung to his hair tightly, as their breathing sped up and hearts continued to race.

Colby's mouth moved to her jaw before his lips were back on her neck, and when she took a full breath for the first time in minutes, her eyes widened in shock as she came back to her senses.

She removed her hands from his hair and placed them on his shoulders, gently pulling back. As the two regained their breaths they just stared into one another's dazed and glossed-over eyes.

"You can't tell me, you don't feel anything." He whispered, moving a strand of hair behind her ear.

She stared at him for a long moment, before sitting back and realizing what she had just done. "Nothing."

He rolled her eyes at the blatant lie, with a grin, "The real question is which one of us you're trying to convince."

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