| Chapter 16 |

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After the squealing that came from Ashley, Mercedes, and Pamela had blown over, the three left Rebecca's house before her mother returned.

For the rest of that night, Rebecca stayed quiet and unseen, keeping to herself in her room, thinking about the past two eventful days.

She laid down on her bed staring at anything in the room that caught her attention and let her mind wander off.

She eventually got ready for bed and laid down attempting to fall asleep. She closed her eyes, trying not to think about what events would occur the next day.

When the morning arrived Rebecca started it the same way she typically always did. She laid in bed for as long as her body allowed, before she became too awake and had to get up. When she did, she scrolled through her phone and made sure to text the girls back if they had sent her something. She then went upstairs and to see if she was home alone and to her luck, she noticed her mother was already out of the house.

After finishing everything else she needed to do, she ended her routine by making herself some breakfast. She curled up on the living room couch and ate in peace. Staring out of the large window that sat at the other side of the room, across from her.

She watched a few people walk by, cars pass, and leaves fall off of the autumn trees. When she heard a thud upstairs she immediately flinched, not knowing what could have made the noise, seeing as she thought she was the only one home.

When she moved closer to the large window and glanced outside, she noticed her father's truck in the driveway and she quietly cursed at herself for not looking sooner.

She grabbed all of her things and quietly tiptoed back to the basement stairs. When she reached the top and went to step down, the floor beneath her creaked and her eyes widened. When she didn't hear anything else she let out a breath of relief and started making her way down until she was stopped.

"My Rebecca." His voice was thick and when Rebecca turned around she saw the familiar distant look in his eyes.

She let out a small forced smile, "Hey Da."

She smelt the alcohol that he reeked of and saw his estranged state. She quickly went to go back downstairs, not wanting to see him in like that any longer.

Time seemed to pass far too quickly for Rebecca and before she knew it she found herself getting ready for the dreaded party.

She threw on an acceptable outfit and wrote a note she decided she would leave for her parents to find, instead of telling them prior. She decided on lying about sleeping over at Ashley's, and in all honesty, Rebecca had a feeling they wouldn't even notice the note or her being out of the house for that matter.

She left the house with her phone and keys, going unnoticed. On her keychain she had an extra key to her father's truck and considering she knew he was off of work on most Mondays, she decided to take it instead of walking.

Eventually, she made it to Ashley's house and sat on her porch swing as she sent her a text letting her know she was outside.

Shortly after, she heard the front door open and Ashley poked her head out looking at her with a smile, "Damn, you look so hot."

"Whatever." Rebecca rolled her eyes, not buying the compliment. Ashley knew she despised the attention, yet she always seemed to ignore her.

Ashley invited Rebecca inside and the two went to her bedroom. Walking into Ashley's room was the polar opposite of hers. It was luxurious and spacious, while still managing to feel cozy and homey. She had a large and proper dresser, unlike Rebecca who had to shove all of her clothes into her closet. She also had a personal bathroom, a walk-in closet, and even her very own balcony.

Rebecca sat down on one of Ashley's chairs and watched her as she put her makeup on while sitting at her vanity.

"Are you excited?" Ashley questioned while curling her hair.

Rebecca nodded, "For the drinks."

"You watch, you're gonna have the best time of your life and mark my words this will be an 'I told you so' you'll never live down," Ashley told her as she looked at her through her mirror.

Rebecca laughed, "Yeah, sure."

"Mark my words." She repeated, practically in song.

After Ashley finally finished getting dressed, the two got into the truck and started driving. Pamela and Mercedes planned on walking together so Rebecca already knew she didn't need to worry about picking them up.

It wasn't a far drive whatsoever, but the girls had time to kill before the party actually started so Rebecca drove them around aimlessly while Ashley blasted the radio and sang.

When the time came around, Rebecca pulled up to the street that Ashley helped her navigate to. The street had a few cars parked on the sides and the house's long driveway was full, so Rebecca opted to park a little further down the road.

"Here we are." She parked the car and looked at Ashley, "Maybe I'll just drop you off and go back home."

She knew she was going to have second thoughts, and she didn't even try to prevent them, it was inevitable at this point. If anything, all she wanted to do at this party was chill, maybe grab one drink, and then leave. But knowing Ashley, that wasn't going to be anywhere near what was going to happen.

"Come on Becks, you say you always like to be unexpected. This is your perfect opportunity."  Ashley stated confidently, "You'll be fine."

She nodded and Ashley gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. Rebecca looked over at Ashley and sighed, "Here goes nothing."

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