| Chapter 17 |

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Blazing lights, crashing sounds, and rambunctious teens. The perfect mix for a disaster waiting to happen, especially when alcohol was involved.

In the kitchen, Rebecca sat alone on top of the marble polished countertops. She watched Ashley flirt in the living room with her seventh guy that night, beer in hand, with her other on his chest, laughing at whatever lame joke he just told her. 

Rebecca knew Ashley would be leaving him in the dust in a matter of a few minutes, and she'd move onto the next guy.

She quickly turned her head away and wrinkled her nose in disgust as she saw Ashley pull in the random for a sloppy and liquor induced makeout. In a swift motion, Rebecca downed the shot of Tequila she was holding onto in hopes of forgetting the sight.

As the liquor burned down her throat she diverted her attention and began observing everyone else that was in the room, quietly keeping to herself. 

She wiped some excess alcohol off of the corner of her lips and the small amount that began to slip down to her chin, rubbing it onto the black fabric of her ripped up jeans. She continued looking around the room silently, her eyes never leaving her surroundings, while adjusting her black crop top.

She was definitely an observer, no matter how much fun Ashley made, it was Rebecca's way of seeing what people were actually like. She knew it was better to see what type of situation you were getting yourself into, rather than jumping in blind. Avoiding the stress and annoyance that came with fake and self-obsessed people was always high on Rebecca's list.

The party was mainly filled with cheerleaders, jocks, and party lovers, three things that Rebecca was not. She hoped to see Mercedes and Pamela somewhere, but after they all met up and spoke for a bit, the two wandered off.

Rebecca saw Ashley staggering towards her, knowing it was probably only so that she could grab another drink and get back to flirting. But to Rebecca's surprise, Ashley clumsily made her way over to where she was sitting and glared at her.

"Why aren't you partying?! It's called a party for a reason!" Ashley yelled over the loud music, as she readjusted her crop top dress, "I brought you here to act like an actual human being! Stop being weird and go make out with somebody already!"

Rebecca rolled her eyes and jumped off of the counter, straightening out her leather jacket in the process. She moved to help Ashley wash out a beer stain that ruined her dress, "Ash, you know parties aren't my thing, and making out with random guys definitely isn't on my bucket list for today."

"You're so boring!" Ashley whined, "At least take a shot with me," she insisted as she shoved two shots of Tequila in Rebecca's hands while grabbing two for herself.

"Ash, two?! You're already wasted you don't need more." She sighed, shaking her head.

"No. These two are also for you. I'm just holding them until you finish your first two." Ashley stated while smiling like it was the most obvious answer in the world.

Rebecca's eyebrows furrowed, "How am I supposed to drive us home if we're both drunk out of our minds?"

"You're Irish, you don't get drunk. Now drink." Ashley rolled her eyes impatiently.

Rebecca knew there was no point in arguing. Arguing with a sober Ashley was difficult in the first place but arguing with a drunk Ashley was somehow ten times harder.

Rebecca gave into temptation, and her nostrils were quickly drowning in the smell of alcohol as the liquor heavily coated her throat. She downed the first two shots consecutively with no break in between, placing the glasses on the table in front of them.

Her throat started burning up and Rebecca knew that she shouldn't consume any more liquor. She knew her limits and she knew pushing past them would lead to nothing good.

Before Rebecca could hesitate, Ashley practically shoved the other shots down her throat. As the burning sensation in her throat intensified immensely, Rebecca looked at Ashley skeptically. "Ashley. What was in those last two shots?"

"Tequila," she responded, smiling suspiciously.

"Ashley. I know what straight Tequila tastes like, and that is not it." Rebecca huffed, crossing her arms.

Ashley began avoiding eye contact and tried sprinting away. Fortunately for Rebecca, Ashley could barely walk two steps without almost falling over. Rebecca dragged her back into the kitchen and gave her a look that could kill.

"Becks! Hey! Fancy seeing you here!" Ashley responded with a bright smile.

Rebecca rolled her eyes, "Ashley."

"Fine. You're no fun." she scoffed, "I just added some Vodka, nothing major." She shrugged looking around for more liquor as she was released from Rebecca's grasp.

Rebecca threw her arms up in frustration, "Nothing major?! Ashley I don't need to be wasted!"

Ashley rolled her eyes and grabbed a cup of whatever she could find and she swallowed it immediately. Her face scrunched and she let out a slight cough, looking at Rebecca with a dazed and smiling face, "Rebecca! Learn to live a little! You're going to be fine! What's the worst that can happen?!"

Without even realizing it, Rebecca let her emotions, the high amount of alcohol in her system, and her clouded judgement get the best of her. In one sudden movement, she grabbed the closest shot glass and practically inhaled whatever was in it. Slamming the glass down on the counter with a blank expression on her face.

"That's the spirit!" Ashley smiled and clapped excitedly.

As Rebecca felt the liquor begin to set in, she felt her brain begin to worry less and less with each passing second, and she finally calmed down.

She looked at Ashley for a few seconds, then let out a small and wicked grin. "Yeah, what's the worst that could happen?"

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