| Chapter 61 |

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Before Rebecca knew it, she was forced out of the office and was walking through the halls with the policeman on her left, Mr. Polinsky on her right, and the principal behind her.

The final decision was ultimately the principal's, but the policeman still seemed very hesitant to allow this to happen, especially knowing that there wasn't enough evidence to accuse anyone of anything.

Students crowded the halls and Rebecca could feel all of their eyes on her. The break between classes had just begun so she knew she'd have to deal with the discomfort throughout the entire process.

Joseph's locker just so happened to be on the opposite side of Rebecca's and just a little further down the hall. So, it wasn't unusual for the guys to talk there, seeing as they all had gym together beforehand, and them being there didn't surprise her whatsoever.

However, seeing Rebecca packing up her things with adults surrounding her, definitely confused them. It took about half a second for them to make their way over to her.

Joseph stood in front of the three adult men without care, leaving his back towards them. Seeing as he was taller, definitely more muscular, and way more intimidating, he wasn't worried in the slightest. "What the hell is going on?"

"Apparently, I'm being expelled." She shook her head, slinging her backpack over her shoulder.

"For what?!" Jonathan stood in disbelief, "You did nothing."

"I tried to tell them. But talking to a completely incompetent individual doesn't help." She said, turning her head partially, glaring at their principal. "I'm done."

Colby looked between Rebecca and the principal, "Wait so that's just it? You're gone?"

Rebecca looked over at him with sad eyes, "I guess so. For what it's worth, I'm glad we met."

Colby smiled recalling their encounter, "That and the way we met."

"Jesus it's not like we're never gonna see each other again. You know this whole school thing doesn't take up our entire lives." Jonathan rolled his eyes, "Stop with your dramatic asses."

She quickly rolled her eyes while shaking her head with a smile, and the principal was swift to ruin the bittersweet moment.

"Goodbye Miss Quin, I can't say I'm not glad to finally see you go." Rebecca just clenched her jaw as he continued. "And that little stunt you pulled, during lunch didn't go unnoticed."

"Ha! Oh my God! I can't believe you're actually that stupid!" Rebecca threw her arms up in the air with a cackle, "You just outed yourself in front of a freaking cop!"

"I have no idea what you're talking about." He put his hands into his pants pocket and Rebecca shot the three guys an all-knowing look.

"Oh yeah? Really? Well, let me paint a picture for everyone." She smiled before pushing past Mr. Polinsky and heading straight into the principal's office.

Pamela and Alexis were still seated in the room and were both confused when they saw Rebecca again. She just smiled towards Pamela and waited for everyone to follow her into the room before continuing.

"After being so vigorously blamed for this situation, I became suspicious." She paused, "So today at lunch, I took matters into my own hands. I wrote on our change room walls. And nobody could've possibly known unless they were in there."

She looked at the policeman before continuing, "I checked every single spot and not a single person was there. They're in it together."

"In what?" Mr. Polinsky finally spoke up aggravated.

"This," She smiled before catching them both off guard, aggressively turning the computer screen towards the group.

Looks of shock and silence filled the room as a video of Rebecca writing on the wall played on-screen, looping endlessly.

It didn't have the best angle on her, seeing as Alexis's things were in the near corner, but the bright orange hair definitely gave her away. You couldn't see the right side of Rebecca, because of the wall blocking her, but it was obvious that that wasn't the purpose of the camera being placed there. Her back was facing it, so you couldn't see what she was doing or if she was even messing with Alexis's things, so she knew she'd get off free. Other than that, the camera had a view of the entire change room, and it could see practically everything, making Rebecca hate them both even more.

"They've both been spying on the girl's change room. Watching us, twenty-four seven." Rebecca smirked, looking over at the principal, "And you were dumb enough to give yourself away."

That was all the police officer needed to see before he proceeded. "Samuel Polinsky and Matthew Polinsky you're both under arrest."

"They're brothers," Rebecca whispered, coming to the realization, "That's why they're always saving each other's asses."

Pamela made her way over to Rebecca in complete shock, "To think that they've been watching everything."

Rebecca nodded, "They're both disgusting pedos and they deserve to burn in hell."

The policeman paged more cops to come to the school and do a clean sweep after they found the camera in the girl's change room. That way they could be on the lookout for any other hidden cameras, or incriminating evidence on the two.

Rebecca smiled as they began to get hauled off, and Mr. Polinsky stared at her evilly, "Screw you."

Rebecca smirked, before crossing her arms, "Yeah, I'm sure you wish."

She shook her head as she watched them get hauled out before the original policeman returned. "Ma'am although there is partial video evidence, there is no real footage of you tampering with her perfume, so I'm going to dismiss it. Especially seeing as we have bigger issues to deal with."

"What?! That's not fair!" Alexis screeched.

Rebecca smirked at Alexis, before nodding towards the officer and walking out with Pamela, pausing at the door. "Thank you, officer."

He was quick to shake his head, "No. Thank you."

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