| Chapter 50 |

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Sunlight practically burned through Rebecca's eyelids, when she first woke up. As she left them closed she furrowed her eyebrows, knowing her curtains should've been doing a better job at blocking out the sun than they were.

She cracked one eye open and instantly noticed that she wasn't in her room, and she definitely wasn't in her bed. She felt arms around her and remembered that the last person she was with was Jonathan. She looked down seeing his arms firmly wrapped around her, and heard the faintest sound of his breathing. She could hear his heartbeat and feel his warmth, making her desperately want to close her eyes and fall back asleep.

She felt bad, knowing Jonathan stayed with her all night, knowing he'd be too nice to say anything about it. However, she didn't want to bother him or anyone else and drag them down into her pit of problems, whether they mentioned it or not. She quickly admitted to herself that letting her emotions get the better of her was a big mistake and now she had to try twice as hard to cover it all up.

She blocked out the thoughts gnawing at her brain, in an attempt to avoid reliving her mistakes when letting others see her weaknesses. She stayed still, letting a small smile present itself on her face as she enjoyed the peace and the calmness that followed.

After a bit, she felt Jonathan start to stir as he began to wake up. She lightly drew on this arm with the tips of her fingers, trying not to startle him as he fully awoke.

She felt him tighten his hold on her as he took a deep breath in, "Hey."

She smiled at the sound of his gruff and still half asleep voice, nuzzling into his chest, "Hi."

Rebecca waited a few minutes to let him wake up more before continuing to converse. She knew she personally didn't want to be bombarded with questions when she first got up so she wanted to give Jonathan some time.

"You shouldn't have let me fall asleep." She continued gently drawing on his arm, "It's not fair to you."

"What are you on? That was the best sleep I've had in years." He placed a soft kiss on her head, "You make a great portable heater."

She giggled and Jonathan's heart warmed, "Ironic seeing as I always feel cold."

The two went back to being quiet as they just enjoyed and took in the moment. Rebecca knew as soon as she opened the truck door, the real world would come crashing back down on her, but as long as she stayed inside, the quietness was all hers.

"As much as I'd love to stay here like this all day, I believe we have someplace to be." Rebecca tilted her head to look at Jonathan and cursed herself for letting her thoughts escape her mind and exit her mouth.

Jonathan nodded before a mischievous smile overtook his face, "We could always skip."

"You're so bad." Rebecca laughed as she shook her head.

Jonathan's smile stayed plastered on his face, "You know you love it."

"I do." Rebecca's answer was simple as she nodded, however, it seemed more complex in Jonathan's mind.

They begrudgingly began to move, as they sat up and stretched. After some small talk, Rebecca decided that it'd be best if she stopped by at her place before school, and they knew if they delayed any longer they'd be late.

They pulled into her driveway and said their goodbyes and Jonathan watched her hesitate to get out of the truck, "I can drive you straight to school if you want."

"That's okay. I'll see you there." Rebecca shot him a smile and opened the door before waving goodbye.

Rebecca opened the door and began walking down to her room, just as she thought she was going to be unnoticed, the floor beneath her creaked.

Her mother immediately rounded the corner in a full-blown rage, "Where in the living hell were you?!"

Rebecca couldn't help but laugh, "Please, like you care."

She knew she shouldn't talk back, or even engage at all, but she was getting tired of her mother's whole charade and had no clue how she'd been dealing with it for her entire life.

"You're useless you know that?" She spewed, "Every mother down the street would jump at the chance to gloat about their child, but not me. My child is a greedy, lazy, good for nothing, bitch."

Rebecca's eyebrow twitched as she tried to hide her smirk. "Well, I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, does it?

Her mother's eyes widened, as she struggled for a rebuttal and immediately turned to Rebecca's father who just entered the kitchen for another beer.

It seemed like her mother had cranked up her unbearable qualities in the past few years, but it made Rebecca wonder if she was just too naive to notice it before.

She began harping on him, blaming him for the way Rebecca behaved, and yelling at the two of them back and forth, acting like the victim. He listened to his wife, while he slouched over the counter, gripping onto his empty bottle. Finally, he got sick and tired of the blabbering, and when he looked up from his bottle, rage evidently filled eyes and Rebecca seemed like an immediate target.

"Rebecca!" He screamed as he threw his empty bottle at her. She flinched as it shattered on the wall right beside her, and a shard of glass ricocheted off of the wall, slitting the bridge of her nose.

The house fell silent after that.

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