| Chapter 20 |

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As he watched Rebecca walk out of sight, Colby sat there in a daze, and everyone stared at his motionless state and took note of the slight smile on his face.

Ashley on the other hand practically had her jaw on the floor, after witnessing what her best friend just did.

She couldn't fathom that what she saw was real, no matter how wasted she was, and she came to the conclusion that she must've eaten trippy mushrooms or this was an alternate universe. She knew the chances of the zombie apocalypse happening were higher than the chances of Rebecca making out with someone at a party were.

While Alexis just had a plain look of annoyance and disgust on her face as her friends tried to console her.

"What in the hell just happened?" Ashley mumbled to herself, looking for any signs as to where Rebecca had ventured off to. She tried to go after her but realized she could barely stand on her own two feet, let alone walk.

Instead, Ashley listened to the voices and comments that could be heard all around the room.

"It must suck to be Alexis right now." Some girls could be heard snickering.

Other girls sounded jealous and slightly irritated, "She's so lucky."

"Colby looks like he wants more." Some of his friends could be heard teasing him.

A certain amount of people didn't even know who Rebecca was, "Is she new here?"

"That really backfired on Alexis." Multiple people laughed at Alexis, not caring that she could hear it all.

"I wish I could've gotten that dare." Some girls were begging for an opportunity like that with Colby, and some guys wanted a moment like that with Rebecca, while a few others didn't care about who they got to kiss, as long as it was one of them.

Of course, some people were left close to speechless and were still trying to understand what just happened, "What did I just watch?"

When Ashley finally looked back at where Colby was sitting, he had suddenly disappeared.

Meanwhile, Rebecca aimlessly wandered throughout the extremely large house, making sure to distract herself from thinking about her previous actions.

She stumbled around, still heavily influenced by the alcohol in her system, walking through the hallways, and looking at the countless rooms.

She gazed in one of the rooms and went to continue walking, however she found herself doing a double-take when she noticed Pamela—or at least someone who looked extremely similar—making out with a guy on a couch.

Rebecca looked closer, squinting her eyes, as she tried to make sure that her eyes weren't playing tricks on her, "Pam?"

Before she could see if she was right, Rebecca felt herself being dragged somewhere else, as someone held a tight grip on her upper arm.

She found herself squinting again, trying to get a glimpse of who had grabbed her, hoping she didn't have to get into an altercation seeing as she was highly uncoordinated at the moment.

Room after room passed until she was led to a dark area and was gently pushed up against the wall.

When she looked straight ahead she met Colby's eyes. He was almost positioned in the same way that he had been in the cafeteria the other day, with the random girl.

He hovered over her, his face only inches apart from hers, with both one hand gripping her waist and the other pressed against the wall beside her head.

"What are you doing?" She asked, visibly confused.

"What?" He grinned speaking in a low husky tone, removing his hand from her hip and moving it to twirl a strand of Rebecca's hair on his finger. "You didn't think you could tease me like that and just leave did you?"

"Actually..." She smiled deviously and leaned in until their lips almost touched, moving her head out of the way just in time, mocking his actions towards Alexis, and letting her lips linger by his ear before whispering, "I think I can."

She looked at his stunned expression for a split second and walked out of the room, leaving him in the dark all alone.

While he just stood there in confusion with a hint of awe, feeling surprised yet intrigued.

Rebecca continued stumbling around through the halls, constantly finding herself in a new hallway at every turn, seeing an endless amount of rooms and stairs. She decided the only way she would be able to find her way back to the actual party, was by following the loud bass and thumping of the music.

When she reached the room, everyone had returned to their own separate groups and Rebecca saw Ashley sitting on the same couch as before, but this time with a random guy in Rebecca's spot.

She downed more shots before grabbing a beer and going back to Ashley. Both were too wasted to actually converse but Rebecca pulled Ashley up from the couch and the two made their way outside, where most of the party had moved.

The fresh air made Rebecca feel even freer and Ashley laughed as she pointed to someone running and jumping into the lake. Rebecca slung her arm over Ashley's shoulders, as they wobbled around on the grass without a care. 

Although this was the most unfamiliar situation Rebecca had ever been in, the grass beneath her feet grounded her and the slight breeze made her feel like nothing was wrong.

The rest of the night involved more drinking and dancing. Eventually, Rebecca had consumed so much liquor her mind completely blacked out and her body was on autopilot. She did whatever she wanted and drank as much as she wanted without fearing the consequences, and her conscience wasn't present to stop her.

She completely ignored the fact that morning would come, and everything that happened that night would become a big factor when she had to venture to school just mere hours after it all.

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