| Chapter 69 |

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"I need time." Rebecca's broken voice left an ache in Colby's chest.

"So that you can continue to try and convince yourself that you don't want this? That you don't feel the way you do?" He didn't sound accusatory, just curious.

She sighed, "I don't know Colby, I just need more time."

"So I'll give it to you." He nodded, "Just please, please don't shut me out."

She furrowed her eyebrows, "I don't-"

"You do." Colby nodded, "You have been."

"Colby, one of my friends was hooked on drugs, the other was depressed, and the third thought she was pregnant." She started, "And where did they go? To me."

She watched Colby blink rapidly, taking in the new and sudden information. "Because I'm not the one that gets help and talks about her problems, I'm the one that solves them for everyone else. And I've learnt to live with that. It's better off this way."

She shook her head, "I'm too busy helping others to deal with myself. So sorry if it seems like I'm shutting you out just because I'm preoccupied with making sure everyone else is okay."

Colby's eyes widened, "That's not what I meant. I didn't know-"

"I didn't expect you to." She stared at him blankly. "You don't have to do this. You don't have to pretend to care."

"I'm not pretending Rebecca." He took a deep breath, trying to remain calm.

"You are." She insisted, "Why-"

"Because I'm in love with you!" The words left his lips with ease as he spoke suddenly, and although it caught the both of them off guard, he didn't regret it whatsoever.

"Rebecca, I love you." He repeated, and the two stared at each other in silence.

"Don't say that." Rebecca took a step backwards, immediately fidgeting with her fingers. "Colby, you barely know me."

"So this is the route we're gonna take?" He nodded his head with a smile. "Okay."

He took a small step forward. "I know that when you're happy you bite your bottom lip, and when you smile, and I mean really smile, your dimples show."

She sighed, "Colby-"

"I'm not done." He said simply, "I know that when you're stressed, you bite the tip of your finger."

He continued quickly, "And I know that when you hug Joseph, you hug tighter than you would with anyone else because you're scared he'll leave again and never come back."

Colby took another small step, "I know that you're deathly afraid of getting too close to anyone because they might abandon you. And that's why you can't bring yourself to be vulnerable and open up."

He watched her eyes dart around, "And you keep your walls high but you know that if people look closely enough they'll be able to see through the cracks. And that's why you hide, why you try to distance yourself."

He smiled, "And I know that you probably enjoy spending time with Jonathan the most because you don't have to worry about him interrogating you about every little thing. And even if he does, he's easier to talk to because you see yourself in him."

Colby saw her trying to find something to say, "I also know that your parent's broken relationship has made you think love isn't real and there's more struggle than gain."

Taking another step forward he continued, "And I know that you put everyone above yourself because you don't think you deserve the time of day. And you don't let people know when there's something wrong because you don't want to be an inconvenience or a burden."

The closer he got, the more nervous she seemed to be, and Colby knew he was finally getting through to her. "And I know that you secretly love everything about love, but you'll never admit it to yourself."

Rebecca watched him slowly getting closer, each point making her wince more and more knowing she had no rebuttal, no way out, no way to push him further away.

She tried to move back but she found herself staying still, her feet protesting and refusing to let her escape once again. He had broken through the facade she thought was certain to remain un-breached, and she knew it was over.

"How- How did you?... How do you?... I don't-" She stuttered, looking down and finally accepting her fate, "I don't know what to call it.

Rebecca shook her head, frustrated with herself, "I just know... that I feel it... I don't-"

"So don't call it anything." He said simply, smiling softly, "We both know, that's all that matters."

She didn't have to elaborate on anything for Colby to know, her mannerisms spoke for her. He smiled, well aware that her approach to feelings took time, but it was evident that she felt the same way.

He slowly took the few steps forward he had left before they were close enough for him to grab her hands in his. "I know you don't wanna-"

Colby barely managed to get his incomplete string of words out before he felt Rebecca's cold hands leave his and cup his jaw, as she met her lips with his.

Suddenly, the whole world went quiet and it was just the two of them. The kiss was soft and slow, and vulnerable, telling Colby everything he needed to know.

A tear rolled down Rebecca's cheek as she backed away, pulling her hands off his face, and wiping her cheek quickly. She felt relieved, and the weight she had been carrying vanished within seconds. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have-"

He quickly moved forward, cutting her off before she could backtrack, reconnecting their lips, as he placed his hands on her hips, feeling hers rest on his chest.

"Yes, you should've." He spoke, leaning his forehead on hers in complete ecstasy, letting his lips gently brush against hers as he spoke.

A smile was imprinted on his face, and Rebecca's attempt at hiding hers was failing miserably. "You absolutely should've."

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