| Chapter 56 |

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They walked in silence, and Colby felt relieved knowing that Rebecca was even letting him stay within a one hundred meter range of her, especially for this long. He just knew that if the only way that he got to be around her was in silence, he didn't care.

Rebecca came across a small hill and walked up to the top before sitting down. From the corner of her eye, she watched Colby mimic her, knowing his persistence was slowly wearing her down.

She sat quietly, thinking to herself, not knowing how to approach this. She knew Colby had no right to jump to conclusions or act the way he did towards Jonathan. However, she knew she didn't want any more issues or tension, and solving things with him might take some weight off of her shoulders.

Another factor in all of this was that Colby and Joseph were put into this situation completely blind, not aware that she and Jonathan spent the night together and sleeping in his truck. Them being caught off guard was understandable and all Rebecca could think about was that Alexis had definitely done her job properly, knowing what her end goal was, making Rebecca feel no remorse for how she repaid her.

"Okay," She sighed as she looked up from the ground before turning her head and staring at Colby. "What?"

"I'm sorry." He started and Rebecca rolled her eyes, "I am, really!"

Rebecca shook her head, "You can't build a relationship on empty apologies."

"They aren't empty." He replied, desperate for forgiveness.

She pressed her lips together, taking a few seconds before responding, "I guess we'll find out."

He stared over at her with a strange feeling swirling in him, and he couldn't help but let himself smirk at the comment she made. He watched her look over at people as they walked by, stare at the bare trees, and run her fingers through the uneven patches of longer grass before picking some of the strands out of the ground.

When she looked over at him after realizing there was a long silent pause, she noticed him staring at her with a smile, causing her to furrow her eyebrows. "What?"

"You said relationship." He spoke softly and she slightly tilted her head in confusion, "You said you can't build a relationship on empty apologies."

When she realized what he was getting at she rolled her eyes again, "Whatever. You know what I meant. Friendship, relationship, acquaintanceship, same thing, different word."

"It's not." He shook his head adamantly.

"It is too." A laugh slipped from Rebecca's lips as she took her small handful of torn grass and threw it over at him.

She rolled her eyes as her smile broke through, letting Colby see the normal harshness behind her eyes fade. She looked back over at him and tried to stifle her laughs, "I got grass in your hair."

He shrugged with a laugh as he ran his hands through his hair, ruffling it. "Is it gone?"

She shook her head as she laughed, "Sorry."

Rebecca sat up partially and gently shuffled over to him on her knees, giving herself a height advantage to see the top of his head. She slowly plucked out the stray strands of grass sprinkled throughout his hair.

"You know," She continued to gently run her fingers through his hair to make sure she didn't miss anything, before moving towards the front of his head, "Now you know not to piss me off. I'll use the power of grass."

He chuckled, "Damn you're right, first it's grass then it's daisies."

"Yeah right, have you learnt nothing? Everyone knows it's dandelions." She shook her head with a smile.

"And now you know why I'm an athlete and not an environmentalist." He replied, and Rebecca stopped herself from freezing when she felt his fingertips on her thighs, grazing her skin exposed by the holes in her ripped jeans.

She removed her fingers from his hair as she lowered herself back down, sitting on top of her legs, while Colby's fingers stayed put. She watched his fingers move around absentmindedly, before looking up and seeing his eyes on hers.

She looked back down and smiled to herself before trying to stay distracted by looking anywhere else. She watched some birds and noticed some bushes swaying in the wind. However, her eyes found themselves being naturally drawn to Colby.

When she forced her eyes to stay away from his, they wandered back to his hair and examined his curls. She noticed a single piece of grass on a loose strand of hair by his forehead. So she slowly reached up and removed the grass from his hair, before placing the strand of hair behind his ear.

"Missed one." She whispered as he simply watched her movements and mannerisms, taking in what seemed like a slightly more open Rebecca.

Their faces stayed inches apart, as their eyes remained connected. Heartbeats raised, as the silence grew, and Rebecca almost felt inclined to lean in. However, she didn't have to do anything, because before she knew it, Colby was the one making the move.

Everything seemed to be moving ten times slower than it actually was, and Rebecca knew why Colby was leaning forward, but for some reason, this time around she didn't feel the need to prevent it from actually happening.

She felt some sort of strange connection when it came to Colby, and even if she didn't know what it actually was or why she had never felt it before, she knew one thing for sure.

She knew that for some reason, it felt right.

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