| Chapter 15 |

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After some more prolonging, Rebecca and Joseph finally went their separate ways.

When Rebecca reached her house, she opened the door and let out a sigh of relief when she noticed her mother was gone.

She grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and drank some of it in peace until her phone began to vibrate. She saw Ashley's contact and picked it up, accepting the video call.

"Hey, girl!!!" Ashley's voice was loud, but the connection was faltering and she looked like she was outside.

Confused, Rebecca set her phone down, leaning it against the wall so she could continue to drink her water, "Hey. What's up?"

"Nothing really," Ashley smiled, "Are your parents home?"

Rebecca tilted her head slightly, "No, why?"

Rebecca heard more voices in the background, talking to Ashley, "Because we're at your door."

Ashley let out a smile before hanging up and Rebecca stood in even more confusion. The next thing she heard was frantic knocking at her front door.

She put her water bottle down and walked over to the door. When she opened it she saw Ashley, Mercedes, and Pamela, standing with huge smiles on their faces.

"Hey girl!" Mercedes said excitedly as the girls walked in.

"Uh hi?" Rebecca was then smothered with a hug from Pamela. "What's going on?"

"We're just here to hang with our favourite redhead!" Ashley announced, and Rebecca noticed she had a few bags in hand.

Without any warning, the girls quickly dragged her downstairs. "What are you guys up to?"

They ignored her question and Mercedes pulled Rebecca's arms towards her so that she would sit down with them on the basement floor.

Rebecca sat down and rolled her eyes, looking over at Pamela with a smirk, "Pam, what's going on?"

If anyone was going to crack under the pressure from Rebecca, it was Pamela. Pamela looked down, fidgeting with her fingers, as Mercedes and Ashley stared at her intensely, hoping she wouldn't blow their cover.

Pamela made the mistake of making eye contact with Rebecca and when she did the truth instantly came out, "We're here to try and convince you to come to the party."

Ashley put her head in her hands, and Mercedes smacked hers in response to Pamela. Rebecca shook her head with a smile and Pamela looked at the two apologetically.

"It's fine guys, I'm not mad or anything," Rebecca laughed a bit, "I had a feeling it was about the party anyways."

"Well in all fairness, that's not the only reason why we're here," Mercedes said while she pushed some hair behind her ear.

Ashley looked up and began to interject, "We came to-"

"Give you a fashion show!" Rebecca laughed at Pamela's constant excitable state.

Mercedes grabbed the bags that Ashley had placed behind them, handed Pamela hers, gave one to Ashley, and held onto hers.

"So Pamela and Mercedes are going to try on their new outfits, and you need to help me pick from some of my old ones!" Ashley stated with a smile.

Rebecca shrugged and nodded, "Okay, I guess you guys can take turns changing in my room."

After the girls decided on who got to change first, the fashion show began.

Pamela and Mercedes only bought one outfit, so watching them wasn't difficult. Ashley on the other hand had about ten outfits and couldn't decide on one to wear.

"What do you think about this one?" Ashley walked out in a dark scarlet dress. It stopped a little above her knees and plain slim straps that sat on her shoulders held the tight dress in place.

Rebecca redirected her attention from what Mercedes was showing her on her phone to Ashley. She looked over and nodded, "It's good."

"Good like I'm gonna pick up every guy I talk to or good like you're lying to me because you're my friend?

Rebecca looked at Ashley unimpressed, "Ashley have I ever lied to you before?"

"No." She muttered and looked down, with a slight smile.

Rebecca laughed and shook her head, "Well I guess you have your answer then."

Ashley shuffled her feet over to Rebecca and sat down on her lap, giving her a huge hug. Squeezing her tightly she smothered her cheek in small kisses. "Thank you, I love you."

"Yeah yeah, that's what I'm here for." She smiled and hugged her back, "I love you too."

"I want a hug!" Pamela yelled before joining in with a laugh.

They all laughed before eventually pulling Mercedes into the hug with them. After they broke away they quickly got caught up in some small conversation.

Rebecca laid back on the floor, with her knees still upright and her hands behind her head. She listened to the girls talk about the party with excitement, debating the pros and cons that followed the decision of going or not.

"Becca?" Pamela questioned, when Rebecca sat up partially on her elbows she looked at the girls who seemed to have been trying to get her attention for a while.

"Yes?" Rebecca looked at them wearily.

"Really?!" Ashley's eyes widened in shock, "I can't believe it! Oh my-"

"Woah hold on. I don't know what you think I agreed to, but whatever it is I didn't." Rebecca sat up fully, "I only said yes because I thought you wanted my attention."

"Come on Becks! Come to the party, please?" Ashley begged.

Pamela continued, "Yeah, it might actually be fun."

"It'll be a good change of pace for you. You'll get to actually let loose, and maybe you'll even enjoy yourself." Mercedes added.

"I seriously doubt that," Rebecca mumbled as she laid back down on the cold floor.

The girls stared at her with anticipation gleaming in their eyes, hoping that she wouldn't deny the offer.

Rebecca sighed and shook her head while she stared at her ceiling. After a few seconds, she spoke up before she could backtrack, "Fine. I'll go."

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