| Chapter 53 |

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The next few weeks were a dizzying blur, and Rebecca found herself spending more time checking up on others rather than being alone. 

Her days were filled with checking up on a bed-ridden Ashley, who had some sort of virus, but eventually got better and decided to try to come back to school. As well as getting proof from Mercedes that she was clean while making sure that it wasn't rigged or fake. Rebecca often found herself telling Mercedes to put obscene things in specific places to make sure the tests were recent. All while being forced to deal with her mother's insane antics and trying to balance hanging out with all of the guys and girls.

Mercedes was showing extreme process with all of her tests coming back clean, and Rebecca had managed to sit down with Ashley and discuss further steps to avoid another scare. They came to the conclusion that Ashley needed to be more cautious because it was obvious that her habits weren't going to stop, but eventually Rebecca took that as a win.

Rebecca continued speaking to both Jonathan and Joseph, but the topic of the picture hadn't come up since the argument. However, Jonathan and Joseph's relationship was evidently strained and Rebecca, as well as Jonathan, hadn't been in contact with Colby whatsoever.

In the morning, Ashley dragged Rebecca into the washroom to help her with her makeup, and after Ashley was finished, she rushed off to class while Rebecca stayed back.

She stared at herself in the mirror for a few seconds with an empty mind. Eventually, her eyes wandered up to the scar on her nose. She quickly began inspecting it to make sure it wasn't noticeable.

When she heard the sound of a sniffle from one of the stalls, making her freeze for a second before she continued to examine the scar on her nose, making sure it was still hard to notice. 

It wasn't scabbing anymore, but there was still an indent if you looked close enough, and just like all of Rebecca's other problems, it didn't want to cooperate with and just disappear. So as of right now, it seemed as if it was staying on her nose, as a constant and painful reminder, making sure Rebecca never forgot how it got there.

She ran her hands through her hair just in time to receive a text message from Pamela asking her to meet her in the washroom.

When she sent a text back, she heard a phone chime in the closed stall, "Pam?"

"Yeah." Pamela responded with sorrow, "I didn't know you were in here already. I thought I had more time to get myself together."

Rebecca heard the bathroom stall unlock before the door slowly opened in the slightest. Inside was a curled-up Pamela, on the floor, with signs evidently pointing to her crying beforehand.

Her eyes were bloodshot and her cheeks were stained with tear marks, causing Rebecca to panic. "Are you okay?"

"No." Pamela's response was straight to the point, and Rebecca helped Pamela stand up. "I've been, uh, not so good."

Rebecca looked into her eyes and instantly caught on, "Do you think you're-"

"I don't wanna use the word depressed, but if that what it boils down to then yeah." The sentence shook Rebecca and she took a deep breath in, the feeling of being a failure seeped into her as she realized how much of a bad friend she was, and how much she was neglecting Pamela's needs.

She had been spending so much time trying to make sure that both Ashley and Mercedes were doing okay, that Pamela and the chances of her having problems slipped her mind.

Rebecca immediately wrapped her arms around Pamela, "How long?"

"It's been going on for weeks, maybe months even. I'm not sure, all I know is that it's been ever since that first stupid party."

"That damn party," Rebecca mumbled and Pamela laughed slightly. "I'm here for you. I'm gonna help you get through this."

"I believe you." Pamela held onto Rebecca tighter, "You know I haven't talked to any of the girls in weeks. Nobody reached out other than you."

Rebecca just continued to let Pamela vent instead of trying to gloss over her problems, "It's funny how invisible you can be. Nobody really noticed and it's just been a downward spiral. My parents think I'm great, my teachers, the other girls."

"It's tiring. I know babe." Rebecca rubbed her back gently.

"I'll be okay, you're a godsend." Pamela smiled as the two separated, "So if I got you in my corner, I know it's going to be fine."

Rebecca let out an extremely small smile before  Pamela continued, "What about you though? What's the deal with that picture?"

Rebecca laughed, "Oh you mean the one conveniently posted by Alexis, who I assume is the one making your life so miserable?"

Pamela nodded before Rebecca continued, "I'm sorry. If it wasn't for me you wouldn't have had to deal with this shit."

"It's not your fault that she's a self-absorbed egomaniac." Pamela shrugged.

Rebecca nodded, "Well, I mean, it's obviously not what it looks like. I was having... some problems, and Jonathan was helping me out. We accidentally fell asleep in his car, and I guess Barbie doll bitch was lurking."

"On the bright side, you do look cute together though." Pamela let out a smile, and Rebecca was beyond glad to see that not all of her happiness was gone. "Have you considered-"

"No..." Rebecca shook her head with a laugh, unsure as to why her answer seemed so wavering, even to her, "No."

Pamela opened her mouth, but the stench of strong perfume filled the air before the two heard someone speak up, "Well well well, look at who we have here."

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