| Chapter 43 |

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Classes ended and the four met up outside of the room where Mr. Polinsky was holding the meetings.

Rebecca was called in first, and it was just as bland as she expected it to be. She told the story over and over again as Mr. Polinsky tried to pick it apart for any lie he could conjure up.

After her questioning, she waited outside as Colby went in, and as time went on Rebecca became more and more impatient, knowing that the final statement wasn't going to aid them.

It was only when Joseph and Jonathan were being interviewed together, that she finally came up with a way to push the odds in their favour.

She quickly turned towards Colby and grabbed his arm, "I'll be right back."

With that, she took off, before Colby could question her, and she went straight towards the storage room she and Colby had to clean out for detention. She fidgeted around with the locked doorknob and pulled on it forcefully, managing to get it to open, with a grin.

Meanwhile, Colby glanced at the time and began to worry after a few minutes had passed. He knew that Jonathan and Joseph would be done with Mr. Polinsky soon and both he and Rebecca were supposed to come back in afterwards for a combined interview that included all four of them.

When he looked up from his phone again, he saw Rebecca walking towards him with a large smirk on her face.

"Where were you?" He quickly asked, not knowing how to take her devious-looking smile.

When she went to open her mouth the door flew open, "Both of you, get in here."

They followed Mr. Polinsky, sitting next to Joseph and Jonathan in annoyance as they were all asked the same repetitive questions as before.

After a long and drawn-out hour, Mr. Polinsky finally decided to try and wrap things up, "So my best bet is to assume that Colby did this because Rebecca made a sob story for herself. And Mr. Good and Mr. Anoa'i are pretending to be back up to help their friends from being expelled. Therefore, the two of you will still be expelled."

"You can't do that!" Rebecca spewed, clenching her jaw in anger.

"Think of it as a game of chess," He leaned closer to them with a sneer, "You two are the pawns, and I am the king. I control the entire board and you two have no choice in the matter. It's my game, my rules. It all plays out the way I want it to. So yes, yes I can."

A few seconds of silence passed before Rebecca took it as her cue to try and tilt the scale to their side.

"Well then, I guess it's my turn. Chess is played between two players, isn't it?" Rebecca smirked as she slowly pulled out some sort of file from her backpack.

"Matthew Polinsky." Once Rebecca started reading, it immediately clicked, and Colby knew she had gone to the boxes where she found his file and somehow managed to get Mr. Polisnky's. "Has multiple complaints against him from students and other staff. Has been forced to leave multiple states and countless schools-"

"Where did you get that?! You're not allowed to touch those documents! Hand them over now!" He reached towards Rebecca and Colby quickly grabbed his wrist.

"I don't think so." Colby stated menacingly before Rebecca continued.

"Oh look at this, was transferred from previous school due to being caught trying to sexually harass a female student." Rebecca looked at the guys before staring straight into Mr. Polinsky's eyes. "A rapist protecting a rapist."

She leaned back in her chair, admiring the look on Mr. Polinsky's face before continuing. "So, if you refuse to deem this report as self-defence, and you don't charge both Brock and Nicholas, I have a very strong feeling that all of this information will be released for everyone to read. And by the time you even think about telling someone about this whole conversation, I can guarantee it will be anonymously leaked."

Rebecca watched as he sat speechless, before giving her final jab, "Checkmate."

With that, she stood up and walked out of the room, with the guys quickly following. All four were silent until they exited the school and once they reached outdoors the three stared at Rebecca before breaking into hysterics.

"That was amazing Irish!" Joseph gave her a huge hug, while Jonathan ruffled her hair.

She quickly turned towards Colby with her arms up, "We're not getting expelled!"

The two laughed and Colby picked her up, smothering her in a hug. When he finally put her down, his hands stayed on her hips, and he felt the warmth of her fingers stay still on his biceps. They stared into each other's eyes with smiles plastered on their faces before Rebecca quickly squeezed his arms and let go. 

"We should probably take it easy for the rest of the day." Joseph watched Rebecca stray away from the group quietly and looked over at Colby and Jonathan before they all went to get into the truck.

They looked through the front window at what Joseph had been referring to, and they watched Rebecca slowly climb into the truck and lean her head against the window after taking a pill for the pain.

The two nodded before Joseph spoke again, "Do me a favour? Bring us to my house?"

Colby agreed before they got into the truck and drove off. Rebecca looked over at Joseph and when their eyes met she sent him a small and forced smile.

Joseph gestured for her to move closer to him and she gladly laid down on his legs, while Joseph ran his fingers through her hair. After a while, she cleared her mind and let herself drift off into a light sleep.

Joseph watched her with a small smile before whispering, "I'm bringing you home."

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