| Chapter 23 |

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The room went quiet as everyone stared at who had barged in.

"Mr. Good, what are you doing here?" The receptionist questioned.

Jonathan looked at Rebecca and then to the receptionist, "Mr. Polinsky actually wants Rebecca back in class."

"Is that so?" She looked over at the principal suspiciously.

"Yup," Jonathan continued, "I mean, you can page his room if you want, but he seemed to be waiting to continue the lesson-"

"No worries," The principal straightened his jacket, before moving towards his office, "Have a good day you two. I have more important matters to attend to."

Rebecca nodded before looking back at Jonathan who was holding the door open for her. She slowly walked out of the office, extremely confused and hesitant. Once they were back in the halls, Rebecca went to turn towards their classroom, but Jonathan quickly grabbed her hand.

Rebecca instantly went still and her eyes shot down to his hand on hers, before darting back up to stare at Jonathan, "What are you-"

"Do you trust me?" Jonathan cut her off with an unclear expression etched on his face.

Rebecca stared in confusion and turned her head slightly, "What I-"

"Do you trust me?" He once again cut her off, not deterring from his previous question, his piercing blue eyes seeming as if they were staring right through her.

Rebecca knew it was hard for her to trust anyone in all honesty, so Jonathan was definitely jumping the gun. "I barely even know you."

Jonathan rolled his eyes with a small smile, "That's not an answer."

Rebecca paused, not knowing what he was trying to do or why she genuinely felt like she could trust him, "No."

Jonathan could smell the lie from a mile away. From what he knew about Rebecca she was always upfront and spoke before thinking, so the hesitation she had was ruining her facade. "Good."

Suddenly Jonathan took off in the other direction, with Rebecca's hand still in his. Rebecca let out a laugh as they went out the front door and he dragged her outside.

He quickly led her behind the school, where she had watched him disappear after school the other week. After slipping behind the school unnoticed, he slowed them down and they continued by walking. He released her hand and Rebecca looked over at him with a slight smile.

"You do this often don't you?" She asked him, enjoying the breeze.

He laughed while straightening out his shirt, "You don't?"

"Every now and then," she shrugged, "I try not to make a habit out of it."

The two quickly clicked and got lost in conversation. Rebecca knew it was unlike her to begin actually putting effort into a conversation with someone this suddenly, but something in her gut was telling her not to worry.

When Jonathan continued walking after they reached the forest line, Rebecca became a bit suspicious, "This isn't the part of the movie where you end up killing me right?"

"I don't know, is it?" He laughed before motioning for Rebecca to follow, "I'm messing with you. Maybe."

The two made their way through the plethora of trees and bushes, before approaching what seemed to be an abandoned barn of sorts.

"Yup. This is definitely the place where you're going to kill me." Rebecca laughed as she reached the other edge of the forest, moving a branch out of her way.

Jonathan laughed and waited for Rebecca to make it onto the clear grass. "Nope, just a place to get away."

Rebecca looked at him quickly, before looking to the ground and turning away towards the lake on the other side. She admired the peace and watched the water glide up the small amount of sand that surrounded the edges of the water.

Jonathan slowly made his way next to Rebecca, and the scene was so quiet she heard his shoes press against the grass with every step he took. He sat down beside her and she slowly followed suit. She watched from the corner of her eye as he ruffled his shaggy and dark golden blonde hair with one hand, keeping his other on the grass behind him.

"So what's your story?" Jonathan turned to her and she met his eyes, noticing they were beginning to feel comforting way quicker than she was used to.

"If only I knew," She stared into the distance, hiding the sadness from her eyes, quickly shrugging it off with a laugh, "What about you?"

He smiled, running his fingers through the grass, "I guess I'm still writing it."

"I like that." She smiled and turned to meet his eyes and the two sat in silence for a while, watching the water and enjoying the peace, before Jonathan stood up and brushed off his pants.

Rebecca noticed him hold out his hand for her, "Let's head back."

She nodded and took his hand, using it to help herself stand up. The two then made their way back to school just in time for lunch and before they walked in Rebecca abruptly stopped.

Jonathan turned to look at her with a hint of concern, "You okay?"

"I forgot to thank you." Rebecca stared at him with an apologetic look on her face.

Jonathan rolled his eyes with a smile, "It's fine"

"Seriously, thank you. I owe you." She looked at him intensely, before quickly replacing the stare with a goofy smile on her face.

He shook his head and ruffled her hair a bit, "You don't owe me anything, Lucky Charms."

She looked at him and laughed, "Lucky Charms? Really?"

He nodded with a laugh, "Yes."

"I've been called a lot of things, but never that." She felt her worries dissolve as she laughed with Jonathan.

"Good, I claim it then." He smiled while throwing his arm around her shoulder and starting to walk again, "It gives our friendship originality."

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