| Chapter 55 |

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Rebecca spent most of the day shadowing Pamela when she returned from the store. She didn't mind missing more classes and although she was behind she didn't feel the need to try and stress herself even further.

They went into the women's changing room and Rebecca watched Pamela hang up her stuff before grabbing her extra clothes.

"I'll be quick." Pamela went over to the changing stall as Rebecca nodded.

Rebecca knew Alexis was in this class and this was a golden opportunity to shut her up for good. It wasn't hard to spot Alexis's few things, she was one of the few people to use a purse as a backpack, and her name was stitched smack dab on the front in gold lettering.

Rebecca wondered if she was going too far, but then she remembered this was Alexis she was talking about and re-realized why she just didn't care.

She reached in her backpack and pulled out the bag she got from the store. She couldn't help but smirk as she pulled out a concealed-looking box. Inside the box was a small cylinder bottle attached to a keychain.

To an unknowing eye, it would go completely unnoticed, looking like a regular keychain with some sort of decorative item on the end of it. However, to a trained eye, it would be easily recognized as pepper spray.

She uncapped the bottle and pushed the safety off, before quickly making her move. She rummaged through Alexis's purse and found her perfume bottle. When she uncapped the lid, she cringed at the stench, swiftly dumping a good amount into the bottle, before putting everything back to the way it was.

When Pamela finished, she shuffled her way back to her hung-up bag, dealing with her things, unknowing of Rebecca's actions.

Rebecca almost laughed at the perfect timing as Alexis and her clique walked in and their gossiping instantly died down.

"Look at that, might as well start calling you two lovebirds. Tryna find a place to bang?" Alexis snickered.

Rebecca rolled her eyes, "You would know bitch, didn't you and your idiots come in here for a threesome?"

Alexis scoffed before flipping her hair and going through her bag. She pulled out her bottle of perfume, and Rebecca subtly slipped her phone out of her pocket. She quickly pretended to look at something before pressing the record button to start taking a video.

Once she placed her phone back in her jeans front pocket, she waited for Alexis's inevitable meltdown.

"Actually," She turned towards Rebecca and Pamela with her perfume in hand. "We came to grace the disgusting gym rats with a scent that's more appealing than sweat."

Alexis moved towards her friends and began spritzing it into the air above them and Rebecca immediately took a few big steps backwards, pulling a highly confused Pamela back with her.

Rebecca knew it wouldn't do as much damage seeing as it wouldn't be sprayed directly into their eyes, however, even the slightest amount of particles were enough to make your eyes burn.

The reaction happened in a matter of seconds and before Pamela had a chance to ask why Rebecca was making sure they stayed away from the three, Alexis and her friends were in shambles.

Alexis's shrieks could've been heard from across the country, and tears began pouring out of her eyes, causing the perfume bottle to slip out of her grasp and shatter everywhere. She waved her hands in front of her eyes in an attempt to get rid of the stinging but nothing helped. Her two sidekicks reactions were similar but to less of an extent, seeing as Alexis doused herself in her perfume, leaving them with scraps.

Pamela looked over at Rebecca in confusion as Rebecca tried not to laugh, while Alexis's mascara began running down her cheeks and all over her face and she continued freaking out.

Meanwhile, after Colby got some heavy nudging from Joseph, the two finally got tired of the tension with Jonathan and met up. There was a lot of hesitation at first, but Colby knew Rebecca and Jonathan had no reason to lie to him.

"You gotta talk to her man." Joseph sighed, "You messed up bad."

Colby nodded, "I know, I just- I haven't gotten around to it yet."

"Yeah, cause it's not like almost a month has passed." Jonathan rolled his eyes.

The strain between the two was still there, but part of Colby knew he deserved the harshness. At first, he thought Joseph could get too protective over Rebecca, but he clearly hadn't seen that side of Jonathan until recently.

Colby just looked at Joseph before nodding to himself and pulling out his phone. Meanwhile, Rebecca slowly walked around, after the two managed to escape the change room in the midst of everything. 

She heard her phone chime and read a text from an unknown number asking if she and whoever sent it could talk. She had an idea as to who it was, but she still wanted to make sure.

She quickly sent a text to the girls, asking if they recognized the number. When they replied letting her know it was Colby's, she shook her head, annoyed that her suspicions were correct.

Rebecca wanted an excuse to skip class anyways so she walked towards the end of the hall, quickly dialling his number, after slipping into a partly secluded area.

"What do want Colby?" Her exasperation already seeping through her words.

"To talk." He responded and she turned around after realizing that his voice wasn't just coming from the phone, but also from right behind her.

Rebecca's eyes darted between the school's side door and Colby before she sighed and walked out of the doors with Colby quickly following.

"Oh, so you're finally ready to have a mature conversation?" Rebecca shoved her hands in her pockets.

"If you give me a second chance," He looked over at her, "Absolutely."

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