| Chapter 7 |

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When the girls first convinced her to go to the cafeteria with them, Rebecca had prepared herself for multiple scenarios and situations where things could go wrong.

But this definitely wasn't one of them.

Rebecca's body crashed into the other person's, and the momentum pushed her back and sent her straight down to the floor. The drink that the person was holding also became a factor in the mishap, as the hot liquid scolded Rebecca's chest and seeped into her shirt, making her white tank top stained with brown.

She heard the chatter between the girls instantly stop, and she listened to the slight whispers from those who witnessed the accident, while she noticed others who were oblivious to the situation continuing with their conversations.

As Rebecca sat on the floor, she looked up, meeting the gaze of who quickly became another thorn in her side. Her glare met the eyes of none other than Colby Lopez.

She let out a sigh and an extremely unimpressed look as she recognized him, noticing a slightly apologetic look on his face. He looked as if he wanted to say something or help her up, but the girl that was practically attached to his hip quickly walked him off and began consoling him, making sure he was okay as if he were the one thrown onto the ground, covered in a boiling liquid. Rebecca watched the two walk away, before letting out another sigh and looking down at her deshuffled state in defeat.

Pamela looked over to Ashley and Mercedes with wide eyes and they quickly began making their way over to Rebecca. But they stopped just short of the scene when they saw someone else approach her first.

Rebecca heard some shuffling and noticed two unfamiliar shoes planted in front of her. She stared at them confused, knowing whoever was standing in front of her wasn't one of the girls or someone she was that familiar with.

As she looked up she met the eyes of Jonathan Good, and then noticed his extended hand, reaching out to help her up. She directed her attention to his hand and then back at his eyes quickly, and took his hand before she gave herself any reason to refuse. Jonathan helped pull her up to her feet and once she gave him a thankful smile, he let out a head nod and walked away.

After watching the silent exchange, the three girls quickly reached Rebecca, and they began bombarding her with questions.

Pamela rushed into interrogation mode first, "Are you okay?!" She stared with worry and Rebecca just nodded.

Mercedes looked at Rebecca's shirt, shaking her head, "What have I told you about wearing pure white clothing to places where stains are guaranteed?" Her joking tone was prominent when she continued, "And let's be honest, with your clumsiness you shouldn't be wearing white period."

"How did it feel to come that close in contact with the Colby Lopez?!" Ashley gushed over him making Rebecca roll her eyes.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Pamela shook Rebecca's shoulders slightly as she grabbed them and her eyes darted around Rebecca.

When Pamela received another nod in response she dropped her arms and began scanning Rebecca and moving around her frantically. Rebecca assumed she was looking for injuries or anything—other than her stained shirt—that seemed to have gotten ruined during the encounter.

"Pam, she's fine," Mercedes waved off Pamela and looked back at Rebecca, "Let's get you cleaned up."

Mercedes looked around the cafeteria and saw a group of people leaving a nearby table, she pointed to it and Pamela quickly grabbed Rebecca's hand guiding her towards it. When they all reached the table and sat down, Rebecca leaned back in her chair and looked at her shirt with a sigh. The brown stain covered her tank top and the smell of coffee filled her nose, leading Rebecca to believe that was what had been spilt on her.

"I'll go get you some napkins!" Pamela smiled at the idea and jumped up, setting her sights on the condiments stand next to the vending machine, which would typically carry other things along with the condiments like plastic cutlery, plastic straws, and napkins.

With Pamela gone and silence filling the group, Ashley took it as another opportunity to strike, "So, I never got an answer to my question. How did it feel to bump into him?! Did you feel his muscles while you were at it? Did you get his number? Something?!"

Mercedes looked over at Ashley with the same look Rebecca had on her face, a mixture of disgust and annoyance. The two both stared at Ashley and she let out a confused shrug, evidently oblivious to the stupidity of her questions.

"Seriously Rebecca, out of everyone in the school you bumped into arguably one of the best-looking guys. Why can't I have luck like that?!" Ashley threw her hands into the air before crossing them over her chest with a look of jealousy written all over her face.

"Luck?" Rebecca sat up slightly, trying to remain calm and push aside any emotions she felt. "This isn't lucky."

Before anything could escalate, Pamela quickly sat down with a handful of napkins and handed them to Rebecca. "Here, hopefully these help."

Rebecca gave Pamela a small and forced smile before trying to soak up any excess liquid with the napkins, but it was obvious the noticeability of the stain wasn't improving. Rebecca put the napkins on the table, looking over at the girls and then back at her shirt, shaking her head in frustration. She took the long-sleeved plaid shirt that was wrapped around her waist and put it on, covering up the obvious mess on her tank top.

Rebecca looked at the clock and noticed it wasn't even noon yet, she let out a tired sigh and slouched against the back of her chair, "It's just one of those days."

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