| Chapter 36 |

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Jonathan and Joseph waited for Colby to reappear and come down the stairs, but when there was still no sign of him, the two exchanged looks before deciding to go after him.

Meanwhile, Colby bashed open the last door in the hall and sent it slamming into the wall. For a split second, all he saw was Brock holding down a half-dressed Rebecca by the waist, as Nicholas held her wrists over top of her head before Colby felt the fear that was coursing through his veins instantly turn into rage.

He immediately went for Brock, following him to the floor when he knocked him down with a sudden and unexpected punch.

"What? You wanted some of the action twig?" Brock sneered as Colby completely brutalized him and watched as he began to lose consciousness.

"The hell is wrong with you man?!" Nicholas yelled as he moved to try and pull him off of Brock, so Colby quickly turned to him, ignoring his cries of pain from the new brutality he was facing due to Colby mixed with Rebecca's previous damage.

Jonathan and Joseph made their way up the stairs and through the eerily quiet hall, becoming worried when nobody was in sight. The noise and music from downstairs only travelled so far, giving the top floor quieter surroundings.

When Joseph and Jonathan finally reached the right room, confusion spiralled through them when taking in the entire scene. They saw Rebecca on the bed in her dishevelled state, as well as Colby beating the life out of both Nicholas and Brock at the same time.

Instantly, Joseph pulled Colby off of the two beaten and bruised guys and tried to calm him down, while Jonathan closed the door. When the two stared at him they saw a completely different Colby standing in front of them. Joseph had his arms gripping his shoulders, and the two waited for his anger to simmer. 

When Colby snapped out of his state, immediate concern washed over him as he pushed the two out of his way, without saying a single word.

He rushed over to Rebecca, taking in her pale complexion, and lifeless body lying helplessly. He checked her pulse as he listened to her heartbeat, feeling slightly relieved when her breath hit his ear. Colby put her shirt and pants back on properly before lifting her and moving her on his lap as he cradled her, not knowing what else to do.

"What happened?" Joseph whispered, not moving his eyes from Colby.

"I don't know." Colby looked up at the two before gazing back down at Rebecca, "But I think we all know damn well what they were going to do if I didn't show up."

Joseph's stare went cold as he clenched his jaw, and squeezed his eyes shut, the friendly warmth that was associated with him, quickly dissipating.

Jonathan closed his fists incensed, and the two then quickly turned towards Nicholas and Brock's knocked-out bodies on the ground and were prepared to continue what Colby had started before Colby spoke up. "Guys."

They turned towards him and saw him placing Rebecca back onto the bed with his back turned towards them, while he shook his head. "They're not the most important thing we need to worry about right now."

He stepped aside and the two got their first proper look at Rebecca, feeling pain and guilt shoot straight through the both of them. Joseph forced himself to step away for a breather, leaning on the door frame for support.

"What do we do?" Jonathan's voice held no emotion and he stared blankly at Rebecca's still body.

Colby was silent for a few moments, "I don't know."

Colby slid off his hoodie and covered Rebecca in it, placing the hood over the top of her head, covering her face. He looked to the guys and they knew they needed to get her somewhere else.

It was evident that the three guys were shaken and still ready to murder both Brock and Nicholas, but they knew that Rebecca mattered more.

They made their way out of the room and were back into the loud and obnoxious party scene. When people watched Colby carry some unidentifiable person out of the party, everyone was confused, to say the least, and tried to get a glimpse of who it could be.

Jonathan had glanced around for any sign of the girls to fill them in, but they weren't around. So, he grabbed the truck keys from Colby's pocket and handed them to Joseph.

When they all managed to get into the truck, Colby stayed in the backseat with Rebecca still held close to him.

As Joseph drove, Colby watched Rebecca become more visible every time they drove past a streetlight. He sat unable to speak, and instead, he lightly traced her swollen face and the slight redness on her neck with his fingers.

The car ride was silent, and when they reached Colby's house they sat in the truck, unmoving. Joseph and Jonathan stared straight ahead blankly, while Colby continued to keep his eyes on Rebecca, scared that if he moved, he'd hurt her.

Guilt poked at all three guys as they stayed seated, and they knew they were partially to blame, seeing as they had all played a part in convincing Rebecca to come to a party she never wanted to go to in the first place.

They slowly made their way inside and Jonathan, as well as Joseph, decided to stay the night. As they began to settle in, Colby placed Rebecca in one of the guest rooms upstairs, before travelling back down to his kitchen, unable to sleep.

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