| Chapter 54 |

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"Speaking of the literal devil." Rebecca rolled her eyes and crossed her arms the moment she watched Alexis and her friends walk in.

Pamela immediately tensed up and began to scramble, before whispering to Rebecca, "Uh, I'm gonna go grab my bag from my locker. Meet you there?"

Rebecca understood what was going on and knew Pamela needed to get out of whatever was about to happen as quickly as possible, "Of course."

Pamela swiftly made her way out of the washroom, barely giving Rebecca any time to answer whatsoever before she disappeared.

"Aw, was the little baby complaining about being less than me in every way? Or was it the fact that she's secretly a whore who plays nun by day?" Alexis cackled, "Oh, and how's your new man? Jonathan is it? Yeah, you guys looked super cozy together."

"Listen, tiny tot, nobody is jealous of you, except for maybe the gum at the bottom of my shoe, and even that's a stretch. And my business is my business." Rebecca spewed, finding it hard to stop the berating that she knew was coming.

She curled her fist, trying not to get too worked up, "Are you seriously trying to come for Pam because of some pathetic kiss?"

Alexis just smirked and Rebecca had to force herself to stay in check. She needed to take her anger out somewhere, so she figured this was a good start anyway. "Was it with someone from one of your many failed romances? I don't blame them, Pam is much more of a catch. Nobody wants to be with an artificial Barbie wannabe who bases her whole personality off of trying to be pretty. Keyword, trying."

"She's a loser and both you and I know it. It's only a matter of time that her parents see the video, college scouts, and it'll continue to haunt her. Bye-bye, perfect reputation." Alexis let out a sly smile, "Plus she's the weak link, it's easy to get into her head, and trust me, I already know it's working."

"And you take pride in that? Pathetic. You really need to get it through your empty skull. You're not scary, all you have are empty threats, and you're not all that." Rebecca rolled her eyes, "Nobody can even tell it's her in the video, for all we know it could just be the beginning of one of your hundred sex tapes."

Rebecca took a step forward before continuing, "How are those infections by the way? Heard boy number ninety-seven complain that he caught some things from you."

Rebecca smirked as Alexis went silent and was obviously flustered, while Rebecca stood tall. Alexis's friends tried to hide their snickers, however, Alexis must've caught on because she turned to the two and shot them a deadly glare, shutting them up quickly.

Alexis turned around just in time to watch the small smirk on Rebecca's face grow, leading her to become even more annoyed. "I don't know who you think you are, but you better stay in your lane. In case you haven't noticed, nobody likes you. And you're a fool if you think that Colby is actually interested in you."

"Excuse me? Who the hell do you think you are? Back off, because I can and I will squash you. And if you're too incompetent to understand that, I would love to give you a live demonstration." Rebecca took another step forward, "The bleach you use for your hair must be seeping into whatever tiny brain cells you have left. You're nobody to me, and you sure as hell aren't any more important than the dirt under my feet."

"Aw look at that, you actually like him don't you? The stone-cold loner fell for the popular jock. Who woulda thought? Too bad this isn't like the movies though. He's mine, always has been, always will be." Alexis took a brief moment to laugh, "That day that you left him alone at his truck, remember that? Thank you for that, because let's just say, we did a lot more than what you and Jonathan did."

Rebecca knew the chances of anything happening between Colby and Alexis was highly unlikely, but the thought started nagging at her. She got tired of the back and forth and simply cut to the chase, "You got a problem with me, you talk to me. Not Pam, or anyone else. Me."

It was easy to read the anger in Rebecca's voice, and Alexis quickly cowered and silently. With a quick roll of her eyes, she began to open her mouth for a rebuttal, but Rebecca quickly put that to an end, knowing she was going to get too heated and do something they'd both regret.

"Stay away from Pam and keep her name out of your mouth. Final warning." Rebecca's tone showed no mercy as she stared a hole straight through Alexis. After a moment of silence, Rebecca pushed past Alexis, knocking into her so hard she stumbled backwards, knocking into her friends, and almost making her fall onto the floor.

She left the school and made a straight path to the nearby corner store. She skimmed the isles and grabbed some birth control for Ashley, before making her way to a small section of a secluded counter in the store.

She scanned the locked-up counter, gazing at the items as she thought about what her next moves were. When she finally came across something she could easily access and use, discreetly discard, and have a solid alibi for, she smiled.

She thought about her next course of action, knowing that it would send a message and put a stop to Alexis and her games. "You've messed with me and you've messed with my family. Now it's time to get a taste of your own medicine. Or, well... a spray of it in this case."

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