| Chapter 64 |

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Similar to the snow falling from the sky and piling up on the ground, Rebecca felt the same way when it came to the guilt building up inside of her during the past few weeks. Everything that had happened in the past few months was eating her alive more and more as time went by.

She was openly missing school, sometimes days at a time, and her grades were dropping massively. She'd show up during lunch just to hang out with the group and then she'd go missing for the rest of the day. Nobody really knew what was going on, but it wasn't sitting comfortably with any of them.

Meanwhile, the time Rebecca wasn't spending in school she was spending in her room, most often on the verge of a breakdown. She continuously thought back to the beginning of the year, and the party that started it all. Thinking about how everything could've been so much simpler if she hadn't shown up.

She was still actively trying to help each of the girls with whatever they needed, although it all seemed to be weighing her down a lot more as of recently.

When it came to Colby and the night she went by his house, she continued to try and replay the events that lead her there. She went there to talk about anything, just to get away, but somehow she got tangled up in his words and actions, which lead to them kissing.

She felt bad because she didn't want to lead him on, or feel the way that she did about him. But by not acknowledging it or telling him anything, she felt as if it was bettering them both, even if she didn't exactly know how. There were too many emotions going on all at once and he wasn't helping her case or making it easier to try and ignore.

When Rebecca made her way into the cafeteria, after another day of not going to her morning classes, she spotted all of the girls and guys sitting together.

"Hey." She smiled and when she sat down receiving worried looks from the girls and blank faces from the guys she became nervous. "Is everything okay?"

She just got more strange looks in return for a few minutes, until Pamela looked like she was about to burst. "The guys told us everything about the night with Brock and Nicholas and I can't believe you didn't tell us and why the heck did you keep it a secret and you have a lot of explaining to do!"

Pamela took a deep breath after spewing out everything in one go and Rebecca sat in shock. She didn't mean to hide it at first, but eventually, it felt like she was sparing them. "I didn't want you guys to worry about me, especially when you all have more important things going on."

Ashley shook her head, "Becks-"

"I'm fine now and that's all that matters." She smiled, lying through her teeth. "I'm better and I'm happy. And I don't want to relive it, so don't worry."

She must've seemed extremely convincing because all three of them seemed to believe her. She knew it'd be easier to get them to believe her since they hadn't seen the fallout. The guys, on the other hand, knew a bit more of the truth, even if they didn't say anything.

The rest of lunch went fairly smooth, and the conversation regarding Rebecca and her issues quickly faded away. After the bell rang, she quickly slipped out of school and went home.

She forced herself to ignore the issues at hand, however, when the next day came around her mind wasn't so forgiving.

Everything she was neglecting to think about came crashing down on her. She tried for hours to distract herself but nothing seemed to work. She stood up pacing around her room, knowing her facade was cracking quickly. She ran her hands through her hair, gripping onto it as tears ran down her cheeks. "What the hell am I doing?"

Suddenly she heard the sound of gentle knocking on her window, causing her to freeze. She quickly ran her hands over her face, wiping away any signs of sadness, before taking a few deep breaths, and walking over to the window. She climbed up on her bed and shuffled over, moving the curtain out of the way to reveal Colby.

He smiled the instant he saw her and watched as she opened up the window, and she laughed. "Hey."

"Hi." His smile stayed on his face and he shuffled partway into her room.

"What are you doing?" She furrowed her eyebrows, sitting on the ledge on her wall as he sat on the one outside of the house.

"Coming to see my Juliette." He replied as he twirled a stray curl of her hair, while she raised an eyebrow with a smirk.

"Ah, so that's what this is?" She nodded, "I'm now thirteen, you're seventeen, we fall madly in love with each other in less than three days, and we run off to get married but wind up killing ourselves in the process?"

"Well, way to ruin that one." He frowned playfully, "Yes, other than the weird age difference and the killing ourselves part."

"But you still want to run away together?" She looked at him curiously.

He shrugged, "I wouldn't object."

"Good to know." She smiled, "But I think our shelf life has already expired."

"What do you mean?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Well, they fell in love with each other in three days, and we've known each other for how long now? Months?" Rebecca looked at him blankly.

"How do you know if I'm in love with you or not? Or how fast I fell for you for that matter?" He questioned slowly.

"I would know." She responded, looking down, picking at her fingernails.

"Would you?" He questioned, and she nodded confidently, "Well, there's a first time for everything."

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