| Chapter 10 |

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"I'm not going." Rebecca shook her head as she continued walking.

It had been a few minutes since the two parted ways with Pamela and Mercedes and Ashley wouldn't drop the subject of the party.

Ashley looked over at Rebecca, "All I'm saying is to give it a shot, other than going to school you barely leave your room!"

"And I'm perfectly fine with that." Rebecca nodded with a smile that caused Ashley to roll her eyes.

Ashley sighed, "Come on Becks! You're impossible!"

"I've been called worse." Rebecca nodded and made eye contact with a very frustrated Ashley before refocusing her attention forward.

"Oh my god, I'm unfriending you." Ashley shook her head.

Rebecca looked over at Ashley with a small smirk, "That's fine because I'm resigning from the position of being your friend."

Ashley stopped walking at was at an obvious loss for words and comebacks.

"I win." Rebecca happily stated, before turning to face Ashley and then continuing to walk on.

Ashley shook her head and couldn't help but laugh at Rebecca and her antics. She quickly caught up to her friend and dropped the subject as she knew Rebecca would become annoyed and shut down completely if she was continuously pestered about it.

Rebecca was about to point out some construction workers in hopes of getting Ashley distracted, but a phone call interrupted her plan.

She grabbed her phone from her pocket at looked at the display before answering. "Hey Pam, what's up?"

Pamela didn't hesitate and began bombarding Rebecca with questions at the speed of light, "You sure you don't wanna come with? We're not too far from where we separated, maybe two blocks down? We can sit tight till you guys get here?"

Rebecca sighed, "My answer is still the same as the one I gave you when you asked the first hundred times. I'll ask Ash again though."

Rebecca brought the phone away from her face, covering it to make sure Pamela wouldn't get annoyed with their side conversation. She then looked over at Ashley, "You sure you don't wanna go? It's fine, I get it."

"Trust me, I'm good. I already have too many party outfits for my own good, taking me to go buy a new one is a suicide mission for my wallet." Ashley shook her head and whispered.

Rebecca stifled a small laugh, knowing it was the honest truth. If Ashley had gone she would have walked out of there with at least 10 different outfits. "She says she's good too."

"Okay," Pamela obviously tried to hide her disappointment, "If you change your mind let us know!"

Rebecca had to smile at Pamela's genuine care, "Stop worrying about us and go have some fun! We'll chat later!"

Pamela laughed a bit, "Okay okay. Love you, bye!"

"Love you too." After that Rebecca hung up and shoved her phone back into her pocket.

Ashley took the opportunity to start ranting about classes, guys, and whatever else she could think of. Eventually, Rebecca knew her lunch fiasco was going to be brought up which meant Ashley was most likely going to be drooling over Colby at some point too.

Rebecca's timing was really impeccable because not even three seconds after she thought about Ashley bringing up her incident, she did.

"Look it's your lover boy." Ashley pointed towards a corner store, watching Colby walk in.

Rebecca looked over and grumbled, "He's not my lover boy."

"Don't hate me but I swear I was going to ask anyway," Ashley grabbed her wallet from her purse and held it like a clutch, "Can we head over so I can pick up a few things?"

Rebecca sighed but nodded, "Fine. But if you're not done in five I'm leaving."

The two walked over and Rebecca opted to stay outside while Ashley bought her things. Rebecca leaned against the store wall while scrolling through her phone, praying that Ashley wouldn't take decades.

A few minutes passed and Rebecca looked up expecting to see Ashley, but she saw Colby walk out instead.

She quickly looked back down at her phone when she noticed him linger around outside of the door. After a few more seconds the sound of his voice quickly caught her off guard. "Uh, hey. Sorry about earlier."

Rebecca looked up and met his eyes trying to keep the look of surprise off of her face, "It's fine. What's done is done."

She quickly looked back down at her phone and heard him leave. The last thing she expected was an apology from him so to say that she was shocked was an understatement.

Eventually, Ashley came out and Rebecca's expression must have given too much away because Ashley started bombarding her with questions.

Ashley continued asking questions and all Rebecca gave her was one answer, "He just apologized."

Apparently, that was all Ashley needed to hear before starting her frenzy, "Awe! You guys are so cute together! I can already tell you're in love! I'm going to start manifesting to help your future! Kids! There have to be kids! Your life needs to be turned into a movie honestly! Or maybe a book! Time for me to start writing fan fiction!"

"Ashley," Rebecca rolled her eyes and shook her head as her friend continued rambling. Rebecca quickly grabbed Ashley's shoulders and gave her a light shake, snapping her out of her trance. "Stop. It was just an apology. Nothing more. Drop it."

Ashley quickly started a different conversation and the last one was left in the dust. After some more chatting and walking, the two arrived at Ashley's house and went to say their goodbyes.

Before going inside Ashley gave Rebecca a hug, "Just think about it okay? I love you."

Rebecca returned the hug and nodded, "Okay. I love you too."

After making sure Ashley got in her house safely Rebecca took a deep breath and started heading towards the one place she desperately wanted to avoid. Home.

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