| Chapter 24 |

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"I've been texting her all morning." Ashley sounded vaguely worried as she stared down at her empty notification bar.

"Maybe, she was paying attention in class." Mercedes stated sarcastically with a laugh, "Or maybe, she just doesn't like you anymore."

Ashley's eyes widened as she looked over at Mercedes, "Why would you think that? Did she say something?"

It was Pamela's turn to laugh, "Holy Ash, she's messing with you, relax."

"Yeah, you're right." Ashley nodded, "I'm sure there's a good reason."

The three continued wondering where Rebecca was and got more and more uneasy the longer lunch went on without an explanation.

True to their normal nature, Mercedes and Ashley ended up getting into a disagreement about something, but instead of intervening like she normally would, Pamela continued scouting the cafeteria.

When her eyes landed on Rebecca, they widened and her eyebrows rose, "Uh, guys."

The two became quiet and looked at the strange expression on Pamela's face. They stared at her waiting for her to continue speaking, but Pamela just pointed somewhere behind them.

The two turned around and immediately froze as they watched Rebecca walk in with Jonathan, and their jaws dropped when they took notice of Jonathan's arm on her shoulders. The three were speechless as they continued watching the two talk for a minute before going their separate ways.

After saying goodbye to Jonathan, Rebecca pulled up her phone and scrolled through the countless texts and call notifications, before calling Ashley back.

Rebecca looked around the cafeteria, "Hey where are you guys?"

"Right in front of you." Ashley sated slowly, still extremely confused.

Rebecca made eye contact with the girls and pressed her lips together, regretting her decision to walk in with Jonathan.

She walked over and sat down as the girls stayed silent, "Hey guys."

Mercedes raised her eyebrow, "What the hell was that about?"

"He got me out of what would end up being detention, and we dipped for a while." Rebecca quickly explained while the girls slowly nodded, all of them curious while taking in the new information. "Sorry about my phone, the service was rough."

Ashley smiled, "It's okay, as long as you were fine."

Rebecca looked over at Pamela and noticed her head down on top of her crossed arms, "Headache?"

Pamela just nodded in response and Rebecca rummaged around in her bag, and handed her a pill for the pain, "Here."

Pamela gave her a grateful look and took the pill, leading Ashley and Mercedes to quickly reach their hands out. Rebecca just laughed while she handed them one each as well.

"I tell you guys, she's a freaking lifesaver," Ashley stated and they all laughed, quickly catching up on whatever happened in the morning.

"Holy. Hell." Ashley stopped the other conversation topic right on its tracks, "Who on God's gorgeous green earth, is that hunk of a man?!"

Pamela and Mercedes turned in the direction of Ashley's staring, and Rebecca looked up from her phone. Rebecca watched as the three girls drooled over Joseph, who was casually standing next to Colby and Jonathan, before heading over to the vending machine. She laughed to herself, before standing up from her seat. The other's heads snapped towards her direction as they watched her walk closer to Joseph.

"What is she doing?!" Ashley whisper yelled.

Mercedes shrugged while shaking her head and laughed, "Is she still drunk?"

Rebecca made her way over to Joseph, shaking her head with a smile as she heard her friends.

"Joe!" He turned and saw Rebecca coming towards him with open arms and he gave her a tight hug, lifting her off of the ground and making her laugh, "You're coming here for school?"

"Yup, today's my first day." He smiled as he set her down, and Rebecca turned around, seeing her friend's jaws practically on the floor.

"Mind coming with me for a second? My friends are dying to meet the 'hunk of a man' that is standing across from them." She made air quotations while laughing.

"Lead the way." He shook his head with a large grin, grabbing her hand and intertwining their fingers when they had to weave around a crowd of people.

Rebecca smiled at him and felt at home with the familiar gesture. She gave his hand a squeeze, "They don't bite, but if you were to ask Ashley to I'm sure she'd jump at the chance."

Back at the table, the girls didn't know how to react when they saw him walking back with Rebecca and they definitely started freaking out when they saw the two holding hands.

"Damn, my girl's got game." Mercedes revelled at the sight.

Ashley almost lost it, "Are you telling me she's been cuffed this whole time? And he's off the market?!"

"Guys," Rebecca smiled when she walked up to them with Joseph, "This is Joseph, my-"

"Boyfriend?!" Ashley grumbled in distress and Rebecca laughed.

"No Ash, he's a childhood friend." She finished explaining with a big smile and Joseph waved to them all, introducing himself and learning everyone's names.

"I think what Irish meant to say was that I'm her best friend," Joseph stated and Rebecca rolled her eyes playfully. That was all it took before three girls erupted into a debate with Joseph.

"I know you did not just go there." Mercedes piped up.

Pamela shook her head and crossed her arms with an attempt at a menacing glare, "I don't think so sir."

"Alright bucko, you may get to walk around town with your gorgeous face but you don't get to waltz over here and claim that spot." Ashley shook her head, "Meet me outside after school, winner gets to claim number one."

"Oh my God guys, I love you all. Drop it." Rebecca laughed and shook her head before they all continued to joke around and talk.

She watched as they all seemed to click perfectly, and Rebecca finally started to understand what having a family felt like.

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