| Chapter 48 |

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When the time finally passed, the timer went off, letting the two girls know that the results were in.

In the time it took for the test to fully calibrate, Rebecca had managed to get Ashley to lay in bed so she could rest. Rebecca quickly offered to look, when she heard the chimes on her phone, and after Ashley's approval, she walked over to grab the stick.

She took a deep breath when she reached the counter, gripping onto the edges to stop the slight shaking in her hands. She knew that Ashley was the one who had to deal with the consequences but she was also smart enough to figure out that she would be dragged into the middle of the entire situation.

She loved Ashley, and would absolutely jump at the chance to be someone to lean on, but Ashley's track record never helps her case. It was obvious Rebecca would be playing co-mom, and she'd most likely end up watching the child ninety percent of the time, while Ashley abandoned her to hook up with someone else.

She flipped over the test and immediately saw the negative result, releasing the breath she didn't realize she was holding as she felt relief wash over her.

As bad as it was, Rebecca was kind of glad Ashley had this sort of scare. She had always told Ashley about how her actions could have everlasting consequences, but the lesson was never fully taught because Ashley had never been in this situation before. Rebecca just hoped this was enough for her to see her ways and change her bad habits.

She knew she wanted to seriously discuss Ashley's actions with her again, but she knew that now wasn't the time, and pestering Ashley when she was sick wasn't a good idea.

Rebecca walked over to a curled-up Ashley and showed her the test, before grabbing the pack of medicine she had bought.

"Well if I'm not pregnant, why do I feel like death?" Ashley complained, while Rebecca quietly laughed as she poured the liquid medicine into a measuring cup.

"I dunno Ash, maybe you're sick? You know, that thing that's completely normal and happens to people all the time?" Rebecca shook her head as she walked over to Ashley.

"I think this is the end for me. Tell my family I love them." Rebecca laughed to herself as Ashley dramatically pretended to faint.

"Drama queen," Rebecca replied as she placed the cup on Ashley's bedside table. Despite how sick Ashley was, she still had enough strength for an overly excessive eye roll. However, before she could continue her acting antics, she quickly snapped out of it and began to cough heavily.

"I got you some medicine at the store. Don't chug the whole bottle." Rebecca sat on a chair across from Ashley, "I'd like to think that you can follow simple instructions. They aren't rocket science, but I mean, I never know with you."

Ashely squinted her eyes, "What?! Rude. I am perfectly capable of helping myself."

"Yeah, okay." Rebecca snorted, "Coming from the same girl that took a pill for sleeping instead of one for her allergies."

"Whatever!" Ashley laughed, "It was one time! I knew I shouldn't have told you."

Rebecca laughed and stood up, walking over to Ashley, before pushing some strands of hair out of her face. "I better get going."

Ashley nodded and watched Rebecca begin to leave, "Hey Becks, thank you."

Rebecca turned around and nodded with a small smile, "Anytime."

She went to leave and began to turn the doorknob before Ashley mumbled again, "I love you."

Rebecca froze, unsure as to why she felt so empty to the phrase, and the fact that it made her want to cry at this point was alarming her, "I love you too."

Then Rebecca quickly made her way out of the house. She looked up at the sky, noticing it was getting darker, and seeing as Joseph's house was surprisingly closer to Ashley's house than her own, she decided to head back there.

She shuffled up the front steps and went in without warning, finding the three guys in the same room as before, but instead of watching football, it looked like it was some sort of fighting or wrestling match on tv.

The three watched Rebecca flop down on the couch and pull a pillow to her chest, making Joseph immediately tense up, "Hey Becks, you okay?"

Rebecca just nodded in response, mustering up a small smile with whatever mental strength she had left. Her eyes stung with every blink, begging to release the tears that were consistently building up. When she felt a lump in her throat, and her vision began to blur, she quickly blinked back her tears and took a deep breath.

"Hey Jon," Rebecca choked out, "Can I talk to you?"

"Yeah, for sure." Jonathan immediately stood up and walked towards her.

Both Colby and Joesph watched the two walk out of the room, trying to refocus on the tv. However, the two of them would both be lying if they said they didn't feel a jab of jealously run through them.

When Jonathan and Rebecca reached a quiet room, Jonathan quietly closed the door, "What's up?"

Instead of replying, Rebecca just walked towards Jonathan and placed her head on his chest. It was a familiar gesture between the two, and Jonathan always immediately knew when it happened, something was off.

He enclosed his arms around her without hesitation, feeling her turn her head to the side as she snuggled into him. She quickly wrapped her arms around him and the two stayed like that for a long time.

Rebecca held in her welling tears, as she chewed on her bottom lip desperately, in hopes of feeling any physical pain that overtook the mental pain she felt. "Can you drive me to my, uh-"

Jonathan was quick to understand, before cutting her off, "Of course."

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