| Chapter 39 |

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Rebecca and Colby sat in the waiting room for hours, watching others go in and out, blearily hoping they were next.

Colby saw this as a positive, because Rebecca actually talked to him, and she seemed to be feeling better than she did when she first woke up.

It was obvious that Rebecca was tired more than anything, and the dark circles under her eyes, as well as her drooping eyelids, were evident. Colby noticed her trailing off in her sentences and he knew she needed the rest.

He put his arm around the back of the old couch they sat on and spoke gently, "I think you need some rest Red."

She looked at him and rolled her eyes, "I'm not sleepy. You're sleepy."

"You're funny when you're tired." He laughed and gave her a knowing look, seeing her roll her eyes again, before gently placing his arm around her and resting his hand on her hip. "But still stubborn. Who woulda thought?"

He gently moved her closer, and she tiredly obliged. Snuggling into his side and laying her head on his chest, she threw her legs up on the couch and curled up beside him.

"I'm not tired." She mumbled into his chest, "I'm just pretending to sleep."

He shook his head and quietly chuckled, hearing her breathing and feeling her heartbeat both slow down.

More time passed and they were finally called in. Rebecca explained the little information that she remembered and Colby filled in the rest. They got the documentation they needed and left to get to school.

The car ride back seemed quieter than before, and it was obvious that Rebecca was having trouble taking in the details of the prior night. When the truck was parked, Rebecca hadn't even moved a muscle, she partially understood what had happened but when she heard Colby explain everything, it finally set in.

Colby got out of the truck and walked over to Rebecca's door, before opening it. She slowly turned in her seat towards Colby, looking up at him.

Colby placed his hand on the roof, "We don't have to go in if you don't want to."

She shrugged before slowly exiting the truck, standing in the small space between the truck and Colby, with him still hovering over her, "It's okay."

"How are you not tired of saying that?" He slightly chuckled, "You're allowed to express yourself, you know that right?"

She looked up at him through her eyelashes, shrugging again, "I'm fine."

He shook his head at the far too familiar phrases and stared at her. Rebecca stared back, still not knowing how to process the past night, as well as not understanding why she couldn't help but stare into Colby's eyes for longer than she wanted to, as she got lost in the whirlwind of her thoughts.

Colby inched slightly closer, and when Rebecca made no move to leave, he slowly leaned in.

As their lips grew closer in distance, breathing sped up, and Colby couldn't remember anyone else making him feel the way Rebecca did.

"Colby!" Someone in the distance screeched.

The two stopped dead in their tracks, their faces just mere inches apart, and looked at who was calling him. Rebecca caught a glimpse of bleach blonde hair and immediately rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, you have fun with that." She chuckled, grabbing her bag.

Before she could escape, Colby grabbed her arm, "Don't you dare."

"Sorry," She smirked, "You should know by now that I hate it when people tell me what to do."

Colby watched Rebecca walk away and saw Alexis getting closer. He shook his head, slamming his truck door, completely aggravated that Alexis interrupted.

When walking by, Rebecca noticed that Alexis looked like she was going to say something as she stopped right in her path. Unphased, Rebecca walked right through her, bumping into her with her shoulder aggressively.

"Watch it blondie." She sneered before pushing past her.

Once she was in the school, Rebecca made a straight line for the washroom. The instant she got in there, every inch of composure she had unravelled as she began pacing around.

"What are you doing?" She muttered to herself, running her hands over her face and through her hair.

She shook her head, reprimanding herself for all of the actions she had taken to get to where she was. If she hadn't gone to the party, she wouldn't have gotten drunk. If she had maintained her self-control, she wouldn't have participated in truth or dare. If she refused to join the game, she wouldn't have kissed Colby. If she didn't kiss Colby her life would be a lot easier than it was.

She sighed and slightly flinched at the sound of her phone's ringtone. She cursed under her breath, frustrated that she couldn't even have a minute to herself just to breathe. Rebecca then glanced at the screen, surprised to see that Mercedes was the first out of the three girls to contact her after the party.

She sighed before picking it up, not even getting a word in before Mercedes spoke, "Can you do me a favour?"

"Uh depends." Rebecca's eyebrows furrowed at the question and the weird tone Mercedes was carrying.

"Another deal?" Mercedes questioned, "By the north hall exit?"

Rebecca put her hand to her head, "I don't really-"

"Please?" Mercedes cut her off quickly and sounded like she was sniffling.

"Fine." Rebecca sighed before hanging up, as she grabbed what she would need.

She headed to the meet point and knew that something was up. Mercedes wasn't one to ask for favours this often, and things seemed off. 

"It's fine. I'm fine." Rebecca shook her head to herself, exhausted with absolutely everything, as she mumbled to herself. "Yeah, keep telling yourself that."

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