| Chapter 28 |

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The dark and mostly blurry video began playing on Rebecca's phone screen, and it wasn't long until the chants she heard and the orange hair that she saw brought her right back to the scene where the video had been taken.

Someone had recorded her doing her dare and sent it anonymously. But in all honesty, Rebecca really didn't care all that much. She already came to terms with the fact that it happened, there was nothing that she could do about it, and that someone was bound to pull a stunt like this.

She did, however, care a lot when a second video was sent to her. When she opened this video, she saw a similar scene play out but with different people. What worried her the most was the girl in the video, Pamela.

She watched the much clearer video and realized that she must have been right when she thought she saw Pamela making out with a guy in one of the random rooms.

She pushed her own feelings aside and texted Pamela right away, asking her if she could meet in the washroom as soon as possible. She knew Pamela didn't have thick skin, and something like this could easily get to her. So when Pamela responded shortly after, Rebecca made her way to the agreed spot quickly and waited.

After a few minutes, Pamela slowly walked in with her arms wrapped around herself. As she looked up, Rebecca immediately saw the tears in her eyes, and rushed over, wrapping her arms around her in hopes of protecting her from the world.

Pamala held onto Rebecca like her life depended on it, and the two remained in the same state for a while.

"I don't even remember it." Pamela muffled her words into Rebecca's shirt.

Rebecca ran her fingers through Pamela's hair trying to calm her down, "It's okay, you're okay."

Pamela slowly nodded as she let the words set in and she slowly broke away from the hug, wiping away her tears with her sleeves, "I barely remember anything."

"Nobody does, almost all of us were blackout wasted." Rebecca had responded with a sympathetic look, hoping her words weren't just going in one ear and out of the other.

"It was sent to everyone." Pamela started to tear up again and the helplessness in her voice stung Rebecca's heart.

She hated to sugarcoat things because she preferred calling things as they were, but she decided it was probably needed in this situation, "It'll die down, come next week this video will be irrelevant and some idiot guy tripping over a rock will be all that's talked about. You're okay, I promise."

Pamela nodded slowly, and she smiled slightly, believing Rebecca's words. Just then, Ashley and Mercedes rushed into the washroom together.

"I told you they'd be here." Mercedes flipped her hair.

Ashley just rolled her eyes, "We came as soon as we found out."

The two hugged Pamela, "I think I'm okay now guys. You know Becca and her helpful talks."

After showing some more support for Pamela, the bell rang and Ashley came up with the idea of treating Pamela to a mall trip.

Annoyance reappeared in Rebecca when she realized she wouldn't be able to go. She explained most of what had happened to the girls, but overall Rebecca told them to go without her.

When she separated from the group, she walked into the halls trying to keep her composure. She quickly came to terms with the fact that she wasn't even upset with the stunt Colby pulled—mainly because she honestly found it funny—but she was definitely not okay with the fact that she got detention over it.

Just as she was approaching the door where she saw Colby standing, someone grabbed her hand and stopped her. She turned around, immediately rolling her eyes and tearing her hand away.

"Don't touch me, Nick." She clenched her jaw, turning back around, where she now saw Colby watching the situation unfold.

Nicholas quickly turned her back around and grabbed the sides of her face forcefully, smashing his lips into hers.

Gasps filled the air, and the once loud hallways became silent.

Rebecca immediately pulled away and strongly slapped his face, so quickly it was almost as if it were a natural reflex.

"Don't touch me again." She slowly stated, trying to suppress the anger that was reaching new heights, "Final warning."

Ignoring her words, when she went to turn around again, Nicholas pulled her back in and repeated his previous actions, almost digging his fingers into her face.

All of the anger that had been simmering was unleashed, and Rebecca saw red. She pushed him away and punched him across the jaw, not caring that everyone was witnessing it. 

Noise refilled the hallways as everyone gathered around the scene.

As she watched Nicholas fall to the floor she immediately followed, punching him over and over again, with no remorse. Her knuckles bled along with his face, and it wasn't until she was pulled off of him by someone, that she snapped out of her rage.

She stared down at her hands, before turning around and seeing that Colby had removed her from the altercation.

"What the hell?!" Rebecca heard Nicholas scream, "You were giving free handouts at the party! Now you have a problem with it?!"

Colby watched her blank expression immediately turn back into fury, and before she turned back around to do God knows what, he quickly cupped her hands in his, making sure her eyes remained glued to his.

"Hey," He whispered and shook his head, "He's not worth it."

He watched her slowly realize what she had just done and struggle to find something to say. He took one of his hands away from hers and slipped it behind her back, before wrapping it around her arm.

"Come on, let's get you out of here." He whispered, before guiding her into the empty detention room.

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