| Chapter 65 |

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Colby never elaborated on what he meant earlier, but Rebecca didn't want him to. The more and more they got to know each other, and the closer they got, the more and more dangerous it was.

Over the course of the past few weeks they had been hanging out more recently, and there hadn't been a repeat of the kiss ever since it happened. So when Colby came by earlier, it didn't shock her as much as she wanted it to.

The two walked by the now partially frozen lake, as snow slowly fell and wind lightly blew across their faces. They sat down on a nearby bench, exchanging stories and enjoying each other's company.

"I think you'll be happy to know that I bought a toaster." He looked over at her and watched her expression turn to immediate excitement.

"You did?!" She exclaimed, "I thought the day would never come!"

Colby laughed as she began rambling like an excited child on Christmas, "Now what are you gonna do? I mean, first, you tell me about your stocked fridge, and now you have a toaster?! I'm gonna be over every freaking day!"

"You won't hear me complaining." He smirked and she rolled her eyes jokingly.

The two continued talking and Rebecca noticed she was getting a phone call, quickly showing the display to Colby, watching him shrug before she answered.

"Hey?" Rebecca spoke slowly, knowing Joseph rarely called.

"Hey, what's up?" He quickly responded.

Rebecca furrowed her eyebrows, "Uh, nothing-"

"What's going on?" He cut her off hastily.

Rebecca looked over at Colby with confusion written on her face, "What do you-"

"Something's wrong. What is it?" Joseph cut her off again and Rebecca was quickly becoming irritated.

"Nothing?" She responded dryly.

"No, seriously." Joseph pried, "Listen, I know we aren't as close as before I moved, but I can still tell when something's up."

"Listen, Joe, it's nothing." She sighed, rolling her eyes.

"But it is." He insisted abruptly.

Rebecca rubbed her temples as she tried to remain calm, "I don't want to talk about it."

"But you can." He quickly emphasized.

She sighed again, "I know, and I appreciate the effort but-"

"You can tell me." Joseph pressed on.

"Joseph! Drop it!" She answered, evidently frustrated, "This isn't like before. Things are... different. I told you I'm fine, you have to take my word for it."

Colby watched her hang up the call and calm herself down, giving her a few minutes to herself before she sat down and started conversing again, seemingly back to normal.

"I know it's not Christmas." After a few more minutes, he began rummaging around in his pocket, "But I bought it yesterday, and I really don't trust myself not to lose it."

"No, Colby. I don't want anything." She shook her head adamantly.

"I know, I know. But I want you to have it." He nodded with a smile.

He gently grabbed her hand and opened it palm up, placing the box on it, and she stared at him in confusion.

She shook her head again, "Colby-"

"Just." He paused and gave her free hand a squeeze. "Open it."

"Okay." She whispered before gently lifting the lid off of the box.

"Colby." She covered her mouth with her hand after seeing what laid on the inside.

"Listen, I know your name isn't your favourite thing." He continued hesitantly, "But I thought that maybe if you had something good correlated with it, it might take away from some of the bad."

She stared at the silver lettering of her name, in cursive writing, hanging on a silver chain. It was simple yet beautiful, and Rebecca tried not to get overwhelmed.

"Can you, put it on me?" She asked slowly.

"Of course." He smiled and slid closer to her before gently moving her hair out of the way.

He lifted it out of the box, unclasping it and placing it around her neck slowly. She looked down at it, blinking back tears, before turning towards Colby and giving him a tight hug.

"I love it." She smiled as they separated. "Thank you."

"My pleasure." He threw his arm over the back of the bench.

Rebecca opened her mouth, but before they knew it, a familiar and annoying voice broke through their moment of bonding.

"Guess who!" Alexis threw her hands over Colby's eyes.

His face wrinkled in disgust and Rebecca laughed, "I'll give you a hint. It's the school's blonde bimbo."

"Of well then that's obvious." He lifted Alexis's hands off of his face, "It's Alexis."

Rebecca turned her head with a smirk, meeting the snarl on Alexis's face. She rolled her eyes at Rebecca before rounding the bench and sitting straight on Colby's lap.

Colby furrowed his eyebrows, "What the hell-"

"Shhh." She placed her finger on his lips, "So, I was thinking-"

"Get off me." He leaned forward, nudging her off, "There's only one girl I'd let sit there, and it sure as hell isn't you."

"Oh yeah?" She placed her hands on her hips with a glare. "Who?"

He just looked over at Rebecca and she couldn't help but laugh before rolling her eyes, "Really?"

"Really." He responded to Rebecca without hesitating. He shot a smile to a dumbfounded Alexis and put his arm around Rebecca, resting it on her hip. Catching both girls off guard, he pulled Rebecca towards him, using his other hand to grab her legs from underneath, before lifting her up on his lap.

"I am going to make Pamela's life miserable." She snapped.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you..." Rebecca smiled and Alexis raised an eyebrow, "Remember that whole meltdown you had? After what was it? Someone allegedly put pepper spray in your perfume?"

She pulled out her phone, tapping a few buttons before turning the screen towards her, "Yeah, I've got the whole thing on video. One wrong move and the whole school will be making your life miserable."

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