| Chapter 59 |

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The principal slammed the door behind the group, as Rebecca leaned back in her seat. It took her a moment for her mind to connect all of the dots but if this included her, Pamela, and Alexis, she was almost one hundred percent certain that it had to do with the change room incident that happened earlier.

"You know, I'm starting to think you actually like me being in here." Rebecca smirked while rolling her eyeballs as the principal sat down.

She stared at the gold nameplate on his desk reading 'Mr. P', before looking over and seeing Pamela bounce her leg up and down nervously.

"Listen, how long am I gonna be here for? Cause I got a class in an hour about how to deal with douchebags 101." Rebecca sighed, "And although the three of you can give me a good demonstration, not including Pamela of course, I'm more of an in-class learner."

"Enough!" He slammed his fists on the table. "Rebecca, you know exactly why you are here."

"Nope. I got no clue." Rebecca shrugged, knowing she wasn't going to sell herself out.

The principal rubbed his temples in frustration, "Lying will only make this worse."

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Rebecca tilted her head while crossing her arms.

"I want the police involved," Alexis interrupted annoyed.

The principal became tense, "Now Miss Kaufman I don't know if that's nes-"

"Mr. Principal, call the police now! Or I will!" Alexis demanded, crossing her arms.

"Okay." He sighed before gesturing towards Mr. Polinsky, so he'd go call the police. "Now Rebecca, your time is limited. Confess and no measure with the police will be needed."

"For the hundredth time, I don't know what you're talking about." Rebecca shrugged, not giving in.

"Rebecca that is a blatant lie. I've, uh, heard from multiple students that this is the case."

"You have no proof. I did nothing." Rebecca moved her arm on the chair's handrest, tapping her fingers on it.

"You put it in the perfume bottle! There is physical evidence against you!" Alexis yelled, flailing her arms in the air.

"Oh really?" Rebecca raised her voice before turning to Alexis, "And where is this bottle?"

"I dropped it." Alexis mumbled with a defeated look on her face as if she forgot that it had even happened.

"She dropped it!" Rebecca repeated gesturing towards Alexis, making a mockery of her.

"Only because I couldn't see!" Alexis whined, "Because of your pepper spray."

"Nope, try again. Obviously, you can't pin physical evidence on me, so what's next?" Rebecca questioned, "Please do humour me, out of everyone in this school why am I being blamed? And why the hell is Pamela is being dragged into this?"

"It was said that once Pamela went to change, you tampered with Alexis's perfume." The principal sighed, "And Miss Martinez was in there when it happened.

"After going through my stuff! Which is also an invasion of privacy!" Alexis quickly interjected.

Rebecca laughed, "You have no proof I went through your stuff and when Pamela went to change there was no one else in there other than me, so how could anyone have possibly seen me?"

"What seems to be the problem here?" A police officer began speaking the second he entered the room, with Mr. Polisnky following.

"It was reported by multiple individuals Rebecca." The principal spoke, utterly exasperated before turning his attention to the officer. "Miss. Quin deliberately attacked Miss. Kaufman by putting pepper spray in her perfume."

"Impossible. And why is he here?" Rebecca interjected, staring a hole into Mr. Polinsky, "This doesn't involve him."

Mr. Polinsky opened his mouth, but the principal raised his hand to stop him, "He was the one that first received complaints and brought it to my attention."

Rebecca continued to stare at Mr. Polinsky, having a hard time believing that, before looking at the officer. "I have nothing to hide sir, I did nothing."

"Then I guess you won't mind if I go through your bag ma'am?" The officer asked.

"No, go for it." Rebecca smiled politely, watching him begin to pull things out of her bag.

"And what is that?!" The principal yelled when he saw the officer pull the slick container that carried the pepper spray, out of her bag.

"It's coyote spray. Perfectly legal for self-defence and protecting yourself from wild animals." Rebecca smiled, knowing pepper spray and coyote spray were the same thing, just labelled differently. 

She had done her research, knowing store owners sold and labelled it as 'coyote spray' because that's what made it legal. "I've been carrying it with me for years."

"Well, I'm sure it's illegal for you to bring it onto the school's premises." He glanced up at the officer who just shook his head in response.

The six heard the bell for the end of the day ring before the principal spoke again. "We'll reconvene tomorrow."

With that everyone was dismissed and Rebecca waited for Pamela to get her things before she left. "This is insane."

"What'd you do now?" Pamela asked nervously.

"Nothing, this is a set-up." Rebecca lied, knowing Pamela wasn't the best at hiding secrets, and it was just better off if she didn't know.

When they made it out of the main office area, the guys along with Mercedes and Ashley were waiting for them. While Pamela was being bombarded with questions, Rebecca remained silent, thinking everything through in her head. The girls knew Rebecca was naturally more reserved, so they questioned Pamela, knowing she'd spill everything, while the guys occasionally interjected.

However, Colby noticed Rebecca's overly quiet state and her lack of smart-witted quips in between Pamela's story. While everyone continued walking, he subtly whispered to her, "What's going on in that brain of yours?"

"Something's off." Rebecca looked over at him pensively, "I just have to figure out what.

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