| Chapter 26 |

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Weeks passed by, and the crisp autumn leaves began falling off of the trees more and more, as the temperatures began to become colder with every passing day.

For Rebecca, it was pretty much the same story every day, and she behaved the same way she always did, even though others continued their newfound strange habits.

Girls would often stop her in the halls, asking anything and everything about her and Colby's supposed "relationship".

While during lunch, although she wasn't certain, it seemed as if Colby was always staring at her whenever she was in sight.

Luckily for her, the girls, Joseph, and Jonathan all treated her the same way they usually did, apart from the girls poking some fun occasionally. Her relationship with Joseph was almost as strong as it was when they were children, and she was getting closer to Jonathan as time passed.

They all seemed to mould together seamlessly and the girls were happy to meet new people and expand their friend group.

Although Rebecca made sure not to be too obvious, she was still mad at herself for what happened at the party. She felt like she was chastising herself about it almost every day. But what was done, was done and she knew she couldn't change it.

Rebecca sat down at her regular chemistry lab desk by herself. Class soon began and during the lesson, there was a knock on the door. She continued writing her notes, and shortly after the knocking had ended, the door opened, and whispers broke out into the room.

Rebecca looked up confused before her expression immediately dropped when she saw Colby standing at the door.

"Uh, I was told I've been transferred to this class." The girls quickly went crazy trying to convince the person sitting next to them to move to a different table so that he could sit next to them.

The teacher nodded and told him to find a seat quickly so she could continue.

When Rebecca's eyes scanned the room she quickly realized she was one of the only people to not have a partner sitting next to them.

She cursed quietly, and for a split second she regretted not talking to more people so she could sit with them, but she also realized that there was no reason for him to sit next to her.

She shrugged it off looking back down at her notes, slightly laughing at herself, but she immediately went quiet when she heard the chair next to her being moved.

"Mind if I sit here?" Although he had asked, it didn't look like she had an option because he was pretty much already seated.

She shrugged and mumbled, "Whatever."

Class continued and Rebecca tried to ignore Colby's presence. She took increasingly more detailed notes, trying to occupy her time while preventing herself and her mind from becoming distracted.

However, when her teacher announced that they'd be doing a lab experiment based on what they just learned with their desk partner, her pencil immediately stopped writing as her hand froze.

She sighed, standing up and collecting the things they would need. When she returned to their desk, she immediately got to work, trying to avoid conversation.

"What are we working on?" He leaned closer to the lab equipment, crossing his arms on the desk.

She looked over at him for a second, before sliding the instructions in between them, "Chemistry."

"That's strange," He looked at her with a smirk, "Why are we working on chemistry if we already have it?"

She stared at him with a very unimpressed look on her face, before rolling her eyes, "It's simple really, we don't."

He laughed at her comment while she turned back to their lab and poured some liquid into the beaker before referring back to her notes.

Although she hated to admit it, the two managed to rally on some pretty good witty banter back and forth. It was mainly him making flirtatious comments and her shutting him down, but she appreciated the fact that he didn't straight out talk about the fact that before this day, the two had practically made out more than they had spoken.

As the class continued on, she went to grab another container with a liquid chemical, but he quickly slid it away from her reach.

"What are you doing?" She felt like she was reprimanding a five-year-old, "I need that."

He just shook his head and smiled, before swiftly dumping the entire container into the mixture Rebecca was creating, instead of following the instructions and measuring it.

She stared down at the mixture that began to bubble and started emitting smoke, while shaking her head in defeat, knowing that the chances of something going wrong were extremely high.

Whatever mix Colby had created made a small explosion and ended up splattered throughout the room. There were splatters of strange coloured foam on the desks and all over the equipment. It made it all over the floor and ceiling, covered the walls, and was slightly splattered on the two of them.

Rebecca stared at the desk with a blank expression as the teacher began reprimanding them.

However, her head quickly shot up when the teacher came to the conclusion that they'd both get detention for it, and when she swiftly turned to Colby, he just sat there in his all too familiar smirking state.

She tried to explain that it wasn't her fault but the teacher evidently ignored her. Leading an enraged Rebecca to shove her things into her bag before storming out of the room and slamming the door behind her.

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