Chapter Forty One

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I'm so excited for this chapter oh my god, you guys will probably love the silver trio content. Also, driver's license by Olivia Rodrigo just came out and I am obsessed. Josh, why'd you hurt this poor girl? 
I also hope you have enjoyed this story so far. It's my first Wattpad, so please don't judge.

I stuff two weeks worth of clothes in my suitcase, trying to fit in everything. 

I was leaving for holiday today and, being the genius I am, forgot to pack my clothes ahead of time. I was busy comforting Harry with Ronald and Hermione, busy completing school work, that I forgot all about it. 

I grab the cage Elara is in and carefully take her out, perching her on my shoulder as I pack away the cage. I packed books, clothes, the cage, makeup, and money.

"That's everything, I believe." I say to myself. I glance over at the bed Daphne was sleeping in, not bothering to get up since she was staying here for Christmas, and sigh loudly as I walk over to the closet to get dressed for the day. 

I grab a pastel green, shoulder drop, button up cardigan sweater, with a v-neck line. I put on a white tank top underneath and slip on the sweater, tucking it and the front of the cardigan into a white, high-waisted pleated skirt, that reaches down to just above my knees. I had on nude color tights and my black ankle-high combat boots on. 

I pulled my hair up into a neat bun, the two strands of white hair falling in front of my face. I put on mascara and blush, concealer to cover up the light bags under my eyes, along with lip gloss to cover my dry and chapped lips. 

I grab all of my luggage, along with Elara and Rea, who was in her cage, and head out of the dorm. I walk down the stairs and pass by the few people who were staying here over break. I exit the common room and walk out of the dungeons, to enter the Courtyard where everyone was getting ready to head onto the platform. 


I already put my luggage away when I boarded the train, searching through the aisles in search for an empty compartment or one with people I knew to enter. Daphne, Blaise, Astoria, Bletchley, Harry, Ronald, and Hermione were all staying over at Hogwarts for break, so it was a little harder to find somewhere to sit.

After minutes of searching, I finally found an empty compartment all the way at the back of the train. I finished my book on Wizard's Chess a few days ago, so I started reading a Muggle book called Little Women. It's one of the one's I have never read before, and the story is very interesting. 

After about ten minutes of sitting alone in the compartment, besides being with Elara, reading to myself, a soft knock on the compartment door is heard and my head shoots up to see who made the noise.

I see the platinum blonde haired girl, her ocean blue eyes and navy blue sundress on, a small grey cardigan layering on top, even if it is the middle of winter. She waves eagerly to me, awaiting my signal to let her in the compartment. I nod my head at her, gesturing for her to enter, as she smiles more and slides open the door, sitting down in the bench across from me. The scent of honey, cedar, and blueberries fills my nostrils as she gets closer, her warm and comforting vibe radiating off of her makes me smile softly to myself.

"Hello Lila. I hope I'm not bothering you, everywhere else was taken, and you told me we were friends. So I assumed you would be okay with me sitting with you." Luna states, her grin not fading one bit. I chuckle softly under my breath and shake my head at the girl. 

"No, no. It's not a problem, we are friends. I'm happy to be sitting by you." I tell her. Her grin only widens as I look back down at my book, starting to read again before she speaks.

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