Chapter Seventy Three

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It was finally October, the weather now windy and chilly, enough to wear a light jacket. The leaves had started falling off the trees and turned all sorts of beautiful colors- red, brown, yellow, orange...

Montague had set five more Quidditch practices, extremely determined to win the Quidditch Cup. 

Umbridge's detentions had come to an end, but the words etched on the back of my hand had not, still sewed into my skin like a tattoo. 

I had been on top of my schoolwork, even doing extra reading and reading ahead, soon finishing my Charms and Divination books as well. There was much time spent studying in the library with Hermione, sneaking into the Gryffindor common room to- er- hang out with Ronald, and time gossiping with Daphne at night, a silencing spell on the curtains as we sat throughout the nighttime telling each other stories, Athena in my arms.

Neither Hermione nor Ronald had brought up the idea of teaching again, not until after Potions class, where they had first brought it up to Harry. I saw Ronald was scowling at Hermione when she brought up Krum, but I ignored it, hearing how Hermione said she wants us to teach a whole group of people.

So we had agreed to meet together at Hogsmeade, Hermione promising to bring a group of trustworthy people to meet with us for the lessons, and that we would explain to them what would be going on.

It was now the fifth of October, and it was the morning of the Hogsmeade trip, a bright and sunny day, although windy, just like it had been the last week. 

I sat next to Daphne, Blaise, Astoria, and Malfoy at breakfast, filling my plate with French Toast and syrup. 

I wore the sweater Mrs. Weasley had knitted for me, a pair of jeans and combat boots as well. I decided against a jacket, but wore the Slytherin gloves instead. 

"What do you guys want to do at Hogsmeade today?" Blaise asks the group. "Three Broomsticks?"

"Totally." Daphne agrees, beaming. "I could totally go for a glass of Butterbeer."

"Well, we have to go to Honeyduke's." Astoria speaks up, her arm looped with Malfoy's, and I wanted to throw up at this. "Or maybe... Madam Puddifoot's?"

"Yes!" Daphne grins. "A double date! Oh, wait... Lila, you can't fifth wheel! Maybe we can make it a triple date and you can bring along Weasley!"

"No." Malfoy says, his eyes burning with hatred. "Weaselbee will not be joining us. Knight will just have to fifth wheel."

"Oh, come on, Draco..." Astoria purrs, kissing his cheek softly. "What's the problem with it?"

"I will not allow another blood-traitor with us, especially not a Gryffindor." Malfoy sneers. "I do not want the Weaselbee's poor germs spread to me."

"That's not very nice, Draco." Astoria pouts, taking her arm out from Malfoy's. "You have to stop this blood purity none-sense-"

"It isn't non-sense, it's the right way." Malfoy says stubbornly. "What? Would you rather be with your Mudblood crush?"

"Draco, Colin means nothing to me!" Astoria insists. "He's only a friend! And don't call him that-that foul term!" 

"Foul term?" Malfoy asks, chuckling humorously. "The Mudblood obviously has a thing for you-"

"Okay, enough." I interrupt, silencing them. "Look, you guys can have your double date. I was going to spend the day with Hermione, Harry, and Ronald anyways."

"What?" Blaise asks, looking disappointed. "I thought you were spending the day with u- SHIT!"

Blaise sucked in a breath, clutching his shin in pain, and Daphne flipped her hair, turning to me with a smile. 

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