Chapter Fourteen

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We walk out of the castle and onto the sunny school grounds. We just finished our exams, which were rather easy. I was kind of hoping for a challenge. I walk out of the castle with Daphne and Blaise.

"That sucked. I hate exams." Daphne says. I roll my eyes and smile.

"It wasn't that bad, Daphne. It was rather easy." I say. Blaise looks at me with wide eyes.

"Easy? That was easy? It was pretty bad, Lila. I think you've gone mental." He says. I scoff at him and smile.

"That wouldn't be the first time I've heard someone say that." I say, remembering the day Malfoy called me mental for thinking Voldemort was back.

We walked a little more before I saw Harry, Ronald, and Hermione. I look at Blaise and Daphne with an apologetic look.

"I'm going to go, but I'll catch you two back at the common room later?" I ask them both. They nod before I run off, trying to catch up with my other friends.

They didn't notice me, so I decided to sneak up behind them. They were talking, so I snuck up behind them.

"BOO!" I screamed.

Hermione jumped, but Ronald let out a high-pitched squeal. Harry and I started to crack up, and Ronald and Hermione gave us both annoyed looks. Harry suddenly stopped laughing and clutched onto his forehead. I gave Hermione a confused look and she looked at me.

"It's his scar, isn't it?" I ask her. She nods.

"It keeps...burning." Harry explains. I nod at him as he continues to hold his scar.

"It's happened before..." Hermione says, almost like she's asking him.

"Not like this." Harry states.

We start to approach Hagrid's hut, as we do, we see Hagrid sitting in his front garden playing his flute. Underneath him, Fang's starts to fall asleep. Harry glances at him for a while before saying something.

"No..." Harry mumbles under his breath, almost as if he's thinking out loud.

"Harry?" Hermione asks worriedly. Harry doesn't respond. Instead, he runs towards Hagrid. Hermione, Ronald, and I all shoot each other a look before running off after him.

"Don't you think it's a bit odd, that what Hagrid wants more than anything is a dragon? And a stranger turns up who just happens to have one? I mean, how many people wander around with dragon eggs in their pockets?" Harry states. I look at him with wide eyes, surprised he was smart enough to actually figure it out.

"Why didn't I think of that?" I mumble under my breath.


We're now in Hagrid's hut, asking him about the dragon. Harry's theory is clever, very clever. Surprised neither Hermione nor I thought of it, to be honest.

We all look at Hagrid, waiting for an answer to our question. He just shrugs an polishes his flute.

"Never saw his face, kept his hood up." Hagrid responds. I look at Harry with wide eyes and he nods. We both remember the hooded figure in the creature.

"Didn't that strike you as...unusual?" Harry asks Hagrid. He shrugs.

"Yeh meet a lot of unusual types in the village. Ain't exactly usual myself." Hagrid says, chuckling at his own joke. Harry brushes this off and continues.

"This stranger, though. You and he must've talked..." Harry starts before Hagrid interrupts.

"He asked what I did, the sorta creatures I look after. Tol' him after Fluffy a dragon would be easy." Hagrid explains. I make a shocked expression. He told Voldemort about Fluffy?

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