Chapter Fifty Five

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 This chapter is where it all begins, and I don't think any of you are mentally prepared for any of this, including me.

Daphne and I woke up earlier than usual, putting on our school uniforms and joining Malfoy and Blaise for breakfast. 

It seemed we weren't the only ones who had the idea of going down early. We saw many people already at their house tables enjoying breakfast, staring at the Goblet of Fire, which had been set in the center of the room, in awe. 

"I wonder if anyone's put their name in yet." Daphne says as we all sit down at the Slytherin table.

"All of the ones from Durmstrang have." A sixth year a few spots down tells us, and we all turn towards him. "I assume that's why they came in the first place. All of them enter and they see who the most worthy is." 

He shrugs and goes back to eating his toast and we all face each other once more. I turn towards the Great Hall entrance and see Hermione, Harry, and Ronald walking in, and I stand up from the table.

"I'm going to say hello to Harry, Hermione, and Ronald. I'll be back." I tell them. I see Malfoy nod, but Daphne and Blaise were to engaged in a conversation to notice, so I shrug and walk over towards my Gryffindor friends who had just taken a seat. I sit down next to Hermione and across from Ronald, who sat down next to Harry. 

"Oh, good morning, Lila." Hermione greets with a small smile. 

"Good morning to all of you." I nod. 

"Good morning." Harry responds.

"Morning." Ronald adds and turns towards a third year girl eagerly. "Anyone put their name in yet?" 

"All the Durmstrang lot." She replies. "But I haven't seen anyone from Hogwarts yet." 

"Bet some of them put it in last night after we'd all gone to bed. I would've if it had been me... wouldn't have wanted everyone watching. What if the goblet just gobbed you right back out again?" Harry asks with a small shrug.

We then heard a laugh and I look up and see Lee, Fred, and George behind Harry, all looking extremely excited. 

"Done it." Fred says triumphantly to us. "Just taken it."

"What?" Ronald asks. 

"The Aging Potion, dung brain." Fred rolls his eyes, but still had a grin on his face. 

"One drop each." George tells us, rubbing his hands together. "We only need to be a few months older." 

"We're going to split the thousand Galleons between the three of us if one of us wins." Lee states. 

"I don't think it'll work." I say warningly, taking a bite of my eggs in front of me. 

"Why's that?" George asks sarcastically, smirking.

"Dumbledore would've thought of an Aging Potion." I shrug.

"Lila's right. Dumbledore isn't easy to fool, and I doubt three sixteen year old boys will outsmart Dumbledore with a simple Aging Potion." Hermione scoffs, but the three boys ignore her.

"Ready?" Fred asks, quivering from excitement. "C'mon then, I'll go first..."

He pulled a slip of paper out from his pocket, walking towards the age line with every eye in the Great Hall on him. 

Hesitantly, he steps over the age line, pausing for a moment to see if anything would happen. And when nothing does, he grins, and George follows his lead, both of them getting ready to drop their names in the goblet.

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