Chapter Fifty Seven

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The Fivewizard Champions

The five champions that have been entered into the Triwizard, or Fivewizard Tournament, as one Slytherin student at Hogwarts calls it, were interviewed by famous Rita Skeeter. 
(Picture below includes Viktor Krum, Durmstrang champion, on the left. Cedric Diggory, Hogwarts champion, center, Harry Potter, another Hogwarts champion, on the right. Fleur Delacour, Beauxbatons champion, on the bottom left, and Lila Knight, Hogwarts champion, bottom right.)

"I entered the tournament as a simple joke, not really expecting to get in. How I entered my name at the mere age of thirteen, I won't reveal." Lila Knight says in an interview. 
"My hair is a birth defect. I've had it since I was born and I hate it, but love the attention I get from it."
"I take much pride in being top of my year. I definitely think I will win the tournament, my brains a major factor in succeeding, I'd like to believe."
"If I win, I'd use the money to start my own business. A business for clothes, or a salon, perhaps."
"Yes, me and Harry, my boyfriend, did enter the tournament together. I love him very much, and knowing we can go through this together rids me of the nervous feeling and will not dare compete to the minor trauma that may come our way."
"I am French, yes. My parents truly did consider sending me to Beauxbatons, but decided against it."
"I am a Seer. I did use my powers to enter Harry and myself in the tournament, however I won't say anymore." 
"I do not know what the first task is, nor do I know the rest, but I am almost one hundred percent certain I will do the best at all of them."
"I do play Quidditch, I'm the best Chaser on my team. I'm a Slytherin, of course. I couldn't imagine myself in any other house. Everyone there loves me."

(Picture below features a picture of Harry Potter and Lila Knight, beloved Hogwarts couple, and below that is a picture of Lila Knight.)

That is what Rita Skeeter wrote in the Daily Prophet about me. 

It's all false except for the fact I'm a Chaser and a Slytherin, but she twisted everything I said. And the picture she used for me and Harry, that was just a cropped photo of all of the champions together. 

Now the whole school thinks Harry and I are dating, that I entered the tournament on my own accord, that my hair is a birth defect, that I didn't mention Hermione's name for being top of our year as well, that I would use the money for myself and not give it to Fred and George like I said, that I'm French, which I'm not, that I used my Seer abilities to enter the tournament even though that's not how it works, and that I think I'm the best Chaser on my team.

Well, I am, but I'd never say that out loud to anyone.

The only people who believed me were Hermione, Luna, Neville, Daphne, Blaise, and Fred and George, but only because I promised them I'd give them all the money if I did win. 

But Ronald thinks that everything is true, and it only added to his fury. It's very infuriating and the fact that I got over the argument a while ago and just want to talk to him is the worst part. 


Hermione, Harry, and I walked down the streets of Hogsmeade together, although Harry was under the Invisibility Cloak. This was the Hogsmeade trip before the first task, and it was exactly what I needed to get my mind off the nerves of the first task.

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