Chapter Sixty One

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You guys might hate me for this chapter, or you might love me, nonetheless it is very necessary.

Today was Christmas Day, the day of the Yule Ball. 

I had woken up by Daphne, who was shaking me awake violently, and we opened presents together. 

I had gotten cat food from Blaise for Athena, the book Romeo and Juliet from Hermione, a book called Seers and Their Different Capabilities from Ronald, a bunch of Treacle Tarts from Harry, fireworks from Fred and George, a cage for Mr. Darcy from Neville, more crystals that are said to be calming and bring good luck from Luna, and Quidditch Through the Ages from Ginny. 

Mrs. Weasley had sent a knitted sweater, like she does every year, this one a dark green and a silver "L" on the front. Remus had gotten me a poster for the Holyhead Harpies. Sirius had gotten me a Revealer, a small, pink eraser that you can use to reveal invisible ink. 

Mother and Father had gotten me a dress for the Yule Ball tonight, along with a pair of heels, accessories, makeup, and hair clips. Daphne almost exploded right then and there.

And Daphne; she had gotten me a charm, seeing the one I got from Harry, deciding to get one herself. It was a silver infinite sign, saying that it symbolizes our friendship and how it's infinite, just like the charm. 

I had put the poster Remus got for me on my wall straight away, all of the books I received going in my bookshelf next to my bed, Mr. Darcy going in his new cage and the crystals from Luna on my bedtable. 

I got Blaise a Remembrall since he kept forgetting what classes he had next. I got Hermione a book on house elves and gave her a few Sickles to get more stuff for S.P.E.W. I got Ronald a bunch of Chocolate Frogs, since he collects them. 

I got Harry a book on spells and how to cast them. I got Fred and George some pranking supplies from Zonko's, Neville a book on plants, Luna a handmade necklace, and Ginny a poster that has all of the best female Quidditch players of the century. I got Daphne this new blouse she kept staring at when we went to Hogsmeade. 

I didn't know Remus or Sirius were going to get me anything, so I didn't give them anything. 

After spending some of the day in the Slytherin common room playing Exploding Snaps with Blaise, Daphne, Malfoy, and our unexpected visitor, Athena, I went outside and met up with Ronald and Harry, all of us having a snowball fight, Hermione watching. 

Then when it was five o'clock, we both decided to go inside, to which Ronald made a comment about us needing three hours to get ready and asking who we're going with. 

I walked arm in arm to the castle with Hermione, parting ways so we could go and get ready for the ball. 

I went down to the dungeons and said the password, entering and running up the the girls' dormitory, where Daphne, Pansy, and Astoria were already getting ready.

"Tori?" I ask, making her turn around and grin at me. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm going to the ball!" She exclaims happily. "With Theodore Nott!" 

"Theodore Nott?" I ask her, and she nods as I enter the room, taking a seat on the bed. "I thought you fancied Malfoy?"

"I'm going with Draco." Pansy spoke up from where she was undressing herself. "He asked me a few days ago, so I told Theodore no and he asked Astoria."

"I'm fine with it, really." Astoria beams. "I get to go to the Yule Ball!" 

She claps excitedly and starts to get ready as well, making me laugh to myself and shake my head, getting up to get ready. 

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